Upper ribs sticking out more as i age

When I was younger the ribs just under my collarbones were invisible but in the last few months they have started to show, like a smooth layer on top of them has worn away. My weight has remained the same.

Is this a normal thing to happen in your mid 20s?

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50% Normal
Based on 4 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • normal-rebellious

    It's normal, you lost your puppy fat.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Its normal you are losing collagen as you get older. You can supplement collagen peptides and protein powder and it will slow it down slightly but we are all gonna get old and look old. You can only slow down this process by like 20% at the most with excersize and diet. 20% sounds too high its realistically probably like 5%-10% idk.

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    • That would make sense, looking my age doesn’t bother me. My chest doesn’t look worse, just bonier. I’m getting used to it.

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  • I don’t think so, the rest of me looks the same and my clothes still fit.

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  • Chudders

    Go see a doctor. Doesn't sound normal.

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    • I don’t look like a decaying corpse or anything, I just have visible upper chest bones now and was wondering if others noticed fat loss there over time. Google didn’t yield anything.

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