Sometimes kissing is not the door opener

Sometimes I'll be with women and feel what they want but I've never just pulled my dick out and got head, I'd always with my way to that through kissing first which makes no sense cause certain girls now women i wouldn't kiss. So I guess I'm asking a couple of things, is what I'm saying & pondering normal? Would just pulling out cock be the best rightest way to go about itv

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Comments ( 10 )
  • olderdude-xx

    The key door opener is to talk to her about her interest and appropriate touching that she accepts long before you ever try to kiss her.

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  • Notsureboutthis1

    Ok so i have an update, went to hang with a girl I've known for years she's actually somebody I knows cousin, but we're all adults and i always knew she wanted it, anyway we hung didn't work out the 1st night but she was explicitly clear she was down for a fwb type of thing, she just got out of a 20 year long relationship, had two kids with the guy and everything, but relationship went super steel. Long story short, went to hang with her a second time, not a girl i would kiss, pulled out my dick she went and sucked it and swallowed good. No issues afterwards, actually hung with her for a few hours after cause we had nice convo, laughs etc, we smoked pot together before and again after bj, and being she my friend cousin i didn't want her feeling like i just went there for some head but that would have been okay too given fact she kept saying just tell me when you want to leave. But i felt bad leaving one cause we were having good convo but mainly cause she my friend cousin, and this was the first time I've ever done that but it worked out great

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  • kikilizzo

    Go ahead, see what happens.

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    • Notsureboutthis1

      She sent down and swallowed

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    It can be hard to get a girl to just drop on her knees without a kiss. Depends on the girl i guess.

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  • ospry

    Are you asking if you should whip ya dick out at the doorstep when dropping a date off at her house?

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    • SkullsNRoses

      He seems to be. Maybe if she’s a classy date he should put a little black bow tie on it to impress her.

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      • Notsureboutthis1


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      • Notsureboutthis1


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      • allialli

        They'll wear a suit and tie, and fancy collar. They'll sing a lullaby. La la la la la.

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