Usa dont get enough credit

Its easy to hate on the usa because we started the migrant crisis or whatever but you gotta admit we make abunch of good shit. Im sitting here listening to music and its almost always made in the USA. Britain has good rock and roll and Germany has Ramstein, canada got colter wall, but USA has big sporting events, movies, music, big tech, Even trends usually start in the USA. Our culture dominates the world. If people start wearing pokadotted jeans in the us in about a week you'll see ppl wearing it all over the world.

Not saying USA is the best or anything and I get why we get so much hate but you gotta admit its a pretty badass place.

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Comments ( 44 )
  • Yaidin

    American culture has got to be the worst thing that has happened to the rest of the western world. I don't mean sports, music, art, etc. I mean the way people treat each other. See each other. And don't get me started on the polarizing politics that are dripping into other countries.

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    • randomperson1000000

      I agree. The way poor people are especially treated is what makes American different from other developed countries.

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      • LloydAsher

        We expect the poor to get help from actual charitable organizations and people. Not to tax the average citizen to do so. The average citizen donates far more foreign aid than most european countries do taxing their citizens. On top of being taxed for the abundant charity the usa already gives.

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        • randomperson1000000

          Not being a conservative, I have no problem helping out the poor. I'd much rather have my money go towards helping out poor people (and when I say "poor people," I mean "working-class," not actual bums) than towards The Pentagon, foreign aid, or mass incarceration.

          So yes, the US deserves plenty of criticism.

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          • LloydAsher

            I agree the prison system needs rearranging but if you commit a violent crime multiple times no one garners sympathy towards those individuals. Drug dealing is bad. Drug using is lesser, those people just need help, which a lot of states now offer drug rehabilitation as an alternative to prison/ required with prison.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            51% of the yearly budget for the USA goes to medical care and disability/retirement for civilians. The money spent on incarceration is so low almost immeasurable compared to the budget. Believe it or not the military budget is only around 16%. International affairs is 2%.

            I feel people often criticize the USA without ever even looking at the data. People often say what they have heard other ppl say and the truth gets lost in the narrative. I dont think this is even their fault most of the time just mislead.

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    • LloydAsher

      To be fair to blame that on america is unfair due to politics always having an eventual curve to being polarized.

      America is highly individualistic. So yeah you can be an asshole, a right in fact. But that wont make you the most popular person on the block either.

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      • For how individualist we are we are still by far the most charitable country in the world even per capita.

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  • kelili

    To be honest, it is only on social media that I sometimes see this bashing.
    But we have our lives and we really do not care as much as you seem to think we care. I am referring to people, and not governments and their relationships.
    Do you honestly think that we sit and talk about the USA as part of our usual conversation? No, dude.
    We talk about our own country, our government, about sex etc..

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  • LloydAsher

    What America doesnt get enough credit for is that we are the most diverse country ever and we dont have that many racial seperationist groups in comparison to population.

    50,000 white supremacists is astronomically low for a population of 330,000,000+ people of which 70% are white.

    Seriously we are the most diverse country ever yet we are the racist country? Have you been to japan?! They hate you even if you are asian because you arent "their" asian. They flat out didnt allow black sailors to shop at some stores.

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    • Sirilus

      People tend to ignore the fact that we let in a lot of immigrants, more than most other countries and have the highest foreign born citizen population of any other country.

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  • powertothepeople

    The USA is categorically racist. Its culture is part of the patriarchy and we need to smash it.

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    • LloydAsher

      Tell me about another country that has such a high amount of immigrants that do better racially than america?

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      • powertothepeople

        That's not the point. The point is about fighting racism and the USA hasn't done nearly enough.

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        • LloydAsher

          It's done enough. Everyone is legally the same.

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          • powertothepeople

            Then why do black people get arrested more than white people?

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            • LloydAsher

              Why do black people commit 50% of the violent crime?

              If a population does more crime it shows in the statistics. Same can be said about trailer parks and other low income areas. Big cities = big population = more cops = bigger chance to get caught if you are doing something illegal.

              Don't do crimes.

              It's not the cops fault if the majority of the violent offenders are black. It's that individuals direct fault. Nearly all of the asian hate crimes that were portrayed in the news were committed by black suspects. Yet the media was reluctant to say the race of the perpetrator.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Dudes gonna overdose on soy. Id love to see a picture of this person.

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        • powertothepeople

          What's wrong with soy. It's a myth that it makes you sterile. I drink loads of soylent and my sperm count is fine.

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        • LloydAsher

          Like seriously if you travel outside of the usa the world is pretty racist. Especially asia.

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  • randomperson1000000

    The US is the only wealthy country that doesn't give its people healthcare or a living wage, and we've spent the last 77 years overthrowing, invading, or destabilizing other countries.

    Sure, we've got a lot going for us, but I feel we are far from benevolent.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      There is government healthcare for the unemployed and disabled though. Everyone doesnt get it but one benefit is our taxes are so much lower than other 1st world countries. You pay less than half.

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  • Tinybird

    are you kidding? Everyone thinks US is the main/default place on earth.

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  • Wow3986

    Most of the stuff we have here in America are from other countries.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Not true

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      • Wow3986

        Yes true.

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        • LloydAsher

          Not really. Making something americanized is making something new.

          America has invented a shit ton of crap too so we arent just bootlegging other countries inventions. (Cough china cough)

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          • Wow3986

            Yeah, no they haven't. The only thing they invented is this stupid vaccine, which isn't even a vaccine.

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            • 1WeirdGuy

              Cars, Planes, Computers, TVs, tablets, how to use electricity, phones, google, social media companies, nuclear reactors, and the internet was made in the usa I could go on and on. Without USA you could argue the world wouldnt be so technologically advanced.

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  • geek_god_101

    I will also say the US listens to the people more than most countries. Also the people are more likely to be successful in influencing policy in government than most countries allow.

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    • randomperson1000000

      "The US listens to the people more than most countries."

      According to polling, most Americans want: healthcare for all; living wages; child tax credits; paid maternal leave; and, a whole bunch of other stuff. Yet the government gives us squat.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        US literally has the highest wages in the world.

        There is child tax credits and Trump doubled them.

        The only thing that doesnt exist that you said is "medicare for all".

        But for middle class instead of paying a 50% tax like in Germany you're paying a 18% tax. So you keep more of your money and your wages are higher.

        You dont have a understanding of the numbers. If you want to look at economic numbers and compare with anywhere usa is the top and wages are high, housing is cheap (except in blue areas), taxes are low, fuel is 3 1/2 type cheaper.

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        • randomperson1000000

          I was partially referring to the Build Back Better plan. If you break down each issue individually, almost all of them have a favorability rating of over 50%. Yet, did the government listen to the people? No, instead they went ahead and stripped most of these provisions.

          Besides that, there was a Princeton study that came out a few years ago and said that there is NO correlation between what the voters want and what the government is willing to do.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Half the country hates government and wants to be left alone. This makes it hard to get elected if you are going to have invasive policies. America was founded by people who hated government and its still in our blood.

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      • Sirilus

        It's wasn't founded by hatred of government, was founded on a hatred of a tyrannical government. The Founding Fathers understood that government was a necessity to protect the rights of the people, but the power used to protect those rights could be abused.

        Half the country doesn't particularly hate government in general either. They may hate who's "in charge" or how specific things are done, but not usually the government as a whole.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          When I say hate I mean in my side of the country people seem to dislike the federal government but support the local government more. Many people want to abolish the ATF and distrust the FBI, NSA, CIA.

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