What is your opinion on furries?

Hey I’m a furry and just wanted to know how others feel about furries because I think that’s interesting. I myself deeply cringe at fursuits even tho I’m a furry.

Love them 5
Don’t really know/care. 28
I am one 7
I HATE them and they all deserve to die. 11
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Comments ( 75 )
  • dirtybirdy

    Theres a show called 1000 ways to die...some idiot very high on some shit wanders into a furry party... sees a real life bear and tries to fuck it. Needless to say, his demise was gruesome

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    • Inkmaster

      That show was so freaking dumb.

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    • Ditnyte

      Why was there a real life bear? That just seems dangerous for everyone lol

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      • dirtybirdy

        The bear wasnt "supposed to be there" but these fuckwhits were in its natural territory having a stupid good time, so said bear happens to be there.....end of story

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  • COVID-19

    You bastards are the reason I exist.

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    • McSorley


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  • my_life_my_way

    People can do whatever they want. If they want to be furries, who gives a shit?

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  • ellnell

    I think anyone in a fursuit is creepy and I think furries are mentally stunted but that's their problem really not mine so I can't say I care as long as they don't come near me.

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    • MaxineFinnFoxen

      *scoots closer to you on the bench*


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  • Ah, of course, this post gets a lot of comments.

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    • litelander8

      “Most popular all week”

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  • Tommythecaty

    It’s Lola bunny’s fault I swear. But anyway, each to their own I guess.

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  • BleedingPain

    Fuck ‘em, if you know what I mean ;)

    Jk. One of my furry friends is a tinge autistic, but cute as a button when not hoeing around in his fur suit.

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  • jethro

    I don't really get the attraction, but hey that's your cup of tea and business. However, if I ever hook up with a furry, I'll just play like I'm a hunter and skin it.

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    • leggs91200

      Are you going to walk around in an Elmer Fudd costume too?

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      • jethro

        No because I wouldn't be hunting wabbits.

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        • leggs91200

          What if it looked like Bug Bunny when he dresses as a chick?

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  • Sanara

    I just see it as a hobby (that I don't practice), they can dress in a fursuit if they want to. Most of them just look like big teddy bears

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  • MaxineFinnFoxen

    I'm definitely not a furry and definitely am not being bias. Furries are awesome.

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  • sm28

    ok so before i start , sorry for my bad english

    none of the choises you gave sadly describe my oppinion about the furries , but here are my thoughts for you .
    now first of all , a really important thing to remember here , is that most people who hate furries , or me at least , don't have furries just because they are furries aka just becasue they like Anthropromorphic animals , in fact , i am not a furry but really apreciate that idea , i think it's really cute and has alot of potential , i mean the most iconic cartoon charachters are Anthropromorphic animals "mikey mouse , bugs buney etc... " . what's the problem then you may ask . well this is where the problem comes in , despite how much potential this concept has , furries do not make looneytoon or disney like content , and by that , i mean that they don't even try or want to , instead , this idea has be exploited to create some of the most discusting , groteske and filthy porn that i have ever seen , you don't even need to look for it inorder to find it when searching furries , someone might argue that the furesuits and all show some creativity in the community , well in the best case senario , the people who create the fursuits are being creative , but not the ones who wear them , the online artists might be really skillfull but i rarely see any creative work from them exept for a few , and sorry , decending deeper into a never ending rabithole of egore isn't creative , pronography is just easy and destructive for the ones who consume it , and sadly it is now a huge part of the identity of furries . it actually makes me sad to see such a greate consep being polluted by perverts with there filty desires and toxic shitty propaganda and political and sotiologican agendas , and the worst part is that this concept has now been apropreated by these individuals making it impossible to be saved. so this is my oppinion in short , anthropromorphic animals ? , good ! furries ? bad

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    • MaxineFinnFoxen

      What filthy desires are you referring to buddy?

