What is best thing for strained rib/painful breathing?

This is not really an is it normal question, I'm just asking advice. I pulled something in my rib on Friday, but it wasn't that bad then, it only hurt when I took a deep breath. Saturday, it was a bit worse, it hurt when I took a deep and somewhat deep breaths, and there became a few more sitting or lying positions which aggravated the pain. Now this morning, when I breathe any way except shallowly, the pain in my rib really is intense now, like a very sharp knife cutting into my rib, and taking deep breaths are now impossible, the sharp knife pain won't allow me to take anything beyond a moderate breath. And there are very limited positions I can sit or lie in now. I'm pretty sure that the reason the pain keeps getting worse is because I keep trying to take deeper breaths, which I'm sure is continuing to rip the tear in my rib muscles further. The thing is, I have to do deep breathing excersises. I have read on numerous different web sites that if you don't do deep breathing excersises and you continuously breathe shallow, you will get pneumonia. It can't be wrong if that many different sites are all saying the same thing. I am seemingly stuck between a rock and a hard place between further damaging my ribs or pneumonia. Any other suggestions I would appreciate.

Oh, and I can't afford to go to the doctor, I'm broke. And even if I can get them to bill me, which some doctors offices won't do, I won't have money for any medications they prescribe me, like pain killers or anti-flammatories, which I will need. Any suggestions?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • lonewolf1253

    Just for future reference, if you had damaged your lung, you would have known it. I was a medic in the Army so believe me, you would have known if a rib had punctured your lung. Rib injuries are very painful. I broke two ribs and still went to work but it was hell. I lived on large doses of Ibuprofen since I don't like narcotics and I am a machinist. Generally takes up to two months to be pain free. Just have to take it easy and tough it out.

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  • Babygirl2382

    ASSUMING this isn't a medical emergency (GO SEE A DOCTOR ANYWAYS TO MAKE SURE) like a collapsed lung or something and you did just pull a muscle: This used to happen to me a lot a couple years ago and now only happens once in a while it would only stop after I took a really deep breath and it like "popped" kind of and then it would be semi okay for a while. It hurt so fucking bad though. And it was like each breath had to keep getting shorter and shorter if I took a deep breath.

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    • I've been to the doctor, it's not a collapsed lung, it's a strained intercoastal muscle with a slight rib fracture. I'm takin it easy and taking anti-inflammatories, my breathing including deep breaths is getting easier and less painful again now. I'm starting to heal up.

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  • rayb12

    You have to look into any programs you can that will give you aid. Possibly something like a welfare program. Additionally you could apply for foodstamps if you haven't already or downgrade your phone, or do whatever you can to save.

    This is an investment that will cost more down the road if you don't take care of it.

    You can always ask your doctor if there are cheaper alternative medications which there often are.

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    • I'm applying for disability. They said before that it can be a long wait though, but that was before this new rib injury, you think having this can greatly reduce the waiting time for disability?

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    • rayb12

      Don't be an idiot man. This is your body, it is all you got.

      The internet trolls on this site are no one for you to put something so valuable in the hands of.

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