What a crock of bs

I know there are a lot of anti Trump pro Biden people ( notice I said people not some derogatory term) on here but can you not see the corruption and twisted BS the politicians and media put on this stuff. Everytime something happens that involves a right wing or conservative group they always say the Trump supporters did this or want this. All the shit that happened this summer and spring and is still happening with support from the left is always referred to as BLM or anifa. Never Biden supporters, go ahead research it tell me how many times you heard the protesters, rioters, referred to as Biden supporters. You may try to say they weren't nessisarily Biden supporters but they sure as shit weren't Trump supporters. Just the same not all the capital protesters were Trump supporters somewhere around 10 to 20 % of even Biden voters believe something fishy happened with the voting even if it wasn't enough to change the results. Censoring one side because you don't agree with them or you're afraid they are going to get to many followers is the type of stuff communist, socialist, third world country type stuff. Sad day for USA...

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60% Normal
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Comments ( 40 )
  • Whatintarnation

    There are extremists on both sides who do stupid and illegal shit. If you participated in the riots or encouraged it to happen you should go to jail period. There are a lot of us in the middle that are disgusted by the actions of both. Personally, I'm hoping people will grow up and work together to unite the country. As far as Trump goes, he told them to go to the Capital. It falls on him now.

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    • Tommythecaty


      Someone’s been watching the news, it’s the newest buzzword. Beware propagating the media’s fear mongering shit, it is rotting people’s rational thought away.

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      • Hansberger

        You're absolutely right.

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        • Tommythecaty

          I know.

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    They don't call them Biden supporters because Biden was irrelevant to their causes. Antifa finds Biden a centrist if not far-right. Many in the Black Lives Matter movement don't think Biden will do enough to protect black people.

    But the real point is that even if they had loved him, they weren't fighting for Biden so much as (at least in name) fighting for black lives and fighting against fascism. Just calling them Biden supporters would make no sense, whereas the people who attacked the Capitol were literally sent straight from a pro-Trump rally by Trump himself and were fighting for Trump, often chanting quite literally, "Fight for Trump!"

    It makes clear sense why they'd be referred to as Trump supporters as supporting Trump was their cause. This isn't even a left-versus-right type of thing here. I'm just saying the terminology makes sense as they were supporting Trump whereas BLM and Antifa don't really give a damn about Biden and were there for other causes, right or wrong.

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    • darefu

      That sounds like a media talking point you conveniently cherry pick the capital event,what about all the events over the last year same thing applied and I agree most of them were Trump supporters but when's the last time you heard the media or Dems call them the freedom first or great American or America first organization supporters. They won't because that implies there are groups or organizations out there that support Trump. The only time you'll here a group is kkk or Nazis, something that already has a negitive effect. You can say BLM and anifa weren't Biden supporters but they were Dem funded, Dem suported, refund or reallocate police funds were rallying cry's from the riots and Dems all the way to Biden. Harris even helped pay the bail of those arrested. But the media still failed to call them Biden supporters. Just an outsiders view point

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      • LloydAsher

        It's not lossed on the trump supporters of the blatant double standards. That's why it's so heated as we are right now. At some point theres going to be a "fuck it, we are already going to be called terrorist for protesting" mindset.

        Still 20k national guard in dc for inauguration day. Highly unusual since there was no plans to do anything for inauguration day, everything was planned for the 6th.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    theres no room for thoughtfulness in todays world

    just pick a side and flip the fuck out about the other sides shit

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    • LloydAsher

      I'm picking the side with the guns and the lesser amount of people with their heads shoved up their collectivist asses.

      Dont get me wrong we still have crazies. But that's on every side. It's just that our side actually calls out both sides. When was the last time a democrat ratted on their party colleagues publicly?

      I'm a populist let's go to the bargaining table and try to stitch this country back together. Not by calling one side evil. Dumb is fine.

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  • olderdude-xx

    You are correct that the press (on all sides and even in the middle) often incorrectly lables people into groups that they don't fit.

    Yes there is a hard Biden support group.
    Yes there is a hard Trump support group.
    Yes there are several other hard support groups.

    Yet, when I talk to most people I tend to find that many are somewhere between those groups, or part of a group that the press rarely even mentions, if at all.

    I suppose that I would fit into a group called "Personal Character & Political Ethics" support group, if there was such a group.

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    • LloydAsher

      Trump supporters are an odd mix of the two. Popular right issues mixed in with patriotism. When the other side says the American flag is racist where do you go from there? What ground can be negotiated at this point?

