What do you think of people that don't answer the question you asked

To the point you have to say "that is not what I asked you, please answer my question"

Please don't give me personal advice I have not stated what I personally think.

They annoy me like crazy! 22
I don't really think anything about it. 11
It does not annoy me at all. 4
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Comments ( 28 )
  • Holzman_67

    I think people don't have the greatest attention span at times and I meet a lot of good talkers and not a lot of good listeners.
    It can get frustrating but I've learnt to accept it

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  • Justmehere

    Absolutely hate it..Ex wife did it all the time, never answer the question. Also never apologized or took responsibility for anything she did, and, when I'd ask or try to talk to her about it, would say "I'm sorry you feel that way"..But never acknowledge what she did or god forbid say she was sorry.

    The no answer thing was just another way she'd lie to cover up anything and everything. Yet, if I even gave half of a no-answer, I'd get hammered for lying, you this, you that..Now, I'm still so surprised when a woman does give me an actual answer, even if it's not what I want to hear. Is it so hard to just answer a fkn question?

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  • HappyGreenHills

    I would suggest a little more fiber in your diet

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    • I already get a lot thanks. My poos come out easy. LOL.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    It doesn't really bother me. It just makes me think "at least this place still has some life to it." Lol Also I'm pretty guilty of doing that myself on fake posts.

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    • Not just talking about posts online but some people do that in real life also.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        Yeah. I noticed people do that a lot in real life. Most of the people I encounter do it because theyre either afraid of upsetting the other person or they're just self absorbed.

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        • A lot of people get a shock when they meet a German as Germans has a attitude of you say what you mean and get fustraited with people that beat around the bush.

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          • Cuntsiclestick

            I'm not trying to sound racist and I don't think you are, but most of the Germans I knew were always afraid of offending someone especially if the person was female or a minority. I'm not saying they're all this way it's just my experience.

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            • Oh yeah, in German culture there is a difference between saying your opinion, it is considered fine to have your opinion and being strait out rude. From what I have seen in German culture for example say two people were in a clothing shop and one of them did try some jeans on and they asked "Do I look good in these?" well if the person didn't suit the jeans it is not considered rude to say those particular jeans don't suit them and tell them why.

              In other cultures like in the USA and New Zealand as well as England and some other places we would be more like "Oh yeah, they look good" as we pulled another item off the shelf and said "these also look awesome"

              See what I mean the Germans are much more direct and to the point. It is not considered rude. The way they look at it is that if you can't handle an honest answer then you should not have asked the question in the first place.

              However, if you were to say "O my gosh, ewwwwwwww gross, look at how awful the person looks in those" or swear or anything similar when the person asked you if they looked good in the jeans even in German culture you would be considered crude, rude and extremely immature.

              I was just using the jeans thing as an example. Hope it makes sense. German culture tends to be much more to the point and direct and not beating around the bush. However, you can still be considered rude.

              I mean all Germans like anyone from any country are different but this is generally what they tend to be like. Cultural differences.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Where's the option for "it depends"?

    I personally think it depends. I know it feels really awful when you say something to someone and that person doesn't respond, but I also recognize that the person has the right to choose not to respond. If someone says something rude or annoying to you and you don't care to respond then I ain't mad at cha, yanno what I mean?

    I do think that if you're dealing with someone who's constantly ignoring you then it's time to reevaluate the relationship. I'd probably start off asking the person if he or she is hearing impaired, or I like to hope I would. I think it would also be a good idea to try to talk the person privately at a later time and ask the person what was up with the ignoring behavior. However, for a lot of people and even for myself, and for the majority of my life, it's been extremely emotionally painful and awkward to even attempt to confront someone about being ignored in such a manner.

    I personally think the worst of it is when someone you think you're friends with acts normal most of the time, but then that person ignores you when certain other people are around or perhaps even around other people in general. This is probably the most stomach churning, rude and awkward type of outright ignoring behavior. I personally think that the worst thing one can do in this case is to overlook the behavior and hope the person changes. If one feels so inclined then perhaps directly confronting the person would be a good course of action, but if it's uncomfortable to do so then perhaps just cutting ties without any explanation may be in order.

    I think some of the usual trollish types might find my response to be perhaps hypocritical, but I maintain that it depends. I would say it's a case by case basis type of thang.

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  • ojimpu

    Me: Why did you give birth to me?
    Mom: Go to sleep, dear.

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  • TheEyesTheySee

    idunno, you tell me

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  • Actually I do know what I am talking about and as usual I do know what I am talking about. That is exactly what I was saying that Germans are very direct if had even bothered to read it correctly. Next time read what I write not what you want to think.

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  • ronthetech

    I hate those people because everybody knows that you asked them a question bu there are going to just sit there and ignore you like they didnt hear anything. tThat is rude border like ass kicking shit.

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    • I agree. I consider it rude also.

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  • Knightmare

    This is why I can't stand politicians

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  • It is sad. American culture seems to be extremely feminist. Canadian culture is the same. If the roles were reversed men complaining about that would have been told to get over it and laughed at.

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  • wigz

    I may want an answer but I don't have the right to it and I shouldn't make someone uncomfortable by pressing on. Frustrating as it may be, it's not fair to them to badger them into a response. They might feel they have responded adequately anyway, I might be expecting too much. I know it has happened to me where I have given my full response to a question but the other person wanted more more more but there literally was no more. So yeah, just think about it from their perspective.

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    • Yeah. However, there are also situations where you are entitled to a response also. I am sick of the your always doing something wrong answer to everything. That is not the way life works. You can just as easily argue they need to think about it from your perspective as well. Fair is fair.

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      • wigz

        They absolutely should consider your feelings too but you can't control how other people act, only yourself. I mean, what are you going to do about it? Keep bothering them? That's not cool regardless of how entitled you feel to a response.

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        • Yeah, all I am saying is they are also being uncool. Sometimes you do have to keep bothering some people though. Like if they do something really bad.

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          • wigz

            I don't think that attitude is healthy. Sounds like you need to work on letting things go.

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            • It is not my fault. All I am saying is a person can't use that excuse for anything in life and to do anything they want either. Somethings have to be talked about if you want to or not. Your view does not justify letting anyone do anything they want to anyone at anytime. Sometimes super bad actions can't just be swept under the rug. Sounds like you need to work on understanding you can't ignore everything in life either. My point is this argument goes both ways and people should not be told to more or less shut up when a person does something super bad. People do also need to take responsibility for their own actions in life.

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  • Tealights

    It's the internet. Expecting everyone to fit this ideal scenario of answering your question in the most profound way is silly. Everyone is entitled to their opinion whether it relates to the topic or not, it's best to just ignore them and listen to the opinions that speak to you most.

    Not "you," as in the OP, but in general. Anyway, that's how I personally feel about it, I just ignore whoever; but then again I don't ask too many questions on here.

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    • Yeah, I wasn't just referring to on the internet but in real life as well.

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  • Jokinq

    It makes me want to cave their head in with a sledgehammer just like in "3 guys 1 hammer".

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