What exactly am i describing here? does anyone else do this?

I often find myself feeling a certain way. I don't know exactly how to describe it, but I just feel so deep in thought, but not like day dreaming, like a venture into an unknown plain of thought. It's like I'm on a new train of thought.

That train of thought being about things I can't picture *anyone* else even considering.

It's thoughts that I can barely describe. It's like I'm out of my oit being. Not dissociation, something different. I *just* *can't* describe these thoughts. They typically have to do with what the world is *really* about, and how all of these people concern themselves with made-up matters just to console themselves from the thought of death. Matters like: Who will be the next president, I want to move to another place, I want a boy/girlfriend, I want to get married, I want to loose weight, I wan to gain weight, what is considered normal? Etc, etc.

My point is that none of of that /really/ matters. Even if it's so serious, it's all just to keep us from the thought of what scares us.

These are my thoughts. Does anyone else have these? I could barely describe what this is like and what I think of, but it's difficult, and I have only scratched the surface.

I do this & this is normal 4
I do this & this is not normal 2
I don't do this & this is normal 1
I don't do this & this is not normal 0
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Comments ( 4 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    I use to eat shrooms and go outside and lay on my back and just go into a trance and think about shit. It helped me see the other side of things and understand the world better. But sadly i lose all of those "secrets" when i wake up the next day.

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  • olderdude-xx

    I also get into deep thoughts in a similar way about life and the world.

    While it may seem that none of the questions you are currently thinking about matter much at this time... (although who you should marry and what is normal are serious issues) the thought process matters a lot.

    The best philosophical works all came from similar thinkers.

    Some of the best technology breakthroughs also came from similar thinkers.

    I highly suggest that you start studying "introduction into philosophy" and various social or technical issues that interest you.

    You have a somewhat rare ability to have that thought process... Develop it and you could literally change the world by helping to solve some of the bigger issues down the road.

    I wish you well with this,

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    • Chap

      [OP] Thank you. You make me feel like what I once thought was a terrible thing I could do, is in fact a good thing. I honestly thought I was going insane; whenever I'd describe such things to people, they wouldn't understand. They'd think I was joking or they'd joke about it. I think this was because I was never in a serious setting when describing this because I never saw this as such a serious problem.

      Thank you so much. I won't forget you,

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      • olderdude-xx

        Your welcome... You have a great talent in you that most people do not have... Please develop it and also develop your people skills as they are very important to be successful.

        A quote from a book I finished the other day concerning a what a manger told a new employee after he was hired: "Most people miss the Blind Fucking Obvious... that regardless of who you are or what you do for a living, your ability to communicate with and build relationships with people will always trump pure technical knowledge in any endeavor. Most people never study effective communication and interpersonal skills, and they have all the evidence to prove that they've never studies these skills."

        The manager recommended that the person get by a copy of Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends & Influence People" To really study it (read it 10 times and get back to him).

        Several years later that employee had become the top sales person in a large multi-national company that had more than 300 other sale people in 11 different international sales offices.

        You don't have to go into sales to benefit from being able to communicate effectively.

        Dale Carnegie's classic, while still valid (and still available in all major languages in the world), has been updated: I now recommend "How to Win Friends & Influence People In The Digital Age" by: Dale Carnegie & Associates.

        I also now recommend "We Need To Talk" by: Phillip Van Hooser (published 2020).

        There are many other books on the ability to communicate; but I view those two as the most effective foundation books.

        Please develop your rare ability to think deeply, and also develop your ability to communicate well... Do that and you will rise to the top of whatever you wish to do.

        Go fourth and be successful...

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