Squatting instead of bending your back

When picking up things or doing anything below your hips like filling the dishwasher or taking the loundry

is it normal to squat for literally everything as a man?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Normalmember

    If you pay attention to babies or toddlers they squat to pick everything up, it is a natural moment. It's better than bending, especially for heavy things.

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    • ospry

      Don't toddlers squat to pick things up because they're extremely top-heavy and trying to bend at the waist causes them to fall over?

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  • Yaidin

    I work in a warehouse. If I was going to bend my back over everything in there, I'd probably be a cripple by now lol. Plus squatting is good for the legs

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  • RoseIsabella

    I like to pick things up with my toes.

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  • Anonnet

    Yeah, that's literally the way you're supposed to lift things. I've been warned more times than I can count (I used to work retail) that you lift with your knees, not with your back. I injured my shoulder once by overdoing it, but better my shoulder than my spine.

    And for light lifts, like dishes and laundry? Hey, you're doing squats. I hear squats are the best exercise known to mankind or something.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    I do this, even though I feel a bit ridiculous at work sometimes I’d rather that than deal with back pain. Anyone who comments on it is outing them-self for staring at your arse anyway.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I always bent at the knees and was careful not to lift wrong and it didnt matter. Still ruptured several discs in my 20s had to get surgeries.

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    • raisinbran

      Bad genes. I've lifted plenty of heavy things incorrectly and never had a problem.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Probably genes played a role but I also did this job for 6 years where I had to lift irregs (boxes from 70 pounds to 165 pounds) from the ground into the back of a trailer and then loaders would pull them in. Id do this for 8 hours a day. It was like deadlifting fulltime and I felt great. My hamstrings and ass muscle was huge, I had alot of energy, but as soon as I got promoted and stopped doing it the muscles shrank down and then my back fell apart. I think the discs were already ruptured but didnt know it. Next thing you know I was out of work for weeks at a time.

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