Was marvin heemeyer ( the killdozer ) a hero?

I'm talking about that guy who in 2004 built a tank out of a bulldozer and then went on a rampage that razed almost the entire village of Granby, Colorado, because he felt wronged by the local government.

Here is a video of the event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlZh9-NQEyI

Hero 2
Not a hero 4
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Comments ( 22 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    im all for stickin it to the man but from everythin i read the guy was an unhinged fuckin dick

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    • SmokeEverything


      Here's the firsthand story.

      I think they made an actual movie documentary about him but I didnt have the computer technology to watch it

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  • a-curious-bunny

    He only targeted the people whom he beilived wronged him. Thsts respectable.

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    • LloydAsher

      No it's not. Having perceived wrongs isnt the same as actual wrongs. How he went about it was totally wrong and fucked up. Who the fuck plans for having a grenade dropped into their exhaust. If he would of just took the stock bulldozer and toppled the building, that's fine. When you build your own tank and are hell bent on hurting those who you perceived as wronged you is fucked up.

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      • a-curious-bunny

        It is but he fought for his beilifs and he prepared for it. Thats admirable in my eyes. Yes what he did was wrong but our entire country was built on rebellion fighting for what you beilive to be right. So he did just that.

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        • LloydAsher

          Well technically not. The most of the colonists wanted peace with Great Britain. It was the radicals that wanted independence and it only gained traction after Great Britain chose not to fill those simple demands.

          It was thought by the colonists that defending the territory of the land was just a basic monarchy function. Over taxation for the protection solely because it was in their neck of the woods wasnt a good enough reason to put so many taxes on goods. If Great Britain raised every colonies taxes to offset the cost of fighting wars was a better solution than raise just the local areas taxes.

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          • a-curious-bunny

            Well your clearly more educated on what started the war but at the end of the day we gained our country through violence. Hes just a small very isolated incident of history repeating itself. Destruction for what an individual beilives to be right. At least that's my thoughts on the matter. Didn't he also run over a fuck ton of cars and what not?

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            • LloydAsher

              Yeah hes isolated but he should not be held on a pedestal that's just increasing the chances that someone will idolize his decision and bring more destruction by learning from his mistakes ie not going over a highway divider thus bringing more destruction.

              That being said I would say that the kill dozer is a wonder in homebuilt improvised tank. I actually have a tiny dream in making an improvised tank with a cannon (like a literal blackpowder cannon welded to the top) not for destroying peoples shit. Just for shits and giggles.

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  • LloydAsher

    Hes not a hero. He was mad at a system so he took it out on his neighbors and threatened the lives of his fellow men. Hes looked upon like some kind of libertarian folk hero when in reality he had a good reason but a very bad way of letting out his aggressions. It would have been fine if he just destroyed that one building but by going around smashing shit and endangering lives he crossed the line in the sand of being a hero. At that point he was an adult having a temper tantrum in a heavily armored vehicle.

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    • SmokeEverything

      They were being dicks to him and basically destroyed his buisiness. If you ever listened to his recordings he made about this, his whole problem was that he was an outsider to the town who bought the land from a property auction and the original owner didn't have the money to buy it back, when he offered to let the guy buy the land back for what he paid for it.

      They were destroying his buisiness to build a concrete plant on the access road to his muffler shop and wouldn't let him build another road, after he'd already bought a bulldozer and other equipment to build it. They disconnected his sewer line, then fined him for not having one while basically preventing him from putting in a new one.

      Small town politics can be pretty crooked and that's the whole tipping point of the issue. At the time he bought the land the dispute was over there were tons of foreclosed properties in the area, and the locals weren't too fond of outsiders to the town who bought any of the land. They were actually conspiring against him.

      Marvin Heemeyer did nothing wrong.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Nope, he was a stupid kook.

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      Pretty much. Destroying property and putting lives at risk doesn't make anyone a hero.

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      • SmokeEverything

        Destroying property doesnt make somebody a hero but its not like he bulldozed the town for no reason. The reason people see him as a hero is because he stood up for himself and got even with the people who ruined his life.

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        • RoseIsabella

          ... but there was probably a better way, and he's dead now so...

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          • SmokeEverything

            I mean Im not about to killdoze stuff and kill myself.

            The guy was left in a position where he had nothing to lose and he acted accordingly. The best account you can get of the whole situation is the tapes he recorded prior to the whole dozer incident.


            The corrupt town beat somebody down to the point where he focused on revenge. Like I said Im not gonna build a tank and destroy a supermarket but there's a reason why the guys a folk hero

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  • SmokeEverything

    Absolutely he was a hero. If you hear the whole story behind why he did what he did, I honestly don't think he did anything wrong. Personally I probably wouldnt weld myself into a bulldozer and go on a suicide mission of property destruction, but if you get the whole story I really don't blame the guy.

    Anyway, if anybody has 3 1/2 hours to kill, here's the full recordings of the recordings he made telling his side of the story:


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  • my_life_my_way

    I haven’t seen the video but he sounds like a fun guy

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    • YE

      You would swear you would have rooted for the guy after reading his story.

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  • Tommythecaty


    RIP Marvin Heemeyer.

    Killdoze Jesus too while you’re up there 😊

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