      California is a failed state with the amount of people bailing and then voting for the stupid policies that made them run away from California in the first place!

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  • twatfeatures

    Of course we see it. it's not even left vs. right anymore, as anyone with some sense should realize trump is unfit for the position (and Biden is not great either, he is just slightly better than trump and, ya know, not a cult leader actively trying to start a civil war just to stroke his ego).

    People absolutely do associate BLM and Antifa with "the left", so idk what youre saying there. Its just that Biden doesnt lead a cult like trump does, Biden has not spent years stirring the pot, and Biden hasnt even taken office yet. there is no singular person behind the 'civil unrest' resulting from the beliefs that 'black lives matter' or 'fascism is bad'. It's a False equivalence.

    Again, anyone with some sense knows the right are not all trump lunatics. People need to learn to sort out the incendiary bullshit they read online and act like fuckin adults. Nothing "fishy" happened any more than it did last election.

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    • SmokeEverything

      The fact that "slightly better than somebody I hate" are the standards for who people will vote for is the problem.

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      • twatfeatures

        No shit. but like you said we don't exactly have much control over which of the 2 potential figureheads will be chosen to represent the country every 4 years, do we? It's always a choice between the lesser of 2 evils.

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        • SmokeEverything

          That's by design. You only get system-approved candidates. Its a characteristic of a fake election. Nobody who isn't a low level slave to the elites is allowed to run. They're all actors.

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          • twatfeatures

            We knew the election was "fake" when trump got in in the first place. The Government will always have the final say. So tell me - why do you believe "the standards for who people will vote for" are the problem, if the votes don't count? We're playing the hand we're dealt.

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            • SmokeEverything

              The elections have been fake for decades. It's a WWE match for people who think they're too smart to watch wrestling.

              People might realize this if they paid attention instead of just picking one of the two people from the same group of corrupt puppets.

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          • darefu

            That is exactly why Trump was hated. He was finally a candidate the right and left didn't pick. He knocked out 16 establishment republicans and they had no choice but to support him or just allow Hillary to win. After the election and Hillary wasn't the problem the establishment republicans had no problem undermining him or fighting his agenda he wasn't an insider so they were out to prove you support the two establishment candidates or they fight it all the way for four years.

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            • SmokeEverything

              He was a character just like the rest of them. The guy is a reality show actor. Or wait no he's the only rich person who isn't friends with all the other rich people. His persona involved being some kind of "anti-establishment" candidate but the guy is obviously politically connected.

              Space force? Come on bruh.

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  • Str8racers

    Biden and Kamala started fundraisers to bail out BLM rioters from jail lol

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    • Inkmaster

      And BLM donated to the DNC/Biden Campaign.

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      • Str8racers

        So much hypocrisy from them. Anything Biden and Kamala get outraged about they have done themselves. Everything.

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  • bigbudchonga

    Everyone knows that the social media giants are culturally left wing, dude. It's just a shame there's not alternative for right wingers to post their views.

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    • LloydAsher

      There was... until the tech giants removed them for the same reasoning Facebook and twitter could be removed.

      Break them up!

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  • SmokeEverything

    The whole problem is that people are so fucking dumb they actually believe one day we'll all vote for some messiah who will come in and fix everyones lives, and we just keep picking the wrong one every time is why we're all fucked.

    This whole system is letting slaves vote for their overseers. Some might be more pleasant to deal with than others, but the owner of the plantation isn't going to let any of the saves free no matter who's watching over them.

    People are so stupid they fall for this over and over again, which rich old psychopath is going to play the figurehead of who's running the country. They're all working together.

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  • kelili

    Because I do not believe that there are really many Biden supporters. Many voted for him because they liked him but more supported him because they wanted to see Trump out.

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  • darefu

    First things first, the best Trump supporters should do for the 20th is just avoid all capital cities including DC. Let only the left show up, turn it off, don't watch it or stream it or follow any media about it. If you can just go to a Florida or Texas beach put your feet up and have a maga party. If you live in a big or capital city leave it and find a beach or park someplace free (you don't want to give the establishment more money to do their curupt shit.) If you're scheduled to work take the day off. If your not in the USA just go to a park and have a good day. Next the cancel culture needs to be cancelled. Start publishing lists of any business or people that supports canceling conservative views or support. Notice I didn't say supporters of the left I'm saying those that don't think you have a right to support an opposing view point. Many other ways to show how 74 million people can effect their decision process. A lot of other people from around the world are with you. Free speech and expression of view points without violence has always been an example set by the USA. Sad day the 20th, good bye USA,

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