What is it like to travel abroad?

I only went to 2 different states than mine ( I live in the south and I went one up north and the other west coast )

I don't like to leave my town I only went because I had to. Why do people live to travel I don't know

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Rocketrain

    Excitement and experience

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    It depends on where you go. Europe has so much art and history, but there’s a lot of snobbery. I understand that the Italians can’t wait for American tourists to go back. Mexico is nice because of the favorable exchange rate you can live like the rich, but be real careful what you eat. We spent Memorial Day weekend down there and we all got sick.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Its cool to see the world. Id only want to gk somewhere that had hookers and cocaine like a party city. Parts of Florida can be really fun. Amsterdam seems cool as well. I wanna visit a first world country that has little government control and you can do what you want without lookin over ur shoulder

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  • Grunewald

    *To escape boredom and dissatisfaction with what you've got, for a week or so.

    *To put the rest of your life on hold while you take time to relax and refuel in a place that has nothing to do with any of your life's normal obligations, and where you have an excuse to be incognito.

    *Because there's something in that place that you're fascinated by, and you want to see it with your own eyes.

    *Because different places have different people, with different characters, attitudes and ways of living. Take Sicilians vs. Parisians, for example. It's refreshing exploring different ways of existing.

    *Because European backpacker types are usually really friendly, interesting people who are full of talents and stories, and hostels in Europe can occasionally be quaint and homey with their communal kitchens and sitting areas.

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