Sometimes, if i am aware i'm sleeping i struggle to wake myself up

Sometimes when I dream, I am aware of everything that is happening, at times I am able to control my dreams, on other occasions I am not. For example, I once dreamt that I was being assaulted by a demon that turned into an attempt of demonic possession.

In my dream, I kept telling myself that I need to wake up as for some reason, I knew that I was dreaming. It has caused me to fear sleeping at night because once I do go to sleep, the lucid dreaming I have, eventually turns into something I cannot control.

Has anyone else had this?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Higenleth

    I've read somewhere that if you're lucid dreaming and realize it, you should look at your hands if you want to wake up. Apparently, your brain never puts enough fingers in your dream-hands and seeing that usually wakes people right up. Personally, when I want to wake up, I very quickly do a situp while sleeping and that works for me.

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  • UnconsciousRat

    Try to sleep while you're lucid dreaming, it may wake you up.

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    It's called false awakening and is very common. I've experienced it many times. Train yourself not to fight it and just go with it.

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  • darefu

    Leave the alcohol and drugs alone!

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    • Great advice but I don't drink alcohol or do drugs. Caffeine like sodas or coffee is probably what's triggering it.

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      • darefu

        Caffeine is considered a drug, not necessarily what I was talking about, but yes enough of it and thing can get pretty screwed up.

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