Struggling with suspected excoriation disorder

I can't stop picking spots, blisters or scabs. I picked my nose repeatedly until it bled and I keep picking the scab off straight away after it re-heals. It's like I feel an urgent need to do it or it doesn't feel 'right'. Eventually the scab will heal in such a way that it's impossible to dig under it, or it will just become too painful to continue - that is what always happens. But how long will it take to reach that point?

I tell my doctor about it and she just says 'stop doing it'. I tell my shrink about it and she just nods and takes notes. What do I do to satisfy these urges without destroying my face??

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Comments ( 15 )
  • applepiedreams

    I have/had the same thing. I still pick my face but with time it got better.
    What helped me is actively thinking about it and realising when i pick and slowly trying to tell my brain that i actually dont want to do it.
    Some ppl use fidgets to keep their hands in motion and not pick. But I personally think that those wont help you in the long run. These things are always connected to other underlying issues and you have to figure these out.
    For me its mirrors paired with bright light i try to avoid.

    Maybe keep a notebook where you write down whenever you pick so become more aware of it.
    Or maybe when you are nervous/ stressed address these issues instead of picking..

    Hope this helped in some way

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    • That might help. Thanks very much for sharing!

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  • Ummitsstillme

    I bite the inside of my mouth

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    • Chap

      I do this a lot

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  • olderdude-xx

    I found that just scratching the area reduced my need to pick scabs.

    Also, putting really good sticking band aids (or larger bandages) on them reduced how much I picked scabs.

    What I do now is way reduced from what I did when I was much younger.

    I wish you well with this...

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  • KholatKhult

    Wear gloves for a week

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    • I wish I could without it arousing suspicion at work.

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      • KholatKhult

        Let the people be aroused
        I used to wear black latex or leather gloves casually. If anybody asked anything I just told them I was crazy or something, didn’t ask anything after that
        If people ask about it, tell them it’s to stop picking your skin, worse they can do is give you a weird look.

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        • I certainly hope I won't arouse them in 'that' way!!

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        • CountessDouche

          Homie! I'm glad you're ok. I havent been on lately. Moving cunt-trees. I almost missed the war ffs.

          You must be having a blast with all the sport r troops, 'mericar pro patriot trump tards having a go at nationalism as if it's suddenly a crime. Iin is always top tier for people who completely lack self awareness. I'm sure you're having the time of your life on here. Just stand down. You only have one leg & hopefully a babby on the way.

          As always,

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          • KholatKhult

            Oi oi Douche been too damn long

            Watching the mental/moral gymnastics unfold from the “Liberate the world!” Americans and the “Conquer the world!” Europeans really is giving me a grey hair or two. I didn’t think bumper-sticker-politicians were going to be this gatekeepy.

            Have to keep up my Putin praise on here cause shit someone has to, and the 5% tax cut makes it easier. Beats having to kneel on those hard Kremlin floors anyway. If the ole hammer and sickle gets to spinnin’ too much in my head the Mrs hits me with the shock collar though, so I’ve been behaving

            Leg ain’t coming back, but the cub is about 32 weeks en route now. Been holding my breath the last 3 months. Nice hearing from ya

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            • CountessDouche

              Girl noises! Girl noises!!!

              I was just guessing that big bad f was pregantè. I just figured you would be anger sexing and telling her to stab your gums, and she would of course oblige. Congratulations!! You guys made it past the risky spot for losing one, so I hope you're prepared to raise the next generation of pinko, commie devil children.

              I'm sure IIN has been a blast. It's great to see all the hateful racist shits on here suddenly pretend to give a fuck about human rights, especially since before last month the only heard of the Ukrain in relation to naughty birds. "Hey you, crane, stop stealing my french fries! I'm not diabetic enough."

              Peak irony, as is always the way on here.

              Glad you're doing good & congrats!!!

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  • MonsteraDeliciosa

    This therapy session never gets old... Good luck!

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