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    I dont care but it seems like putting a bag over a girls head. If the girl is hot why would you want to cover her up? If shes hot I want to see her. If shes ugly then maybe do the furry thing but even then i wouldnt wanna.

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    • litelander8

      Maybe you could fuck her first. Decide how it was, then pull the bag off!

      Maybe that’s the point!

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  • SmokeEverything

    My ex's friend was a furry, he kinda sucked but that was his own fault. Couldnt bring him anywhere withouth wearing a tail and he'd basically turn the (obvious inevitable) people asking why he's wearing a tail to go on some tirade about how nobody accepts people like him.

    Last I heard he developed schizophrenia and was actually living as somebodys dog.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      What sort of person knows someone suffering from schizophrenia and thinks “I’ll make that guy my dog”?

      Does he drag him round on a lead in public? Is he neutered?

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      • SmokeEverything

        I think he was just living in some dudes room sharing his food or something and walking around like a dog. Strange fellow.

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      • Ditnyte

        Unrelated to me being a furry but being someone’s dog sounds hot ngl. Not the neutering part tho

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        • SkullsNRoses

          In the book of The Shinning some old millionaire has a gay lover who dresses as his dog full time and crawls around on all fours.

          Also I forgot which king it was but one of them had a male lover who would sign his letters from “your beloved friend and dog”.

          Maybe that guy was your distant relative?

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I like them. I love the costumes, I think they're fun to see. They bring just a little bit of colour and magic into a dismal world. I do think it's a bit weird for some of them to find it sexual, but then who cares. As long as it's consensual it's fine. It's better for society to have happy furry couples than miserable single people who feel like there's something missing in their life.

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    • Ditnyte

      Personally I don’t like fur suits that much, but you do you. I just do all my furry stuff online

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      • JellyBeanBandit

        Ok cool, I love all the (non-sexual) furry art online too anyway.

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  • Inkmaster

    I still don't actually know what a furry is, so I don't have an opinion. Like seriously, could someone please explain it to me?

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    • Ditnyte

      It can be difficult to explain but furries are group of people who really like anthropomorphic animals, most have a fursona character of them as said animal, and some own a fursuit costume to dress up like that and go to conventions. It can also be a sex thing

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      • Inkmaster

        So, like, would anyone who likes Looney Tunes or a movie like Zootopia be a furry then?

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        • Ditnyte

          Hmmm, not really. Again it’s kinda hard to explain but it’s more about really liking those types of anthropomorphic animal designs. So kinda maybe?

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    • Unless this is your first time on the internet, then I don't understand how you couldn't know what a Furry is.

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      • Inkmaster

        I've been on the internet for over 12 years. I still don't get it. At first I thought that a furry was an anthropomorphic animal character, but then people started using the term to refer to people, so I don't really know.

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        • That's... Actually fair.

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  • Mammal-lover

    Furry fandom was invented by zoophiles so I find it hilarious that furries these days hate zoophiles. Like bro you wouldnt even have your uh hobby? If it easnt for them so I honestly I think they are a bunch of idiots for that reason alone. But do what you want

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    • JellyBeanBandit

      Really? I've never heard anything of zoophiles creating it, I've always heard it was only ever to do with fantasy anthropomorphic animals. I don't know too much about the fandom admittedly though.

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      • Mammal-lover

        From my conversations with older zoos yea, before there was all the internet and junk food had a breakfast thing, the zeta and basically snail mail. So they decided fursuits and all that shit would be a great way to incognito meet up. It worked bug it worked to well. These are accounts from those much older than me and from what I otherwise know and my own personal opinions I beilive them

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        • JellyBeanBandit

          Interesting. I'm not sure I believe them though tbh. It doesn't make much sense for zoophiles to dress up as animals since that would make them extremely conspicuous and practically announce the fact that they're zoophiles (like if a pedophile ring dressed up as babies). Surely they'd want to hide that fact. It'd make much more sense for them to just wear masks or something. I think they might just be trying to steal some of the acceptance that furries have gotten tbh, like NAMBLA have tried to do with homosexuality.

