What are your thoughts on transgenderism?

Recently there has been a lot of discussions about whether it is transphobic to refuse transwomen in women only spaces with the tweets of J K Rowling etc..

I've read that there are countries that are allowing children to transition. I am against that. A child is too young to take this type of decision.

I've also read that an asian guy who identifies as a black american woman is now teaching history in a college. I don't mind people identifying with whatever they want but on the other hand it doesn't mean that because you identify to it that I must consider you as such which makes me think that ciswomen have a right to want spaces where only biological women are permitted.

There is also the case of a white german woman who takes medication and her skin is now black. She looks black indeed but being black is not only a skin colour. There's a story behind it. The same when you're born a woman in a patriarchal society.

Or is it transphobic to think like this?

and yes, Ive been called a terf more than often recently.

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Comments ( 77 )
  • litelander8

    Wtf does “terf” mean??

    It’s ok to have your own opinions. I personally agree with you. But others won’t. Sometimes you need to mind your own business. 🤷🏾‍♀️

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    • DeletThis

      Basically a terf is just an insult that the far left uses towards people (usually women) who don't 100% agree with the validity of others' gender identities.

      For example, now they are even calling lesbians TERFs for not being attracted to a "woman" who has a cock and balls.

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    • TERF -trans-exclusionary radical feminist

      I do not mind man doing whatever they like with their body and I honestly do not care with who you sleep or what you choose to do with your body. But I think that it is not fair that because they feel that they are women then they invade women spaces in sports etc... In my opinion men are just aggressively trying to redefine the word 'woman' to include them and so many women acquiescing is a demonstration of gender hierarchy.

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      • leggs91200

        I am transgender. Most trans women have no interest in playing sports. It doesn't exactly help with our gender identity.
        Besides, who cares about women's sports to begin with?

        Some argue that we do this just to sneak into women's private areas like showers or restrooms.

        Let me say this - the most passable MTF TG have no sexual interest in women. They like men.
        Those of us who are not so passable really hate such spaces because we know we are putting ourselves at risk and saying, "But I identify as a woman" won't help.
        When I have to use a restroom that is not single occupancy, yes I use the women's. I get in and out as quickly and quietly as I can.
        I am not there to get a cheap thrill.

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        • Women care about women's sports.

          I do know that transwomen have their own struggles and I also know that I won't understand those struggles because I am a biological woman. We all should understand that this comprehension should be two way. Historically women have suffered a lot, not because of what we identified to but because of our sex and we cannot and should not rewrite history by changing the definition of what a woman is.

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          • EverythingInALine

            I agree with you that women's sports are important but no one is trying to change the definition of women, I'm not good at explaining stuff that well, you also mentioned jk Rowlings tweets and essay, I am going to leave a link to a video which addresses her essay, they set everything out clearly, they have timestamps if you want to watch specific sections. They have also added all sources possible, even if it doesn't change your mind I would heavily suggest that you watch the video anyway as you might at least learn about some of the arguments people have against this point of view. Anyway here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8KBz6EqtQY If anyone on either side of the argument notices something wrong or badly phrased in this comment please reply so I can either change it or add another comment explaining better. :)

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        • LloydAsher

          Yeah but we seperate womens and men sports for a reason. Being trans doesnt make you the other gender magically. Men are stronger than females. Females are stronger with testasterone but causes infertility. So the stock woman is still weaker than the trans male.

          Either way I want female sports to keep being female. Trans can have their own division plus anyone else who takes drugs.

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          • leggs91200

            I will admit that a MTF TG still would have physical advantages

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  • ellnell

    I think there's few legit trans people and many (especially nowadays) fetishist incels and self hating women.

    Many of the men who decide to troon out nowadays act and dress like an anime girl or a bimbo, obviously just trying to live out their gross idea of a woman or the kind of woman they could never attract so they decide to become her instead then they act like your average misogynistic cis man and trash talks cis women constantly. I knew a man once (a friend of one of my exes) who was "nonbinary" had a separate personality which was a woman and he tried to befriend me with his female personality. All he ever talked about was sex and sexual roleplaying in anime-themed (of course) discord-channels. I shit you not, he never talked about anything else. Such a serious desire to be a woman and totally not just a fetish...

    Many women nowadays only decide to troon out because they have internalized misogny. That is clear because some don't even make any effort to be men they still dress really feminine and wear a lot of makeup but they'll throw a fit if you refer to them as "she". That's clearly nothing but a personal problem with womanhood. Others seem to be women who wants to become the cool fuckboi they couldn't get the attention of in high school and it's funny how they are never interested in being MEN. They always want to act like and look like cute, babyfaced teenage boys no matter their age...

