What is the best reaction to have to a woman that is staring at my ass

I am a guy that wears fitted jeans and I do get women that stare and stare and stare at my ass. Many of the women are extremely obvious about it and don't hide it. One woman went as far as looking into my eyes and give me a biting her lip look with her eyes wide open, another couple of women actually had this really loud conversation about my ass right behind me.

What is the best reaction to have when women do this? Should I just talk to them normally or make some flirty comment? If you think I should make some flirty comment then can you please give me some examples?

Please be nice as this is an honest and true question. I have not made it up. I am looking for honest and helpful answers only! Thanks.

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Comments ( 46 )
  • bubsy

    If you find the girl attractive, here's what you have to say: "Hi."

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    • hammyhopper

      Yep, the lighter, the kinder, the more genuine the better!!

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  • hammyhopper

    For me, be nice and genuine. I hate complements about anything other than my hair or something like 'you look very pretty' or something. Oh and... don't do that 'bodyscan' thing where you look them up and down... I become incredibly self conscious and once actually cried after someone did that to me(Not in front of them though... but \I was very close and ended up making a weird squeaky sound... so embarrassing ahah) . Unless they seem very body confident and actually complimented your butt, then I would say don't take the risk and compliment anything too personal XD If you're the type of person who likes a coffee, offer them one, or if it's the evening, offer them a drink, but say it lightly... good luck =) x

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    • Don't worry I am not the type of person to compliment parts of bodies. I understand about how words matter a lot to most women and use the term pretty a lot myself. Yeah, I am not the kind of person that openly compliments anything too personal on a woman as I know all about some women being hypocrites that do it to men and don't like it when it is done back to them. Thank you for being nice and offering me luck. :)

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      • hammyhopper

        No problem! The fact that you're asking shows you're a nice guy, I'm sure you'll find someone in no time XD

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        • JonathanOo

          I agree:) Stay classy, don't beat yourself up over the numbsculls

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          • hammyhopper

            Jonathan Yuuup!!

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        • Thank you. If you don't mind me asking are you a woman or a man?

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          • hammyhopper

            If you're asking me: woman =)

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            • Yeah, I was asking you. :) You seem like a nice woman. Sadly, good women that are not sexist and treat men well are very rare to find these days. No offence meant but when I do find a nice woman it gives me hope that maybe I shouldn't give up in the dating world. I am a man. :)

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  • ojimpu

    I accidentally put ask in flex, my bad.

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  • ojimpu

    Turn around and wink at them! Maybe even ask flex at them, it's sure to give them a laugh!

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    • Thanks for your answer. What is ask flex?

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  • Women are the master of farts! Have you heard most women's farts, o my gosh they are super wet, extreemly long and loud and reek so bad and most women do that so often as well. Lol I don't care though. Us men are such lame and weak farters compared to you women. 😀😀

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  • BlackCatsAreAwesome

    Just rip a loud one.

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    • Women are the masters of loud farts, have you heard the voulume most women can fart at!

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      • BlackCatsAreAwesome

        LOL no they are usually discrete but extremely stinky. The more silent a fart is the more deadly it is as well.

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        • Hmmm... I am not sure if slient ones are more deadly I know of some women that do loud farts that everyone in the world could hear just about in public. These women even lean to one side in public and lift a butt cheek and it reeks so flippen bad! So their farts in public are these 3 things combined.

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  • hammyhopper

    Don't worry 'bout dem haters tho, wear the hell out of those butt-tight jeans. And be confident, but don't come across as full of yourself =)

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    • Thanks mate. :) Don't worry I don't come across full of myself. The ignorant thing about that person is they think fashion is the same across the world. Lol.

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  • hammyhopper

    Oh, and also... if you want to see them again, say something along the lines of "So are you in town much?" or "I should get you the mocha next time" Don't do that handing over your number or asking for hers....(This is all in my opinion aha)

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    • I have always been uncomfortable just giving women my number so fast but like you mentioned saying something like that might work. LOL.

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  • sipe3

    Dude just enjoy it. if they look, smack your ass at them. They are probably having a nice time looking at that :) might as well go with the flow i guess

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    • Lol, what just smack my ass right in front of them if they are looking? :)

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      • Curtickle

        Yeah dude I do it all the time how I met my wife;)

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        • What, then laugh or talk to her when she laughs?

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          • Curtickle

            Hopefully she repays the favor

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            • Let's hope so. I mean a lot of guys think women are innocent creatures with clean thinking minds but women are anything but that and at times can be worse than men lol.

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  • wigz

    People, but men in particular, are pretty bad at interpreting 'signs'. You're taking a lot of meaningless stuff and in your mind warping it into interest in you. Even worse, you're probably taking outright jokes as serious talk. Staring doesn't mean lust either, people stare at funny, weird, trainwrecks, bad fashion (butt-tight pants on men are not exactly fasionable, btw) and hideous stuff too.

    Is some of it genuine? Maybe. But get a grip, most of it is not. Most of what you're seeing isn't directed at you, is a joke or is just somebody being playful or nice but has no real interest in you personally. Relax, this doesn't just apply to you, it happens to most people.

    What to do? Well...if you are attracted to the girl you think is eyeing you then say hello and treat them like any normal human being. I would AVOID mentioning them giving you signals or looking at your butt because they probably weren't and that comes off as creepy either way. Trust me, every single time a guy has mentioned me 'checking him out' or flirting, he was dead wrong and him just saying that felt gross. Really gross. It's Creeper 101 shit.

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    • A lot of men are bad at reading signs but women to be honest are just as bad. I on the other hand am super good at reading them and I have had that proven many times. Women have even told me how good I am. You were not even there to see what the women have done so you can't say it was meaning less because it actually wasn't. I don't take outright jokes as serious talk. I never said staring becomes lust but for some of women it actually has and like I said you were not there.

      Tight jeans on men are not hideous as it depends on what country you live in. Hideous in America sure, but have you seen what men wear in Europe and some other countries. Women hate those super baggy jeans that don't even sit on a man's ass at all, a lot of men think women love them but they really hate them.

      There is no need for me to get a grip because I already have one thank you very much. I don't go around thinking about it all the time and am not out of control like you seem to think I am and you would not know how much of it is genuine and how much is directed at me how since you are not here to see it. I never said other men don't get attention from women.

      Well to be honest making jokes as never been in my style. I have always been the one to just say "Hi." They were looking at my butt because like I said I am way better than most guys at knowing about this kind of stuff. Even women have been amazed how good I am at knowing. Well then if you are going to argue about creepy then women should keep their eyes to a man's face. Women CAN'T have it both ways!

      Like I SAID I don't make stupid jokes I am just a person that talks normally and says hi.

      Next time you my question get it RIGHT before you answer.

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      • wigz

        I did say that it's a people problem that affects most of us. Not sure what you're saying there.

        I read your question and I believe you that you believe that you are getting lustfully gawked at but are also in serious denial. See my first paragraph though. We are terribly flawed at discerning the truth.

        See your own words "Tight jeans on men are not hideous as it depends on what country you live in. Hideous in America sure". OK, but if a woman is just lusting on you (according to you) but you haven't spoken to her, how do you know she is not American? Or from any other area that finds butt-tight pants ridiculous? It's clearly a hole in your logic.

        If you truly believe that you are wetting panties then why even ask? Just go for it. If these women are already primed and soaking wet just waiting for you to approach then it doesn't matter much what you say, right? If you are SO sure and it's been confirmed that you're SO good at this then why are you asking us peons how to merely approach a woman?

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