What’s most you would pay for seats/tickets to see a game?

So, Vikings are playing here in Minnesota on Sunday december 16th. So wanna buy tickets to the game. The cheapest look like they’re around 110 bucks and the most expensive are like 615 bucks. So, how much would you say is “Normal Range” for buying tickets to a game? Should I go for the cheap 110 dollar tickets? Or should I get like 200 or 300 dollar tickets?

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Comments ( 14 )
  • CozmoWank


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  • brutus

    They will need to pay me to waste my time.

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  • Protagoras


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  • Boojum

    If some sports team paid me £50 an hour for my time, I might be willing to go and watch a game - although what I'd really be doing is watching the sport-nuts around me.

    Pro sports is a commercial racket, and I'm not willing to contribute a single penny to support a bunch of prima donna millionaire jocks and the scumbags at the top who make a fortune out of the racket.

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  • JD777

    I’ve found the medium priced tickets are usually the best value. Go cheap and you’re in no man’s land, go high dollar and you’re probably paying more than the seats are worth. Just look at the stadium lay out and pick seats you can enjoy.

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  • jjhg

    my budget is usually $600 for sporting events and concerts, so that's my answer, $600 is the most i'd pay. Maybe $650 but nothing over. It really depends on what seats you want for good visibility.

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  • LAgalaxy5

    I've paid $350.00 for a ticket to an Anaheim ducks game

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  • I get passes to all the Cowboys games, but I definitely would pay to go. It’s worth it just to watch the cheerleaders!

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  • Unknown10i

    Going to see a game live is in many cases a giant rip off, particularly if the arena is downtown and you need to pay for parking, then there’s the overpriced beer and food etc etc. I’d pay $100-$120 at most. I recently got free tickets very close and amazing seats that would normally cost 1,000 each so that was nice.

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  • Mehereok1

    For pro football and basketball, I'd keep it below 200 if possible, maybe even 150. Two years ago, I tried going to a Knicks-Celtics game, on MLK Day, figuring it wouldn't be bad, b/c both teams were bad. I was wrong. Get to the Garden, and lowest available was 350..To which I said, no fkn way. Ended up watching the game at a sports bar in Manhattan, spending far less, even on the overpriced drinks and food. Not paying 350 to see those two pieces of crap play.

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  • megadriver

    110 dollars is cheap?! I wouldn't pay anything more than 20-30 bucks for something I can watch for free on tv. Kinda fun with friends, where you'd have a few drinks and shout your lungs out once, but that's about it... It's fun once.

    If you are a big fan, I understand paying big money, it's your thing, your favorite teams, etc... but watching games at stadiums is not my thing.

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  • RoseIsabella

    What would be normal would depend on how much you can afford, and whether, or not that amount would fit into your budget.

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  • IrishPotato

    I would want to get paid to go there.

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  • nikkiclaire

    I'd pay $10-20 to go to a rodeo but I couldn't sit in a stadium for sports for any money. Too many people.

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