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          • Mammal-lover

            But it does make sense in a way. Hiding in plain sight is very effective. I mean we see furries and we think weirdos in mascot outfits wich is probably what they were going for. So to the naked eye it's just a bunch of weirdos rather than a well a bunch of weirdos. I guess either way we arec2 young to know 100% but from what o hear it's a major problem in the furry kingdom wich does back up my opinion on the matter. Idk at least we can agree furries are freaking weird

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            • JellyBeanBandit

              Yeah unfortunately even though the furry fandom isn't that old, it's still old enough and the history is so obscure and undocumented, that we'll probably never know definitively the exact origins of it. I doubt zoophiles had much to do with the origins of it though.

              I don't think furries are that weird, at least not in a bad way anyway. I can appreciate the (good, non-sexual) furry art, and dressing up in a fursuit isn't much different to cosplaying really.

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      • Ditnyte

        Yeah I thought the same thing, it’s kind transcended zoophile bs

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    • Ditnyte

      May have been invented by them but if it wasn’t them, probably would have been created eventually by someone who isn’t a zoophile

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      • Mammal-lover

        That's possible but it was specifically invented as a means for them to be able to get together via stealth. At the end of the day it's a zoo event. And it's hilarious that the group is so hypocritical on itself.

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        • Ditnyte

          I don’t think it’s that hypocritical for furries who aren’t zoophiles to dislike zoophiles, considering they didn’t become a part of the fandom for that

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          • Mammal-lover

            In those regards no but they act as if zoos trespass into there territory when in fact they are the trespassers

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            • Ditnyte

              Can it really be considered trespassing if a majority of furs aren’t zoos, considering they have taken over

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    id like a costume to fuck with the dogs head cause itd be hilarious

    otherwise i dont really care about it and dont think about it

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  • --

    I think they are a bit weird, but Ill take em or leave em.

    If there was a hot chick under the bunny costume I would root it, no problem, I would rather just rip the bunny costume off, but sometimes you need to give a little to have happy happy, joy joy time

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    • Ditnyte

      Dude don’t rip it off fursuits can be expensive as hell, just take it off normally smh

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  • LloydAsher

    Any hardcore furry should be neutered. By hardcore I mean if they sincerely belive they are a furry or whatever subspecies that isnt technically a furry.

    If they are into it due to being a fetish thing it's like every other weird fetish.

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    • Ditnyte

      Well I sincerely believe I’m a furry, but I don’t believe I’m an animal or anything lol. Also isnt always a fetish thing some just like anthro

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  • Nikclaire

    I mean why?? I'm a comic fan, if you derive happiness from dressing up then ok I guess. Just know most people dont understand it.

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    • Ditnyte

      Tbh I don’t even enjoy dressing up as them

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      • Nikclaire

        Then what is the question??

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        • Ditnyte

          I just wanted to know opinions/thoughts on furries

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          • Mammal-lover

            Now days they are childish idiots

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            • Ditnyte

              I want to disagree but ur right

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  • McSorley

    Well, as the old saying goes, if you can't say anything nice then blah blah blah...so I'm just going to keep my mouth shut.

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    • Ditnyte

      Nah man I wanna know what you have to say

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      • McSorley

        You really don't, brother.

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        • Ditnyte

          Well now I really do

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  • Clunk42

    If the Catholic church doesn't care about furries, no one should.

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    • leggs91200

      May I ask -
      What the hell does the Catholic church have to do with furries?

      That just seems to make as much sense as asking a politician what his opinion of a retarded kid's booger collection is.

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      • Clunk42

        I'm mostly referring to the sexual ones. The church cares even less about the non-sexual ones.

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        • leggs91200

          OH damn, yeah, I get it now.

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  • RoseIsabella

    It's certainly not my cup of tea.

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