What are your political views?

Would be cool if y'all explain your political views in a civil manner.

Centrist/Apolitical 11
Right-wing Conservative 12
Anarchist 1
Socialist/Communist 6
Third Positionist (Corporatism, national syndicalism, etc) 2
Libertarian 8
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Comments ( 72 )
  • Apparently moderate left considering the political compass test. In reality, it doesn't fuckin' matter. If you don't agree with the fringe left you're far right.

    I don't know how that happened.

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      As much as we've disagreed, I agree that's an issue. The thing is, the US leans a bit right from the global center, so aligning with the further right of the two leading parties in a somewhat already to-the-right country does place one further right than most. I think that's where the erroneous assertion comes from, but standard Republicans are hardly FAR-right.

      That said, the exact opposite also happens; people are treated as ridiculously far-left for so much as wanting socialized healthcare while that's actually pretty much the standard now among most highly developed nations. Globally speaking it's just slightly left if not outright central. Far-left is communism territory.

      The people who cry far-right usually have very little understanding of what that actually looks like: Things like outright ethnic cleansing possibly right around the corner. Similarly, people who cry far-left usually have virtually zero understanding of the world outside of the US and have utterly zero understanding that communism is light-years to the left of socialism, which is itself left of what most of these people who merely want a few more socialized programs want.

      No one knows what they're talking about these days. I don't think the US has a great deal of people who are either truly far-right or far-left to be honest, although they do exist.

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    • CountessDouche

      Lol you seem so right wingy (whingey) to me, based on what you post here. That's a really interesting assessment. Huh

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      • Wari0

        Yeah, that kinda just hit me the other day. I knew quite a few people who used to be leftists (or still are at heart) but became too embarrassed by the far left to associate with it anymore. Like come on y'all, let's make moderate views a thing again..

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        • CountessDouche

          No!!! Everone either wants to convert kids to transexuality or lynch black people.

          There's no such thing as people who just kinda want lower taxes or people who kinda want more socialized benefits

          Antifa or nazi's apparently; choose a side.

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      • Just goes to show you how even moderates are seen as "right wing" nowadays so just imagine how right wingers are viewed.

        I think the reason why I'll go after the left so much is because they dominate the culture at the moment and as they're leading the culture they're making some obvious, blatant, and bullshit double standards to the point they're comfortable blatantly doing it in the open because their followers won't call them out on it, meanwhile two scoops of ice cream is a Nazi dog whistle. It still fucks me up that the same people that justified the "unrest" of the BLM riots provably lied about Trump inciting a riot and everyone is just agreeing with the lie.

        It's all a joke. I'm finding it hard not to find the humour in it all nowadays. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD

        Yeah if this is true I have no faith in that test.

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    • Koira15

      The political compass test is crap in my opinion. You can be an authoritarian rightist but the test pushes you to libertarian left with questions about astrology and abstract art. It’s also next to impossible to get authleft unless you’re a weird NazBol of some sort.

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    • RoyyRogers

      I took that test too it said I was centrist

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    Extreme left by US standards but slightly left by global standards.

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  • CountessDouche

    Oh man...I guess my political views are misanthropy? I hate everyone. So edgy.

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      Nah you aight. Still have your song stuck in my head.

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      • CountessDouche

        Hahahaha mine too. Those fuckin sea shanties are catchy

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  • BleedingPain

    Im a “whatever gets the job done to make everyone happy” kinda political person

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  • Tommythecaty

    Satanic democratically influenced anarchism with a hint of poo pooing.

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      Will I see you at the baby blood-drinking party? It'll be under the pizza place as per usual. You don't have to wear your human mask either; going to be nothing but us Reptilians and the Devil.

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      • Tommythecaty

        Lol did you ever hear about the real life guy who actually burst into that pizza place with a gun trying to save the kids?

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        • Boojum

          He was looking for the basement of Comet Ping Pong in DC, where Q had said the Democrats carried out their fiendish, child-abusing, blood-drinking rituals.

          The building doesn't actually have a basement.

