What do you think happens after we die?

Hope I don’t activate too much of an existential crisis mode in too many people.

I’m really curious to know what your thoughts are on the existence or non-existence of a life after death.

Please leave a comment and be detailed if you feel the thoughts flowing because I will read it all.

Would love to hear any and all thoughts and read through discussions you create. Would love to see healthy debate too with less insult into others beliefs, although if you must insult go ahead and start the cat fight if it’s in your blood.

Personally, my intuition and life experience does have me leaning towards some of the options I’ve provided below but I am very much a fence sitter and am unsure. share why you are more certain about your option or why you aren’t. Thanks! :)

We go to a heaven 8
We reincarnate into something new 9
Nothing,we are gone forever 12
(Non-religious) Our consciousness continues on somewhere 1
Nobody truely Knows for sure, we are lost in the dark void of unlearned knowledge 8
Unsure but I think probably nothing 8
Unsure but I think probably something 6
Other-please comment 4
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Comments ( 20 )
  • RoseIsabella

    I have my beliefs in Heaven, Hell and Purgatory, and atheists have their beliefs that there is nothing. However, I think the one thing that is universally true is what the agnostics believe, because there's no way to prove, or disprove any of it. The only ones who know for sure are the dead, and they aren't talking. At least the dead haven't spoken to me personally.

    I think what happens to us after this life is matter of faith in a personal belief system whatever that belief may be. I'm not especially interested in pushing my beliefs on anyone, and I'm certainly not interested in other people pushing their beliefs on me.

    One thing is for sure, the Higher Power that made the Universe has given all of us free will to believe, and follow whatever belief system we so choose.

    There few things that I find more annoying than some asshole trying to convince me, or anyone else to subscribe to his, or her point of view! Live, and let live!

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  • BlackCandle

    In the same way a plant dies and you don't start thinking whether it goes to heaven or not... We're not as special as we think we are. You die and that's it.

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  • chuy

    Who cares

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  • JustinAnderson

    If you did good deeds in world , you will go to heaven . If you comitted sins ; you will be in Hell .
    ❌ Now if you are a muslim then they all gonna go in HEAVEN after completing there Duration in Hell but all others(atheists, Christians , etc) will forever remain in Hell.
    You know ALLAH is the creator of everything and He is thr sustainer . And His followers will go in Heaven . Thank you

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    • SeekNPlay

      Jesus died for our sins. Every sim we commit is deemed forgivable. So I don’t understand why hell even exist?

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      • JustinAnderson

        Jesus didnt died, Jesus was being taken up by GOD, ALLAH, jesus is still alive . He will come back again on DOOMS day

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    nobody knows and fuckheads capitalize on that tryinta sell the answers

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  • MegaOof

    I think it's like sleeping forever. No dreams
    Like you have no conscious thought or time perceptions

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  • mercownzya

    I’m pretty much a physicalist so I do not think we are anything more than an arrangement of molecules which give rise to consciousness. As our biological bodies decay, we lose consciousness, until one day we actually “die” (brain has rotted or ceased function due to excessive damage).

    Then those atoms and molecules disperse into different forms without consciousness (dust, rotting flesh, etc.).

    I have never sensed a “soul”, which should be impossible anyway if it’s really on a different plane of existence. People just tell me to believe in souls but I want to believe whatever I want to believe. I want evidence. If there is no evidence to conclusively prove that UFOs have landed on earth, I’m not going to just trust random testimonies.

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  • LloydAsher

    I’m Agnostic. I’ve got running percentages of what will happen when I die. If it’s nothing then oh well. If it’s something then that’s when it gets intesting. Wether it’s the matrix or heaven something comes after because if it isn’t anything that not a very creative way of looking at the end.

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  • SeekNPlay

    This is my belief and it isn’t that unreasonable. After we die our body stays dead but our soul continues. Where? WE don’t know because we will not be conscious of it all. Just as we pre existed we had no knowledge, same for death. Heaven and hell may be real but we only our soul will now or not. We(body) stay dead. I think it is impossible for mere humans to see or be in the presence of a god. He is too powerful and flawless. It would seem unnatural.

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  • IrishPotato

    We become spoopy ghosts and haunt little children.

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  • Probably nothingness. My family is religious (Christian). I've read abd heard pretty much all there is to know about Christianity's doctrines and after-life and I'm not convinced. There's a lot of charlatans, crazy and confused people making money off of gullible Christians.

    When you read the Bible objectively you can see the old testament is just the history of the Jews with their created, Jew-centric God sprinkled inbetween. That's why the supposedly loving God lets the Israelites destroy entire Gentile cities, take the woman and the land. Because to the Jews they were "those other sinful people" and could be killed off.

    The new testament was a time when Rome annexed Israel basically and the Jews were looking for a "saviour". A group of people got fixated on hippie Jesus, spread their cult and wrote some letters decades after the events occurred. It really has very little to do with the old testament, which is Judaism.

    Anyway... (went a bit offtopic) there's just too much vagueness around the whole thing. Why is God or the gods so secretive? What's up with this hiding act? It reeks of human creation, when people make shit up and cover up inadequacy with veiled tricks.

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  • SwickDinging

    Nothing happens. I would much prefer something to happen but I can't force myself to believe it will.

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  • brutus

    We become plant food thats what happens.

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  • OptimisticGuy97

    The higher power is there.

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  • OptimisticGuy97

    Our souls live on to something way better. We are here for a reason, anything is possible! Bless your heart and sending positive vibes your way!

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  • barefoot_on_the_sand

    I believe we get to a state of consciousness which is like living in another plane. Then we prepare to reincarnate and this goes on until we are pure spirits.

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  • karmasAbich

    I want reincarnation.
    I believe in heaven
    I also think death would be like sleep

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  • leggs91200

    I think religion is entertainment. I get bored by it but of course there ARE people who go to church and are entertained by this higher power they believe in.

    I believe the reason religions came to be in the first place is because man cannot picture himself not existing. Just imagine yourself, in first person, being dead. Doesn't work.

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