What is this dilemma called? a strange win-win phenomenon

There is this phenomenon where each party thinks he is getting the better of the other. I would like to illustrate it with a “Suicide by Cop” phenomenon. The cop is happy he shot the crazed gunman. The crazed gunman is happy the cop helped him accomplish his suicide. Each party is happy he got the better of the other. A strange WIN WIN situation
Another illustration.
The phenomenon is now quite common in Nigeria. The guy thinks she has got the lady to talk to him while the lady feels pleased that the guy is coming unto her lure. As the situation escalates, each party is excited that he/she has got the other more committed. This goes on to the extent of the lady becoming pregnant. The guy feels “Wow!!! She is now fully committed to me!!! And the girl feels “This guy is in my trap. He takes care of me and my baby/babies”. In this case, the guy may be a married man.
Does this phenomenon have a name? Does it have a name in English language, psychiatry or psychology?

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Comments ( 4 )
  • leggs91200

    Perhaps "mutualism" but given the depth of what you describe, there may be a different word.

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    • Adegbola

      Thanks. This seems like mutualism with a sinister undercurrent.

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  • litelander8


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  • RoseIsabella

    Suicide by cop is NOT a win win situation! The suicidal person has chosen a permanent solution to a temporary problem, and the police officer has to live with the fact that he, or she has been forced into killing someone who was mentally ill. Suicide by cop is a cowardly, and selfish thing to do, because the suicidal person is forcing another person to kill them, by threatening them with violence, and forcing the officer to defend him, or herself.

    It's not a cool thing to do!

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