Stay at home women

I don't get why there seems to be such a push for a "strong independent woman" just like I dont believe there should be a push for "strong independent man". Men and woman should feel they need eachother so they raise good children together so our countries can continue to flourish. I think we don't realize how important it is today to make sure we are raising the next generation for success. One of the best things you can do for your country is raise good children. Our kids are the future.

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42% Normal
Based on 12 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • miss_jass06

    Everyone should do whatever they want. I'm a woman and have a boyfriend, but I don't like kids and don't wanna have any of my own. I'd rather have my dream job, enjoy my relationship, travel and rescue shelter animals in the future. Kids need to be raised by someone who wants them and knows how to properly care for them so they grow to be good and happy people. Not everyone should have them, many people shouldn't be parents.

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  • Sanara

    I agree children should be raised with both parents ideally. But actually needing someone as a partner is always a bad idea unless you're already in a relationship, that you also are happy with. Feeling you need someone could make you stuck in an abusive/toxic relationship or just with someone you dont really like. Or if you dont find a partner that will just make you miserable. Not everyone wants children either. But you have a point for those who do get kids.

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  • Men are useless and weak. They should try having a period every month, imagine someone nonstop kicking your weak balls for multiple days straight while you bleed and experience hormonal mood swings and cravings, then still go about your day anyways. I'd love to see that honestly.

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    • darefu

      Men have or should have semicolons. That's when they should take a deep breath, pause and keep their mouth shut for about a week.

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    • Sanara

      dumbasssite: Im a woman (and not even traditional) and I don't believe the men are useless and weak thing. And as a woman, you also cannot know directly how much getting kicked in the balls hurt, therefore you cannot compare it to period pain (or the other way around). If you have severe pain during period, there may be a medical problem in addition, but some pain is normal. Either way, neither gender are useless, nor do they not have struggles, men and women just have different ones. And people like you only encourage misogyny from the opposite side. Instead we should try to be compassionate towards each other regardless of gender and other external factors.

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    • Meatballsandwich

      Weak? Explain why you're getting your asses handed to you by trans athletes then.

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      • litelander8


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    • If every female believed men were useless we would cease to exist. Its a very stupid and immature outlook for anyone above the age of 9.

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    • litelander8

      Lol. Dudes get a cold and act like they’ve got the Black Lung.

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  • bubsy

    Women drive around 70-80 percent of total consumer spending. Do you see the incentive of detaching them from real families and households to corporate ones?

    Depressed people tend to buy more stuff as well, and there is no creature more depressed than a 40+ year old woman with no kids.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Nobody “should” do anything.

    No one need have loyalty to the future.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Kids should (in theory) have both parents to interact with, but a lot of times it's just the mom. And if they are lucky, they have both supportive parents, so at least the kid could have a grandfather in the picture, if not the father. But that's just typical type of family, all kinds of families work, as long as there is love, that should be all that matters

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