Welfare should be cut off

Can you imagine, and those on welfare could not care less. I cannot afford to see a Dr. I pay $600.00 a month for health insurance, I work, I hurt, my deductible is $8,000.00. When I go to the grocery store, see a woman with 4 and 5 kids getting food stamps, I know the tax payers money feeds her...she gets everything handed to her..does she work, no she just stays pregnant, while I am in pain, still going to work, she and her tribe can go to the Dr., I can't see a Dr. how in the HELL is this right, when is something going to be done about welfare???? These 'mom's claims they were accidents, cut welfare off in 2 years, NO MORE FREEBIES from the working tax payers, watch how quickly those so called accidents stops....they get knocked up/stay knocked up for more money!!!

I need dental help 1
I am in pain 2
food staps 1
I need medical help 0
Can't pay for my meds 1
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Comments ( 7 )
  • sydslytherin

    What the hell are your answer choices? Also while si agree with you that freebies should NOT be given out, not all welfare is a freebie and there are people that 100% need and deserve it. I have a friend who works her ass off and is constantly getting better jobs (that make decent money, like $30 an hour) and her husband is always at work, but they have two kids and both their kids have some problems, so these really hardworking people that are doing literally all they can couldn't get by without the welfare that they receive. And before you say that they shouldn't have kids, they only have two, and it's not like anyone would have figured they'd both have costly problems, so yeah.

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  • rayb12

    You don't print money you don't get to make rules

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  • I agree. Help yes, career welfare NO!

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  • yasss

    Your answer choices are awful, just like your grammar.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Obama care was a failure.

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  • Wompwomp

    Even if we cut off welfare everyone would
    Not have a job that is why welfare is necessary. We will always have someone who is laid off or out of work. The system
    Should be looked into and changes but we could never take it away it would hurt the country rather help it. This would also make everything you buy go up in price and close many small businesses. Never personalize a macro issue due to a individual situation that affects so many. The system should not be abused I agree but to say it should be taken away is just ludicrous.

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  • Diego35LovesHilda29

    Obama care is not a failure. Ryan care was just shot down.

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