What do you think about my peppa pig conspiracy theory?

You guys probably have already heard about a famous kid cartoon called: Peppa Pig, in Peppa Pig world we have the Mr. & Mrs.Pig, Mr. & Mrs.Rabbit, Mr. & Mrs.Dog, but... why not Mr.Rabbit & Mrs Pig or Mr.Dog & Ms Rabbit, or Mr.Pig & Mrs.Dog, i mean, all the animals in this cartoon have the same body structure, so why they only relate romantically with the same species? Why have no hybrid children in Peppa Pig universe? So there's my theory: Peppa Pig is actually a nazi cartoon created for to teach the kids that they have just should only marry with people of the same'species'(namely: the same race).

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Comments ( 13 )
  • Boojum

    The same rules apply in the Arthur cartoon universe, and it predates Peppa Pig by about a decade.

    I assume your question is not entirely serious. In any case, the producers of both shows would face serious self-created problems if they decided to have different-species pairings, since the offspring would have to be weird hybrids that kids would have problems identifying with.

    Interestingly, the only non-same-species paring in Arthur that I'm aware of is between Nigel and Patrick Ratburn (rat and aardvark).

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    • mauzi

      Wait mr Ratburn is gay now? Holy shit

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      There's a character in it named Emily who's dad is a monkey and her mother is a rabbit(I don't know the parent's names. XD) That one predates that pairing.

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      • Boojum

        Arthur super-fan? šŸ˜Š

        According to the Arthur Wiki (yeah, I know...), you're not the only one who doesn't know the name of Emily's mother and father, since they've never been mentioned.

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        • Cuntsiclestick

          Yeah, I like cartoons a lot especially that one. XD
          That show did creep me out in some ways. Like, there were pet dogs that acted like normal dogs, but yet there were dogs that wore clothes, talked, and had pets of their own. Never made sense to me.

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          • SkullsNRoses

            That always weirded me out as a child, Iā€™m pretty sure they had an anthropomorphised dog walking a regular dog on a lead at one point.

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            • Cuntsiclestick

              Yeah I think they did too. XD

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  • charli.m

    Oh ffs...

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  • Sexualized_Polycheate_Worm

    i think you should send this to the writers of peppa pig so they can stop their fucking racist bullshit. salute

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  • McBean

    A Nazi initiative to subvert children's cartoons sounds plausible.

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  • But they simply can not breed! Humans are the same race, so if they wanted subliminal messaging they would need to use the same race, ie all dogs but the black Labradors have to stay at the back of the bus, golden retrievers live in nicer homes and the greyhound jocks beat up the black Labradors and have them working the corn fields. The sheep dogs all get together and bitch about all the Mexican Hairless Dogs all coming over and taking jobs cause they will work for cheap home brand kibble. The FBD (federal Bureau for dogs) has rottweilers on their FBD list for gang activity and drive by shootings in the mexican hairless dogs neighborhood.

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  • paramore93

    I do not understand.

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  • Clunk42

    I don't think so. Though they may have similar body structures, that does not mean they have similar genitalia, DNA, or chromosome numbers.

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