Weirdest gift you've given or gotten

This kid in elementary use to get picked on by everyone because his breath stunk so bad. I was his friend as I usually was with those that got bullied. So I had this perfect idea to solve the issue. I got him a tooth brush for christmas.

I also once got my mom a padded toilet seat for Christmas. I said here ill go put it on, went and put it on and took a shit with it to test it out for her

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Comments ( 14 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i gave my sister an autographed picturea me for her 14th birthday

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Like ur famous or something lol

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      • litelander8

        He’s special to me!

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  • StrayKat

    A guy who was always the weird kid in school asked me to be his girlfriend and I told him no cause he always talked about violence and death, after I told him no he would write me love letters and always sign them with a bloody finger print. I don't know what happened to him but I am glad I said no lol

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    • 1WeirdGuy


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  • Grunewald

    I got a jelly turd.

    I half-expect this to fascinate whoever it is that writes those posts about eating excrement.

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    Years ago, I bought a vibrator for my fuck buddy at the time. She ended up dying in a car accident before I was able to give it to her, so it sat in a drawer for years. I ended up giving it my friend's wife as a birthday gift(He knew I was going to). The weirdest gift I ever received was this damn kitten I currently am stuck with, as shelters by me are full. The reason it is weird is that the girl that bought it for me, knew I didn't want a pet, and she knew that I hate puppies, and kittens(They're cool if they're someone else's, I just hate the responsibility of owning one). Her reason for buying it for me, is that, in her own words "You need a friend for when you're home". I live alone, and like my solitude. She knew that, too. Not to mention, I'm rarely at home for more than a couple hours, or to sleep. When she brought it over, I flat out told her I didn't want it, and told her to take it with her. She hit me with the "But Mark(her husband) is allergic to cats".

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  • Tinybird

    Once Santa got me Unicorn poo and this squishy poo toy with eyes that reminds me of Mr Hanky.
    I never really give gifts to people cause I don't have my own money that I can access. So I usually make drawings for my sister and that's about it

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  • Somenormie

    I got given a bar of chocolate, so I gave a packet of skittles in return to my friend.

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  • S0m3th1ng

    The weirdest gift I gave and received at the same time is an autographed letter by myself, the letter had a bunch of random nonsense written and when i opened the envelope a bunch of random stuf fell from it, there was also a part of the letter saying "I hope you have a hard time trying to clean that mess- past you".

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    The weirdest gift I've ever received was, at one point, a yearly Christmas gift. My great aunt would repeatedly gift me these strange, purposely half melted caramel candies every year. I kind of miss getting them every year but unfortunately she passed away 2 years ago.

    The weirdest I have ever given isn't that weird but it's technically my weirdest. I gave a friend of mine Harry Potter socks.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    A knee length jumper with a penguin on it. It looked like a knitted dress/tent on me and I just told them to return it, no idea WTF they were thinking with that one.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      LOL that's funny. It would be funny to get someone a very strange stupid gift and then ask them if they like it as if it meant something to you

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  • My aunt gives me shit gifts always. I dont think she likes me.
    Once she gave me a stack of used magazines for christmas wrapped in plaster.
    Nowadays she always gets me a gift card with the lowest amount of cash possible on it so one can barely even get a use for it. The last one she got me was for an expensive as hell sports shop and why the hell would I want that, I dont like sports or wear anything sporty ya know and on a store like that you can't even get anything that cheap. And no shes not poor.

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