The ukrainians are just as merciless

The Ukrainians are dropping bombs from drones on people who are running away or hiding in trenches having already surrendered and started pleading for their lives. That's not war at that point. That is murder. No better than shooting a fleeing person in the back. I don't support what Russia is doing but you no longer get to claim victemhood when you are committing mass murder. Killing a fleeing soldier is murder any way you look at it shooting someone in the back is murder and an act of cowardice.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Meatballsandwich

    That war is fucking stupid.

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  • KholatKhult

    Zelenskiy has called for “preemptive nuclear strikes on Russia” multiple times now. When will NATO nations realize they’re letting a maniac drag the world to the brink of extinction ???

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  • KholatKhult

    Wyatt Reed on Twitter is an English-speaking American journalist currently covering some of the Ukrainian war crimes being committed against it’s own people.
    There will never be a war crime trial held against either country.

    Here is a small thread of the most recent genocidal killings of both POW and civilians carried out by the Ukrainian military. Trigger warning for blood and bodies

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