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          • Tommythecaty

            Yeah that’s right there wasn’t even a basement lol. The story reminds me of the “phantom patriot” guy at bohemian grove haha.

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman


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  • SudoHalt

    I think there's a considerable difference between being a socialist and a communist. But anyway I'll pick that one.

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      The right doesn't know that though.

      Commies: communists, socialists, democratic socialists, Democrats, scientists, cats probably

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      • Necr0tic

        It's easier to generalize it anyway, otherwise you end up with people complaining like "I'm a marxist-leninist", "I'm an anarcho-communist!", "I'm a dengist!", "I'm a democratic socialist", "I'm a social democrat" and the list goes on.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    I don't know, can't think of one I 100% agree with.

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    • Boojum

      And it's highly unlikely that you ever will find a political party or a politician you agree with 100%. If you ever feel that you have, that probably means they've manipulated you into seeing what you want to see.

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      • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

        yes'y, that's how I've always seen it. No one knows what anyone wants but them.

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD

        I agree. I must admit Bernie Sanders comes really close for me though. I wish he wasn't scared of nuclear power and that he was more open to the idea of UBI. That said, I think he would instantly embrace the latter at the point that automation makes it a necessity.

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      • SkullsNRoses

        I needed to read this.

        Even though there won’t be another election for a while I still feel guilty that I don’t really support any party.

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        • Boojum

          During the last US election campaign, I heard an activist trying to get people to vote use an analogy that I think is useful.

          Whenever someone told her that there weren't any candidates or parties who offered everything they wanted, she replied that voting isn't like marriage where it's reasonable to wait until you meet someone who you think is perfect for you. Instead, voting is like using public transport: the best you can hope for is to be able to get on a bus that will get you closer to the place you ultimately want to be.

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          • SkullsNRoses

            Good analogy.

            To confirm I do still vote, I’m just not dedicated to any one party. It depends who I think is the least awful at the time.

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            • charli.m

              That's a sensible way to vote. Seriously. It shouldn't be about a party, it should be about voting in whoever you think will do the least shitty job (I know that should be who will do the best job but...it's politicians we're talking about...)

              I do love Australia's voting system, though, where I get to make my serious vote, then also give preferences to whatever party/ies I think sound the funniest. I got to vote for the Pirate party last time. Arrrr!

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        • S0UNDS_WEIRD

          To be fair, it's not entirely just that we're all so individual and unique; there's also the fact that the options are straight up horrible.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Monster raving looney.

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  • raisinbran

    Libertarian or anarchist as long as there are plenty of firearms circulating throughout the population.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    left wing right wing chicken wing. i respect lgbt rights to defend their marijuana crops with firearms.

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  • Wryladradofft

    It's really hard to openly have a political ideology without also alienating every actual normal person from your political ideology

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  • LloydAsher

    Alt lite I guess by today's standards.

    I'm a chauvinistic libertarian. I believe america is the best place for experimenting freedom as a major concept.

    I don't want wars, want to focus on domestic issues, perfer spending within the usa, hate the establishment on both sides. Dont give a fuck what race you are as long as you are for improving the USA standing in the world.

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  • darefu

    I would say I lean right, however compass says I'm a centrist. I do follow and enjoy the entertainment of the American politics game. Although it's not as easy to follow as it used to be,(almost all the media is one sided), it is probably more entertaining for the same reason. I follow because as USA goes so goes the world sometimes it's more "so goes the world against".

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  • GarlicPotato

    I picked right wing conservative when really I'm a regalist, anti-capitalist, provincialist, anti-Australian and am willing to make a reactionary counter-revolution to dismantle all modern society for a strictly religious-based society. I haven't changed my political position for a very long time. The pursuit of my authentic self. When I was a hippie and not a poser I was certainly my authentic self, but after 15 years of being a hippie most hippies stop being hippies and move on with their lives living normal lives, a history one's forgotten. However on the political side hippies are greenies (environmental people) and apolitical, they're neither doing politics nor are against it. Hippies are busy meditating, dancing to music, dressing in a cool way, eating vegetables and hippie foods, reaking of patchouli, loving everyone, meeting up with vampires and thinking they're cool just because vampires are longhairs, putting oil in their hair, never wearing deodorant, walking with no footwear on, taking their clothes off, making trouble in the guise of love and peace, doing sit-ins making more trouble and are generally arseholes. Also hippies have trouble with coming to terms with the real world.

