Vegetarianism is just a belief to manipulate you

Stop having beliefs, they just manipulate you. You don't need to be told what to eat, moral vegetarians are falling for it, merely be a conservative liberal, give yourself the perfect opportunity to punish yourself by not believing. Eat meat, eat everything you like (don't tell me a hamburger isn't good for the earth, food's green). Suck down as many cheeseburgers as you can afford and wash it down with a Pepsi Max, then be on a healthy diet of beef and broccoli (if you're Hindu eat beef, fuck with your beliefs). The result is egoism, silver rule, not depriving a man of his sleep, gentlemanliness, cleanliness/health, and that's it. You don't need so many rules of life, just five or seven (I have seven, for I stay out of the pubs and don't gamble), you don't need vegetarian terribleness to tell you what to do. Conservative liberalism isn't just one or two beliefs and it's not just liberalism, it's economic liberal policies, more traditional stances, morals and social conduct you made up, so I was wrong in adopting morals that aren't my own, conservative liberalism is also individualism, my personal morals are be thoroughly lowly, don't deprive anybody or any animal or any robot of their sleep, don't gamble, don't appear rude (not as easy as it sounds), and don't be an arsehole, pain in the arse or pain in the neck, and don't stir the pot, that's most of my morals, vegetarianism isn't part of it because it interferes with freedom of diet. There's nothing of more value than my freedom, not in just doing what I want but in my financial freedom, kingship and doing everything the old-fashioned way.

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Comments ( 19 )
  • Tommythecaty

    Also stop using paragraphs, they only make it bearable to read.

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    • Hansberger

      My boy, I've been using paragraphs without changing the lines as one other IsItNormal member did, you can't see I use paragraphs? That's funny, I always use paragraphs.

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      • Tommythecaty

        No I don’t see.

        To do so may mean I would have to actually read your dribble Hans. 🤣

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  • adobeslats

    If we don’t need to be told what to eat then why are you telling us what to eat?

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    • Hansberger

      I'm telling you not to follow rules of eating. Vegetarianism is the opposite of freedom, even worse, the vegans don't let me have a choice.

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  • Billy247newaccount_35467829

    If you don't like vegetarianism, then don't like it. Nobody said you had to.

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    • Hansberger

      I didn't have to make this post either but in all probability it's logically unavoidable. You don't have to be told what to eat, is it too much to ask?

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      • Billy247newaccount_35467829

        Nobody is telling you what to eat.

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        • Hansberger

          But the vegetarianism is telling me what to eat, and some religions are telling me what to eat. I warned everyone I'm not a distinction, if I do it everyone else does it, if I say it everyone else says it and saying you didn't say that is gaslighting and that's unacceptable.

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          • Billy247newaccount_35467829

            Okay, well then ignore them. It's really not hard to not pay attention to people who are supposedly telling you what to eat.

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            • Hansberger

              It mayn't be hard, but I hate being coerced to eat cake, my roommate tried to force me to eat it, do I have to eat a cholesterol dessert with eggs that cause heart problems and sugar to make my teeth fall out, and beef fat from a fat sack of shit?

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