Suicidal thoughts

I've been struggling with depression for a very long time and I've just lost a relationship that was helping me getting better and meant the world to me. Now that all hopes for this relationship is lost, I feel highly suicidal.

What keeps you going when you are really down? When you have lost all hope? When the sense of your life is gone?

Please tell me what helps you.

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Comments ( 29 )
  • Somewhereinbetween

    I had been in that same place before. Since I was a kid I remembered getting depressed for reasons I can't even remember. I bet you know how all of this is, sometimes it just feels everything is okay and "normal" but then everything goes to shit again. While I got to the point of thinking about suicide and living was not worth it anymore (there were different reasons at different points in my life, dad being an asshole, moving out my country, just feeling lonely or that I wasn't worth it, losing someone that meant the world to me, etc) what helped me get by was simple things that I might like. One time it was just watching movies to try to get distracted. It got to the point that I had watched and almost all of the movies from the red box lol, other times I would just sleep, others I would work a lot just to keep myself busy. I wouldn't even take my breaks at all. Writing a journal, drawing, reading, or just try something new that I have never done before like going to a club get drunk, have sex with a stranger,it might sound weird but since I am all shy those were things I wad all afraid of trying but since I didn't care at that point I was like... fuck it just do it and feel something different even if it was scary it wad also exciting at the same time. I just had to keep doing something until you feel a little better and actually want to start living again and once u get some strenght back, I will start again planing my life and setting goals and what I want it from life. I did tried to kill myself with pills just to realize after I took them I got really scared of actually dying. Thank God it didn't kill me, at least I knew for sure that killing myself was not an option for me. I wanted to go to a psychologist forever because I thought it was gonna be just what I needed and my life would change. It didn't work for me when I actually did it but that was just me. I thought the same about meds, that it was gonna change my life too. I started taking xanax and other meds just to feel the withdrawals of that and hate the doctor for giving me those damn pills in the first place. I am not saying they are bad when they are prescribed correctly and not for idiot doctors and just give you a whole bunch of those to take everyday but anyways. After finding a better doctor, I am taking lexapro now and it has been working really good for me for a few years already. I know you might hate the "it gets better" at this point but it actually does even tho is hard to see it right now. I have really good friends that I love like family, a relationship that I honestly feel proud of, a good job, a college degree and just a normal and good life doing what I like to do and enjoying life for what it is. I hope this helps a litte, good luck my friend :)

    Sorry for the grammar errors. English is not my first language and typing on my phone doesn't help much either.

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  • d0esnormalmatter


    -lifting weights



    Remove any of these and I'd def be suicidal. All great stress relievers and give me a purpose in my life enough to wake me up each morning.

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  • barefoot_on_the_sand

    If you can't love yourself how do you expect others will?
    That's what keeps me going.

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    • I don't hate myself. I hate life.

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  • Nikclaire

    Don't look at the big picture, just focus on the next step. Running a marathon is overwhelming, running the to the next block is doable.

    Hang in there.

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  • DIO

    You should listen to music.
    Or not, I'm not a cop.

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  • Shiki

    Think “realistic“
    I also live with a person that means the world to me and i could literally not live without this person. But actually, when i think about it, to find a love isn't always a struggle. You just need to know where if you have special interests, you just could look up for an forum for this or something.

    This is how i found my partner actually, and the other interests also fit xD

    It is said to say you should look up for “professional help“ But it doesn't always solve and many just do not seem motivate.

    I had 5 different therapist, among the chefs who leaded this stuff and they were all always talking the same boring stuff and push medicine in me which did not really changed anything.

    Maybe it also could depends on the place you go i guess...

    Anyway, first you need to get calm ..could take some months though xD
    It would always hurt you again and again and it would not vanish but live is still worth it to do all the other crap you usually do in your life and there are so many fcking people in this planet and there is a high probability you find another good friend or partner

    I wish you good luck ^.^

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    • Thank you for your answer.

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      • Shiki

        Sure, you can talk to me anytime again if you want to ^^
        I would have fun to do so~
        You also can ask anything if you want to

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        • One of the only things that keeps me alive right now is not wanting my parents to suffer.

          If you really mean it, how do you make a girl that doesn't want to talk to you talk to you? (She didn't left me on bad term and wasn't angry or anything, just not looking for the same thing as I was, meaning a romantic relationship rather than friendship).

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  • jethro

    If you truly want an answer, and are not just another troll, seek the help of a professional. Not the amatures on this website.

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    • amature is not a word.

      I've seen shrinks for years. It didn't help.
      I don't want help, just to know what people usually do to get better.

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      • jethro

        OK smart ass troll. Amateur. How's that. Now what you need to do is take about 1 gram of fentanyl and you will have your answer in about an hour.

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        • I'm not in the mood for trolling.
          Either answer the question or get the fuck out. Thank you.

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          • jethro

            I did answer it you dick wad, so FOAD. No one tugged on your tampon string.

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            • The question was what are you doing. So no, you didn't answer.
              Please refrain from being stupid on my post or I'll have to block you.

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  • WeirdGuyFr0mTheSouth

    Dont commit suicide. It will get better.

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    • How do you know?

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      • WeirdGuyFr0mTheSouth

        Because it has to. Life changes. You'll meet another person eventually and things will change. It's hard when you first break up but eventually you get over them. Also financial problems can get better. I've been there too but im glad I didnt go through with it because now i have a kid and things got better.

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        • I've never got over her. I've loved her for 16 years. I've had other girlfriends and serious relationships but a part deep down inside of me always loved her. We accidently met again this year and she was really willing to keep in touch with me. I was really happy for a short period but as I said previously, all hopes are lost now that she don't want the same thing I want and said we shouldn't go any further.
          I don't see myself living without this now.

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          • WeirdGuyFr0mTheSouth

            I can just tell you from my experience. I was on drugs really bad and couldn't get out of bed with them. My financial situation was a mess and I felt like I'd never be able to get off the heroin. I was sick without any money for heroin. I was really close to shooting myself and my wife took the guns to work with her. Then I almost hung myself but I'm very glad I didn't now.

            I know if someone told me what I'm telling you, at that point, I would not have listened. But things really have gotten better and I NEVER thought they would. I'm so glad I didn't kill myself. I just feel like if they could get better for me they definitely can for you too. And by saying that I dont mean to dismiss your problems or suggeste that your problems arent as bad as mine. But I felt like they'd never get better.

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  • Meowypowers

    What keeps me from doing it is hearing the stories of people that have jumped off the golden gate bridge and survived. They regret their decision after they jump.
    Also Jordan Peterson's response.

    I have lost too many

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  • litelander8

    In drink A LOT. Not recommended, but it works for me.

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