Think blacks and asians smell bad?

So I’ve recently noticed I find other races to smell really bad especially blacks and Asians. Rotting garbage and rotten fish markets i one time almost fought this black guy because he smelled so bad.

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Comments ( 21 )
  • gen_platen

    It's all about the person's diet. You probably smell like trailer park and meth.

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    • 2WeirdGuy

      he eats trailer park

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  • quietyou

    Also I just noticed the "almost fought" part and yeah you're definitely just another idiot who absorded the racism of his Uncle Dad and his sister-wives, sorry kid, you're doomed to this life.

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  • Giorgi

    White people smell as bad if not worse, stop basing smell on ones race.

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  • Ligeia

    Black people have overactive sweat glands so.

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    • ospry

      If that's true it seems counterintuitive. Black people developed dark skin to protect against the sun, so wouldn't their sweat glands have adapted to long periods in the sun as well?

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      • Ligeia

        Idk maybe the sweat glands are maximum efficiency. Probably good to have in desert heat

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  • RoseIsabella

    It was in a store here in Dover, Delaware where I got my first whiff of the Amish, they tend to smell ripe, and kinda gamey.

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    • Betans


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      • RoseIsabella

        Rude, or not it isn't any less true. Also the Amish run a lot of puppy mills.

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  • ImDown4Anal

    This is what I mean when I say 98% of trolls are predictable and boring. Not even an attempt to be funny (or educational), just whatever they think can get a rise.

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  • ALilBitNormal

    most asian peoples sweat actually doesnt have a scent! I think you probably have some deeply rooted racism that you need to work on. Of course, if people eat strongly scented food theyre bound to carry that scent, but thats with all races + we shouldnt judge people for what they eat as long as it doesnt hurt anyone :P

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    • ALilBitNormal

      also... you say "blacks" so that basically tells me enough

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  • capman

    I've smelled some good Asian women and Black women! The bad smelly people dont bathe regularly.

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  • trexagireve

    Stop licking black men cum from your asian wife pussy

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  • RoseIsabella

    It's more of we don't wear deodorant/antiperspirant underarm body odor thang, or as they call it in Colombia, "chucha".

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  • SweetNLite

    When I was a kid I would gag at the smell of that afro sheen they put in their hair. It would get all over the windows and stink the bus up so bad you'd get out and walk. I grew up in the deep south where it was hot as shit most of the time and that didn't help.

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  • FLeak56

    Indians am I a joke to you

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  • quietyou

    That's a big dumb generalization there. It would be like saying "does anyone think blonde people smell funny?" You're talking about a HUGE group of people who mostly only have a skin color in common, or the fact they were born like within 2,500 miles of each other (do you have any clue how fucking big Africa and Asia area?!?

    Honestly, no, kid, you're just a prejudiced dumbfuck who went to a couple smelly places where there happened to be a lot of scary non-white people around.

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  • ospry

    Almost fighting someone because they smell bad is the most New Jersey thing I've ever heard of

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  • Kermitthehog

    Not normal. I frequently go to the Asian store by my house and it just smells nuetral like any other room. I have however walked passed other white people in grocery stores and nearly gagged.

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