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    • LloydAsher

      I have a traditonal girlfriend who I love to death. Shes happy and excited to be a stay at home mommy. Hell she tears up at baby shoes and stuff. The thing is, I didnt reinforce any stereotypes to her. She just wants to be traditonal, which is great because I'm attracted to traditonal women. They are becoming rarer and rarer. Glad I just got a good catch (she thinks I'm the best catch ever too)

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      • blinkeredharlot

        Lol you said you gave her looks a D-

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        • LloydAsher

          D- Currently. She wants to be thinner and I am giving her the support she needs. I'm reasonably sure that she could be a B+ with proper weight management.

          I'm not a superficial guy when it comes to relationships. She has the heart and personality for me. So some work with her looks is easier than trying to change a hot persons personality and heart.

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      • SomethingChevy

        Same with my wife. She wants to be a stay at home mom. Everything is about her kids.

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  • GaelicPotato

    The Asian guy pretending to be a black American woman is dillusional.

    Children have no fucking clue what they're talking about and shouldn't be allowed any of that shit. The fact they think that now shows how fucked the world is.

    Women only spaces are women only spaces.

    That all being said, I think we should be focusing more on individuality and less about identifying with set groups.

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    • nopurpose

      Fick women and fuck you

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      • GaelicPotato


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  • My opinion is a controversial one. Fuck 'em.

    I keep reminding of myself of the "slippery slope" that was brought up when it comes to the Trans topic and how real it became. They wanted to be free to pretend they're the opposite sex? Ok, we adapted for their benefit so that they can live their fantasy. Did it stop there? Nope. Then they wanted to infringe on the privacy of actual women and you were vilified for daring to not feel comfortable with a man, with a penis, being in private women spaces simply because they said they're a woman.

    Did. It. Fucking. Stop. There? Fucking noooooooope, next they targeted children. Now if you type up "Trans Kid twerking" on Youtube you aren't a degenerate, you're "progressive", so it is any fuckin' wonder why M.A.Ps think they have a foot in the door?

    Now they can take your fucking child away from you if they convince your child they're trans for simply playing with a doll once in a while, they essentially groom children into believing they're trans at ages kids are desperately seeking for validation and easy accessed importance and then have somehow made it a child protection issue if you don't allow that child they've groomed to start fucking with their body with hormone shit.

    So no. Fuck them. By default I consider them a danger to children until they prove otherwise.

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    • I remember when you said by definition you're trans but by action you're not o.o

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      • Erm...I'm gonna assume wrong person because I've never identified as trans.

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        • It was some years ago, I was sure it was you

          Something along the lines of fitting the definitions but not pursuing it

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          • I can only assume it was one of the users that mimmicked my name if it was years ago. There were a few of them, some would make posts and comments claiming to be gay, I never seen the Trans one though. I'd usually just roll with it as it had some comedic value to it. That's the only possible explanation other than you having the wrong person.

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            • Oh

              So you're not like effeminate but masculine? My whole image of you is built on lies lol

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        • LloydAsher

          People call me trans because I'm intersex. It's not the same thing. Hell people who are intersex are even less likely to be trans than the normal pop.

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    • SomethingChevy

      I do agree when it comes to our kids I dont support that at all. Ive seen that shit too.other than that idc

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      • LloydAsher

        Boys play dress up and play with female toys too. They eventually grow out of it and are intrested in hitting eachother with sticks afterwards.

        I dont treat anyone any differently depending on their sex. Though if you want me to use your pronouns it's up to me and me alone to call you so.

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        • SomethingChevy

          Its good ammunition to use against them if they ever piss you off. Just be like "Youre a dude" lol

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    • a-curious-bunny

      i never agreed with the stereotype argument. im trans as all hell i played with dolls yet i loved helping my dad out in the field doing "mens" work frankly i could go on. point being by the stereotype argument id be nonbinary or something but im just trans plain n simple

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  • SomethingChevy

    I dont care personally because it doesnt affect me. I dont think I've ever seen a trans person irl.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      the person who ran the laundry downtown started out as an effeminate dude years ago and turned into a chick over time

      they were always pleasant and helpful to deal with and i never pressed for any personal details but im sure they knew a bit about my life from my biweekly laundry pile

      never had a problem

      but somea these drama drippin drag queens on tv need a fuckin punch in the face

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      • SomethingChevy

        Some of them do need to be slapped. I remember seeing this one trans girl on national TV tried to kiss this rapper on a talkshow and he was like "wtf no" then the LGTB had a fit on twitter calling him a transphobd

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        • nopurpose

          N-words arr the biggest transphobes, look how they treat em in the ghettos, all the murders of transwomen in the USA happen there

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    • EverythingInALine

      You probably have you jsut havent seen someone who you perceive to be trans e.g a masculine looking person wearing lipstick, or a very feminine looking person with short hair wearing "masculine clothes"

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      • SomethingChevy

        "very feminine looking person with short hair wearing "masculine clothes"

        Where I live we call them lesbians

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        • EverythingInALine

          That is what we call a lesbian stereotype

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    The best part about Harry Potter is no one knows who wrote it. It was a gift from the universe. As there's no rightful owner the books should only be pirated in digital form.

