What are you doing to improve your life?

Almost everyone I knew did nothing but sat on their butts and they complained about problems in their lives. They did nothing to fix them and yet expected sympathy and pity from everyone. Some would pull out the gender card, some use mental illness as an excuse, while others blamed their parents. Their lives all turned out the same. When their parents died all their belongings they wasted money on were cast out into the rain, the home was seized, and they had nowhere to go. Everyone expected me to feel sorry for them. I didn't.

What are you doing to improve your life? Will you turn out like them or will you come out on top?

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Comments ( 26 )
  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    I'm going to college to become a special education teacher. I almost died twice because of unmedicated epilepsy, but I'm stable on my medication now. I'm slowly building healthier habits to keep the rest of my body in check. My two comas gave me a fear of not having control of my body and I want to have as much control over it as possible.

    I have pretty bad PTSD from a bad childhood. I have a psychiatrist but I'm still looking for a therapist.

    In that time my fiance dropped out because of the stress of losing me. He's re-enrolled for next semester and is finally seeing professionals to help him with the emotional issues regarding almost losing me. He held onto the "I have to be a man and deal with this on my own!" Mentality for too long and it almost destroyed him. I was his first kiss, his first everything, we've been together since we were pretty much kids. He needed help and I'm proud of him for getting it and moving forward in his education.

    My life goals for the next five years are essentially: get my bachelor's/teaching credential, marry my true love, and maintain healthy habits.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    Putting people in my basement.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    Well, for one I'm the first person in my family to pursue any sort of education outside of highschool. No one else in my family has went to college, joined the military, or even trained a skill at a trade school.

    Secondly, I left my passive aggressive (and in some cases outright regressive) family behind to better my chances of getting better mental health.

    Thirdly, I moved out of my state to pursue future financial opportunities. While my new state isn't the *most* profitable, it's leagues better than the old one.

    It's not much, but I'm pretty happy with what I've done to better my life. A few hiccups have occured, but I'm doing better at getting used to those set backs.

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  • Cynocephali

    i dont know what im doing for future me but im practicing my instrument for my concert :)
    small steps everyone small steps

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  • Jh9856

    A few years ago,i used to be a complete loser, most of my life was wasted plaiyng videogames and being a simp on facebook. Then i realized if i didn't snap out of that, i was going to end up like my friends. So i moved from my parents house,cut off all toxic people around me, got a real job and since that i started to explerience life, instead of just existing.

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  • kikilizzo

    I have improved my life significantly lately but i'm not sure i've done anything differently... As a person on the spectrum it's always been difficult for me to find my place and to be a real part of society in any significant way and contrary to popular belief getting support to achieve things is incredibly hard. Most authority figures don't care because they are understaffed at their workplace and borderline burnt out so they have no intention of helping. For me i'd say it was being given my current job coach, because it's very rare to find somebody who cares to guide you to where you want to be these days. Stroke of good luck really. Now i'm keeping things improved by working hard and staying focused, taking care of my health, and keeping my eyes on my goal.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Taking fiber, and CBG supplements.

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  • profanity

    Playing more video games.

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  • Tinybird

    There's no way I can improve my life knowing I'll never experience a romantic encounter in my whole life.

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    • malaparte

      It's all over for tornadocels. Lie down and rot.

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    • sweetone89

      Why do you think that?

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      • Tinybird

        Cause what I find attractive

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        • dude_Jones

          It’s not easy to become comfortable with the emptiness you will experience for your entire life. Maybe you could learn to sing, or paint. Sometimes, beauty is instilled into the world by unlikely people.

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          • Tinybird

            I do sing and paint.

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            • dude_Jones

              Thanks for making me smile. *hugs*

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i drink lotsa liquor then feel good about myself when i dont

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  • Anonnet

    Am I the only person that doesn't know anybody that blames their problems on "mental health"?

    I'm currently buying my own car for the first time... and uhh, that's about it. I'm already past the "I don't want to end up like them" phase. I got a degree, I got a good job, I got a retirement account, I'm scratching things off the list. I haven't moved out yet because I'm one of the few people on this site that has cool parents (though I do plan to move out once work n' things stabilize). I'm also looking for that special someone... after I buy this car.

    For everything else, like physical health, I've been doing a lot of thinking about doing things and then not doing them.

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  • LloydAsher

    Cutting back on caffeine and drinking more water. Also taking my meds more consistently.

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  • megadriver

    Not enough... I really should straighten out my life and live the life I want to. Proper goals and work towards them, be a better me and all that goodness. Depression ain't fun, but I refuse to let it govern my life. I really should cut back on my drinking and get this shit sorted out.

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    • LloydAsher

      Baby steps.

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  • blushed_beautyyyy

    I'm currently reflecting on my past mistakes and learning from them. Have a nice day sir or ma'am :)


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  • spotato

    Well I have hip dysplasia on both sides and I hurt mainly when I run but I can weightlift. I am recovering from a hip osteotomy to prevent issues hopefully own the line. I need a second one on the other side eventually. I am passionate about powerlifting and parkour. I used to want to join the military but physically it doesn't make sense atm. I recently studied for an IT A+ certification on my own since I have some experience from school. Right now I'm trying to get a job for almost 2 months even with the certification. Granted more experience would be nice but I'm trying. I do plan to go for more certifications so I have more opportunities and money.

    I feel like I complain a lot about my body since I want to be active. Also feel like I'm not doing enough and recently strained both of my quads from over activity. I plan to do more personal training, nutrition help, and create a capsule wardrobe to look more corporate and professional when I do work. Also take metal screaming lessons to progress more (I have been practicing for 3 years lol). Also dealing with a lot of friend bullshit and other stupid health conditions.

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  • bigbudchonger

    Paying off debts, and then saving up to start a business

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  • capman

    By helping myself.

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  • normal-rebellious

    Contemplation and meditating, saving my money, having a worthy philosophy and way of life, hectic lifestyle, decaf soy lattes, eating at cafés, going to coffee shops for a muffin, going out instead of the place where I really am the guest while instead being the guest of a café, bistro or restaurant, lest authorities didn't let me in, smoking with a mugful of coffee or tea, eating French quiches and Japanese cold rolls but not simultaneously, eating mild spiced nuts, avoiding hot spicy foods and tangy foods & rich foods, doing ten things to love my life.

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  • Holzman_67

    after I graduated from my animation course, I couldn’t get employment in the animation industry so right now I’m balancing fulltime retail work with working everyday on personal animation projects to up my skill set and technical proficiency in software

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