Something i noticed about the people that complain most about life

Here's something I noticed about most people online and in real life who constantly complain:

- they live with their parents for free

- they are always broke. they don't save money but instead spend it all on cars, electronics, clubbing, or expensive dining places. Sometimes they expect others to pay for things for them

- they're very rude toward their teachers, bosses, and the very people that house them

- they constantly point out other peoples flaws, yet get upset if someone does it to them

- they believe they're smarter than everyone else

- they literally cry when a different opinion is heard

- they refuse to take responsibilities for their actions even if they're taken to court for their stupidity

A lot of them fail to realise how lucky they are to have a place to live, to have the opportunities they have, to be able to see the pretty things in the world like trees, animals, colours, to be able to taste and smell delicious foods, to feel the lovely textures everything has, to wake up another day.

I'm tired of living in this run down ghetto area full of such negativity. I'm happy that I grew up here and I love this town, but the people just wear me down. Once I have enough money saved, its goodbye [insert name of my town here ].

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Comments ( 18 )
  • bbrown95

    Yep, I unfortunately know someone who fits this very well, but will soon be in a very unfortunate situation if he doesn't get his act together, as he is living with an elderly family member and the rest of his family is exactly the same way as he is, save for living under someone else's roof (though they are constantly begging for money from other people). What could happen to him if this family member passes away scares me.

    He knows no responsibility, as he is 25 and has never had a job or really had any responsibilities besides house chores, half of which he either doesn't do or complains about the entire time. He has no idea about the concept of arriving somewhere on time because he thinks if someone says to be somewhere by 8:00, you leave the house at 8. He is the king of excuses and thinks he can just make an excuse for everything. When I've tried to tell him he will be fired from jobs for this sort of behavior, he has scoffed and acted like he has his pick of any job he wants and that any employer would be lucky to have him. He's 25 with no prior experience. Nobody wants to hire someone who can't be bothered to show up to work on time, take orders, do anything besides lay on their ass, cannot accept any sort of criticism or responsibility for their own actions, and has an excuse for everything.

    Nothing is ever his fault, it's always somebody else's, and his reaction to being told anything he doesn't want to hear or being held accountable for his actions is to have a pity party and sulk.

    And yes, he is never happy and always finds a reason to complain about EVERYTHING. He is always trying to relive the past and is too busy doing that and hating the present to enjoy anything, and the only way he ever wants to leave his house and interact with people is if he can somehow try to relive the past and the people he interacts with are his old friends from high school, most of which want nothing to do with him now. He is completely opposed to meeting any new people or trying any new things. It's very sad, but there's no convincing him otherwise.

    What these people don't realize is that there are a lot of things in life that are in their control, they just choose to do nothing about them and chalk it up to "bad luck". The truth is that we create a good portion of our own luck, and a lot of our quality of life depends on the choices we make.

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      Wow. I know a few people like this too. When the relative that took care of them died, they blew the inheritance on dumb shit instead of saving it, then started begging everyone for a place to stay. I've turned down a few of these beggers. They're nothing but useless burdens.

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      • bbrown95

        Yes, unfortunately true. I really worry about this person.

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  • ellnell

    Well when you have everything it's easy to get that way because you're not used to 'real' struggle. Most likely they are bored. Maybe they can't move out, but the ones who waste all their money probably could though but they're either just lazy or needs help handling their economy... Though when you can't move out it's easy to feel down in life and complain. But it could be good to at least be greatful you can stay with your parents.
    Avoid those people who complain too much, it's just annoying.

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    • I've tried to avoid these people. They're everywhere though. My coworkers, friends, and family are like this.

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  • suckerberg

    im an adult and i still live with my parents and i am eternally grateful for them because getting an apartment, providing for yourself is so expensive plus i'm still studying so i would probably die in the streets.

    that said, i know a lot of people who live in mansions and still complain that they hate their life and while i don't want to invalidate their suffering, it takes no effort to just appreciate what you have.

    but maybe its because i grew up with no money to spare to get nice things.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Thou doth protest too much

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  • rocketdave

    While at work I was a contract aerospace quality engineer specialising in supply chain. That meant I lived out of a suitcase for most of my life. I retired at 68 and bought a condo in Pattaya, Thailand and believe it or not there are the moaners over here as well. There's no pleasing some people!

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  • litelander8

    Yo, I’m about to move to the ghetto.

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    • megadriver

      Why would anybody want to move to the ghetto?

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      • litelander8

        It’s cheap. All together well be paying a grand for house payments and regular bills. It’s 100 year old house and has granite in the brickwork and a fat ass backyard. Plus the tiddie bar is a couple blocks over.

        The only down side in reality is that the school systems are shit. But I’ll have more than enough money for private school and out of school activities.

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      • That's what I'm wondering. It sucks here!

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    • Good luck.

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  • Mammal-lover

    Sounds about right. Suffering is generally self inflicted

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  • RoseIsabella

    Where are you?

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    • In the US. People here are so spoiled and bratty. Worst part is that the people I'm talking about are in my age bracket. I'm 32.

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      • NormalIsAsNormalDoes

        32? Good god. I hope you don't associate with these people, they're toxic and don't deserve others in their lives. The only people that can help them is themselves when they're like this.

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    • I guess in Reality, USA?

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