    I don't know who that transphobic Rowling bitch is.

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    • Somenormie

      JK Rowling is a book author, noticeable for making books like the whole Harry Potter series.

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD

        I just thoroughly googled the name. Zero results. Maybe you dreamed that.

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        • Somenormie

          Actually no I didn't and this will tell you who Rowling is:


          Maybe you've searched it wrong.

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          • S0UNDS_WEIRD

            That just led to a Wikipedia page about how no one knows who wrote the Harry Potter series.

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            • EverythingInALine

              Ye i dont know what they were meant to link but its just a bunch of debates about who wrote harry potter

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          • thepuppet

            It's satire

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    • .....What?

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      • thepuppet

        The context is people want to believe (as a joke) that the series was written by itself or written by anyone but Rowling

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        • S0UNDS_WEIRD

          Who is Rowling?

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          • thepuppet

            idk but its clear that Hermione wrote the HP series

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  • Clunk42

    You haven't mentioned anything about feminism. To be a terf, one must first be a feminist.

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    • Yes, I am a feminist.

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      • Clunk42

        Feminist how? An "everyone who wants equality is a feminist" feminist, or a "we're still not equal" feminist?

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    • DeletThis

      that was the original definition yes, but nowadays they'll call any "trans exclusionary" women a TERF regardless. I guess they believe the "Radical Feminist" part is implied simply by not wanting biological males in female spaces.

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      • LloydAsher

        Yeah theres 2 forms of "radical" feminism you got the true radicals that hate men in general.

        Then you have Terfs which are just normal feminist that know what a real woman is.

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        • DeletThis

          Yeah, pretty much liberal feminism or conservative feminism. Even though I’m generally more left leaning I agree with the “terfs” a lot more, although either side can get too extreme with the man bashing (and trans hate). which is unfortunate as it makes people hate feminism even though overall it’s goal is not to say women are better than men. conservative feminists at least can admit for example that women are physically weaker than men on average instead of pushing the whole “women have exactly the same capabilities as men” and that women typically are more emotional (but that’s not necessarily a bad thing).

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          • LloydAsher

            It's not a bad thing. My gf can read a room way, way better than I can. We have complementary traits, it's just that it follows the traditional notion of traits.

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        • EverythingInALine

          Feminists stand up for women's rights no matter what they look like wor who they were in the past

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          • LloydAsher

            That's a fair thing to do. I'm just for equality. Give everyone a shot.

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      • Clunk42

        It's not implied by that, though.

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  • Jerrybg67

    I fantasize about transgender sex alot

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  • Tommythecaty

    Sorry I seem to have answered your question with another question.

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  • bigbudchonga

    I feel sorry for them, but I think it's a mental illness. Why would some abstract, non-tangible concept of gender make you a woman more than literally every single cell in your body being coded the other way.

    I think the help they get is wrong too.

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  • nopurpose

    Also on a side note, yoir examples are flawed as shit. How does it matter how a person identifies to teach at a college? What matters is if they have the required qualifications and if they're following the curriculum and abiding by fair regulations. Anuthing. else is their own private business, not yours to put your nosr where it does not belong!!
    What about that woman who wanted to be black? How does it relate qith the gender issue? How does she bother anyone? There are these body-mod fetishes, ya know. Like bimbo, I'd say transgender too. In a free world anyone shall be free yo choose what to be.

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    • My examples are here to show that there is a trend (almost a fashion trend) that people are transitioning to whatever. I do not mind them transitioning. The teacher is surely qualified or else he wouldn't be teaching but he remains an asian man despite identifying to a black woman and the white lady who gets her skin black she is still a caucasian despite having more melanin. The same applies when a man transitions. You can get a vagina and boobs but you are still a biological man.

      Anyone should be free to do whatever they want with their body, I do agree but in no way should we be forced to agree that because you have decided to wear dresses and lipsticks that you are now a woman. You aren't. Just like you cannot decide to be black. But yes, people are free to do whatever they like.

      It gets ugly when so many children and teenagers are being encouraged to transition when at that age they are not capable of analysing the lifetime effects of taking blockers and hormones. It gets ugly when feminist groups are being deprived of funding because they want woman-only spaces. These are of public interest. If you do a little research you'd see how alarming the number of children that are identifying as trans and the number of young people transitioning and detransitioning years later when much harm has already been done to their body.