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    I'm literally almost as close to the very bottom-left corner as you can get.

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  • I am whatever serves my interest best at the moment.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I believe we should give tax cuts to companies that pay more for certain jobs.

    Example: So if company A pays 40 an hour

    company B pays 10 an hour for the same job

    Company A should pay 10% tax and company B 30% tax. The IRS could then retrieve some of the lost money in taxes by getting increased revenue from the workers making 40 an hour.

    Im a moderate libertarian. I like low taxes, some but low regulations for healthcare and pollution, pro gun, anti drug war, anti war unless necessary, smaller government, less police authority (for example shouldnt be able to make u wait on a dog if you say no to a car search), strong borders, im not big on the diversity theory. I believe USA is diverse enough and believe more diversity will just divide and make us fight, should focus on helping the black community be happy so we can be more united.

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    • Boojum

      Interesting idea.

      I don't know how the system works in the US, but in the UK at the moment, the government is doing exactly the opposite of what you propose. Companies get away with paying less than a living wage because workers with families can claim income support from the government that lifts the family income a bit above the poverty level. So essentially, the government is subsidising firms that pay badly.

      I'll leave it to you guess how often you hear the owners of such companies complaining about that sort of welfare.

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  • Boojum

    That compass test says I'm pretty much in the middle of the left-libertarian sector, and I think that's pretty much correct.

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    • dude_Jones

      I'm a dead center libertarian. I support free markets for marijuana and prostitution. But the bible thumpers leave me alone when I tell them I am agnostic.


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      I'm also left-libertarian but I'm almost at the very bottom-left of the whole damn thing about to slip off the chart.

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      • CountessDouche

        Same. Hanging on to that green corner by a thread. It seems like everyone is skewing liberal, which is understandable given the nature of the questions.

        For example, should clean water be a right? 99% of people, including staunch conservatives are going to say, yeah, sure. If you were to ask how that policy should be implemented, you'd get drastically different answers though. Should water be subsidized by the government? Taxed as infrastructure? Is it free then? What about foreign policies regarding the lack of clean drinking water in other countries? Is that our responsibility? What about private businesses that contribute to water scarcity in poor countries by draining their natural aquifers & selling it as bottled water? Should there be sanctions against those corporations?

        Now you have all kinds of different answers.

        This whole thread is funny though. It really highlights people's misconceptions about, not only what constitutes 'a liberal,'but their fundamental misunderstanding of their own beliefs.

        Everyone wants to be a moderate...so now shitduz is a libby & southtard, who in his next breath says he thinks multiculturism, aka black people moving into his neighborhood is dangerous, calls himself a very slightly right leaning moderate.

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        • Boojum

          My British Labour Party membership card is proof that I'm a raving libtard fascist socialist commie as far as many Americans are concerned.

          Of course, many of the British far left comrades would see me as anything but a lefty due to how, after being a Labour Party member for more than twenty years, I mailed my resignation letter within half an hour of the unelectable, self-righteous twat Corbyn being elected leader.

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          • CountessDouche

            To be fair, most Americans have absolutely no idea that the liberal party is conservative, and that laboUr is to the left. Always makes me chuckle when people here call you a filthy LIBERAL

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        • S0UNDS_WEIRD

          I got in quite the argument with him on here a while back. I stopped when he started outright lying. He clearly not only supports the domestic terrorism on the Capitol but believes Trump had nothing to do with it.

          It's funny. They believe Trump is intelligent yet assert that he had no idea what would happen when he held a rally titled "Save America" and sent looney QAnon nuts to the Capitol who believe Democrats are lizard people who drink baby blood under pizza places with the Devil. As much as I hate him, Trump actually isn't an idiot; he's just a piece of shit with at least average intelligence who wouldn't let his main base come within 100 meters of his resorts.

