Tips to drink without

Nowadays when I drink I always get sick. I use to be able to drink alot and at one point in my life I drank alot every day. But now I wont drink for 6 months at a time because of it and everytime I try to pick up a drink after only 1 drink I feel very bad.

It feels like as I drink I am getting a hangover. Even after just one drink I have a headache and I'm sick to my stomach. I dont know how I can fix this. It sucks because I cant go out and have fun or have a beer while socializing.

Does anyone have experience with this and know how I can fix it? My family is mostly alcoholics so it doesnt make sense that this is a genetic thing. I also use to drink everyday and did not have this problem.

Any tips would be much appreciated.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • MonteMetcalfe

    Sometimes life leaves us with shitty options.

    Like if your leg is gangrenous & starting to smell, or say it hurts every time you jab a stick in your eye. The only option is to cut your leg off and stop jabbing a stick in your eye.

    So it goes with getting sick every time you drink. If you don't want to get sick, don't drink. That's just the way it is.

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  • Micro dose it.

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    • Like miceo dose until I feel like I dont get sick anymore?

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      • Divide it into small doses(the smallest dose at which you dont feel sick) and drink them at regular intervals. This should make you tolerant to the sickness. If you take any meds, be aware that alcohol may interact with it and make you even sicker.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Try drinking Root Beer... I believe that will solve your issues (and it's what I used to drink when I was in the bars with friends).

    We even have a brewery in Milwaukee that brews authentic root beer and sells it in bottles or half kegs just like they do with their beer.

    It's on tap at their bar too....

    Great place and great root beer.

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    • litelander8

      My bf wanted to go out the other night so I got a tall soda water and lime to look like I was drinking. So lame 🙄

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      • SwickDinging

        Sometimes you have to pretend for a quiet life.

        I used to get harassed at work socials if I wasn't drinking. Apparently it meant I must be pregnant.

        Thing is, I actually do drink quite regularly and I enjoy it. I just don't want to do it every single time I go out and I don't see why I need a special reason not to. People can be very weird about others not consuming alcohol.

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