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      • nopurpose

        We may start this dispute by defining the concepts. What exacrly is a child? All over the world, with exception of a handful of especially backward US states, it's a person under the age of 18. That age threshold has been put there a century ago. Is it still adequate regarding the modern levels of education and personal autonony a common teenager exercises? I highly doubt. Also, another proof of hypocricy - what is the age bar for driving in that very same country? 15 or 16 depending on state. So a person can be granted responsibility not only for their own life bit for the lives of anyone else, but cannot legally have sex with someone 5 eats older, shoot porn - if your views prevail - start transition. Because of some backward puritanish attitudes like yours willing to control others' lives.
        So even with thos definition of a child I can tell you from my humble observations there are nany children let's say 13 or 14 who already know very well what they know from life and there are many others (a kit of the users here i guess) who don't even at 30 or 40.

        Age itself is not necessarily an objective criterion.
        Also can you tell me if so many opposed it and so many who try regret it, why do you think is it so massively encouraged as you claim and why has it become so popular to even be a topic to discuss?

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        • a-curious-bunny

          its nice to see someone else recognizing these facts

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          • nopurpose

            You can count me a nice person then after all, even if I can be occasionally rude and confrontational when trolling

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  • nopurpose

    That 'ism' ending make it sound like a political movement. It's only fair for it to be though, given the levels of rejection, discrimination and even persecution in some places that transwomen face within society. And honestly I'm being a bit of hypocrite here, since I'm pointing out this truth not so much of sympathy but rather out of opposition to society and it's unfair order that I anyway hate. Anyone who's fighting to destroy it is my fuckin hero.

    You (and others sharing the same arguments) are no less hypocritical though. Let me remind you that a century and more ago it was women who were fighting to invade male-only realms. From wearing trousers to holding office in administration and virtually everything. Today, many organisations, political parties etc. have women's wings/sections/clubs bit not men's since male-only spaces have been deconstructed. Even ancient rituals in various cultures, which have been traditionally men-only, in recent years have been invaded by women. Nothing wrong with that, I'm all for equality and inclusiveness but it shall go both ways. It's only sad that men in allegedly progressive 21st century have to put on drag and claim being women to enjoy the same (or even less) rights that women have claimed without pretending to be men..
    So after invading all men's spaces, biological women shall not have the nerve to demand women-only spaces. And assholes like Rowling may well be chastised from social media and have their overrated works taken off Amazon etc.

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    • "Without pretending to be men.." Exactly! We did not pretend to be of the other sex, we demanded to be treated as equal. Equal despite our differences.

      I do believe that you already know that there are points where I do not agree with your views. Thanks for the input.

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  • Jamie_Sulky

    Transgenderism has been around for a while, and I think identifying with whatever gender is your choice. I am in 100% support of transgenderism.

    However, children shouldn't decide yet. I've known some kids from school who sued to talk about them wanting to get hormone treatment and got older and realised it was a phase. NOT saying transgenderism is always a phase, but as young kids we jump the gun a lot and with the hormones popping on and off its easy to get confused. best to make life changing decisions when the dust has settled a bit. This doesn't just go for hormone treatment but goes for everything, such as getting tattoos or changing your name.

    But heres my issue. I don't think you can equate the "I identify as a certain race" people with trans. I know it seems very similar on a surface level but, you can't transition from one race to another. There is no history of people that has had that experience. Just because you wish you were as cool as black people/ asian people, etc, doesn't mean you are, doesn't mean you should be. I think thats where I draw the line. Theres people who identify as animals and shit for crying out loud.

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    • nopurpose

      So what's the difference between the two? There used to be no history of ppl with experience transition8ng to the other gender a few decades ago. These transitions became possible only recently due to the advances in cosmetics, chemistry and surgery. The fact that one is 20 or 30 years older and due to being longer around is currently more popukar, how does it invalidate the other one?

      You are a big hypocrite, my n-word. Also, did you just compare blacks and asians to animals?

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    • https://toofab.com/2020/06/24/white-model-who-took-melanin-injections-to-become-black/

      I agree with much of what you say. It is alarming how children and teenagers are encouraged to transitioned and if you do not share this opinion you are looked down as transphobic.

      Sex however is not a choice. Anybody can transition but a male will be a male with female features. It would be only physical. I do not mind, every adult is free to do whatever he believes is right if it hurts nobody but a man will still be a man even with boobs and vagina. Denying this will be denying biology.

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      • nopurpose

        So what? Biology is just a theory, if it's proven wrong about something it shall be loudly denied. Darwin falsely claimed humans descended from monkeys and everyone believed his pseudoscientific claims at the time. He was proven wrong and his theory has been denied.

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        • S0UNDS_WEIRD

          "Theory" means something very different in scientific circles than in common vernacular.

          Also that's a myth about Darwin. He never said that. I can provide evidence if you like.

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