Sometimes i really need to camp

It's true. I need to get outta here to camp, not with a fire but with a cabin and a TV, so I can watch the morning news. Added to this I wanna prepare chicken chili con carne and drink a bottle of some kind of soft drink to be more usual than the teacher who thinks he's so wise. And education: I wanna study my philosophy book and have a hard time with the backpackers next door, and how do you like them apples?
Perhaps I'll be eating apples and it's more fun than cranky old men medicating me, I will have so much fun that a stranger will reprove me for what I've done as if it's evil that I do that. Morality is a whole lot of fun, eh? That's the whole reason I feel awful with people!

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Comments ( 2 )
  • Grunewald

    Good for you!

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    • normal-rebellious

      Camping is actually a good thing, I don't need somebody to wake me up twice.

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