This is my identity and everyone has to accept it

My identity, which isn't annoying people, is talking with a mouthful, knocking on the door using the door knocker, which makes a loud noise, slamming doors that are difficult to close, eating steamed dim sims with sweet chili sauce and a juice, shopping regularly, keeping it regular and never changing, acting like I'm absolutely alright, and people have got to learn to accept that.

I have the right to an identity, the problem is people aren't accepting it, they're not accepting me the way I am. My identity includes acting like the guy on the bus and people have got to accept that, my identity includes being cool and people should accept that, I'm even a gentleman and a normal guy and a genius and supersmart and you need to accept that.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Your identity is Hansberger.

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  • techpc

    You need to accept that my personality is somebody who does not accept others' personalities.

    You also need to accept shutting the fuck up and not being annoying.

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    • normal-rebellious

      So let me get this straight, from your profile you're a blue collar worker and you're PC on the computer? Is it PC to say "shutting the fuck up"? I have to say your inconsistencies are consistently different styles in one person, you're a computer nerd workout junkie blue collar worker and sometimes PC.

      It's not an authentic, one note guy who does the same thing, day in, day out, and normal people are one note guys except for me, who's one person and another and another, I'm lots of things.

      I'm a chili-eating, truth-writing, philosophical, overprecise, regular, typical Australian guy with the mind of an old man who owns Insanity Sauce (except I now own ghost pepper sauce), and who never shaves, wears a decent roll-on deodorant and gets very close to your face with his finger upwards when he's very mad and frustrated and is willing to boot you out of my house if you piss me off.

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      • techpc

        It was a joke, chill out. And no, I do not claim to be a computer nerd workout junkie. I said that I get most of my exercise from VR games and weight lifting.

        I think you are confused about the whole "PC" thing. techpc means "Tech PC," as in the PC for the technicians. I do not claim to be politically correct.

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        • normal-rebellious

          Chill out? So that's it, my calmness is a waste of time with people, they can't see how calm I am, they can't see that I take it easy and never read between the lines, all people care about is telling me what to do, seeing me as an exception, and I can't control what people say, no matter what I do they're telling me what to do, they're even telling me to do things I told them I'm doing.after this pursuit of not being told to chill out, after all my efforts to look calm they challenge my feelings.

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