          I agree. The test was clearly devised by a liberal who oversimplified. Most of the questions are like, "Are you a piece of shit or nah?"

          Rookie mistake. The right doesn't just /admit/ to being shady. They verbally deny it while reinforcing that perception of them with policy.

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          • CountessDouche

            I actually read it hahaha, and I can't believe I did because I can usually only make it about two sentences in to his logistically circular, insult ridden, nonsensical rants before I give up. & him & I have a tacit understanding that I won't read any of his outbursts, but that entire interaction was amusing. You lasted so much longer than most. He actually only "wins" arguments because the other party gets exhausted by his nonsense & fucking gives up

            My favorite argument of his, that I've seen parroted all over this site lately is that the storming of the capitol was somehow justified by the fact that BLM riots exist? I mean, let's assume for the sake of argument that there were no peaceful protests & everyone who attended was a bloodthirsty, looting thug.

            So we can now ignore the bad shit we did...because look at this bad thing that happened over here *flaps arms.* Since someone else did something wrong, I can do whatever I want.

            Even preschoolers know that just because behavioral problem timmy bit another kid & didn't get a time out, that doesn't mean they can all viciously attack the teacher's legs like a pack of ravenous sharks when they aren't into naptime. just because he did it first. Somehow the concept of two wrongs not making a right is not even lost on fucking children, but here we are...

            "REFUTED!!!" I swear he's made me gave a pavlovian rage response to that word

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  • ellnell

    Left leaning but i'm not involved in politics what so ever. I find it too much of a bees nest of lies and loonery. No matter how you vote things always go to shit somehow so there's really only bad and less bad options to choose from.

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    • JJvinal22

      I agree. There seems to be no middle ground regardless of who's in office and there's always drama in politics so I just stay out of it lol. Like I literally couldn't care less about a subject like I do politics.

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  • Wari0

    moderate left i suppose


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    • charli.m


      I'm getting filthier and hippier the older I get, apparently.

      That test needed a "neutral" option, though.

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      • Wari0

        haha, impressively green :D
        Im guessing nationality has some bearing on the result, I feel like a lot of non-american "conservative sympathizers" would actually fall somewhere in that square too

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        • charli.m

          Probably. Most American lefties are...not remotely, by world standards.

          Also, a distressingly large portion of the population need to learn the definition of "socialism" and "communism".

          It's...so embarrassing. It really is.

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          • Boojum

            In the States, right of centre politicians and their media supporters know that "communist", "socialist" and "radical liberal" are scary labels they can use to bamboozle the proles. I'm convinced that the vast majority of Americans have no idea what those political stances actually mean, and nor do they have any understanding of how their lives and their communities would actually be affected if such people were in power.

            Bernie Sanders is portrayed as a huge boogey-man by the authoritarian right, but I've seen surveys where, when people are asked their views on the policies he advocates and the questions are put in neutral terms, a clear majority of Americans agree with him on many things.

            And of course Sanders would be seen as a moderate lefty in Europe, and much of what he says and proposes would be considered no more than common sense.

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            • charli.m


              Ugh. I mean...I love my American family...but having to listen to otherwise good and sane people talk about Obama embezzling and how good Trump had been doing was just...physically painful.

              Only topped by the one with several severe chronic illnesses before 35, single mother who has almost died and had to fight for four years to get on Medicaid...saying that she would hate to have socialised medicine like I do.


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    • RoseIsabella

      I took your test, and it said I was a respectful moderate. I personally identify as a moderate conservative.

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      • Inkmaster

        The political compass test has a heavy left-wing bias. It's really not worth anything.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      It got me pretty accurately. Slightly right leaning libertarian


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    • Clunk42

      There's no way this thing is correct. I have far more extreme views than these:


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      • Wari0

        "Extreme views" dont necessarily have anything to do with preferred political alignment.

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        • charli.m

          Imagine being concerned about not being an extremist...

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  • momgetthecamera

    Monarchism under my 👑queen👑 belle delphine😩😩

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    • Koira15

      Absolute, Constitutional, or Representative?

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      • momgetthecamera

        a b s o l u t e

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