Some people not photogenic

Is it normal some people look much better in person than on a photo? My wife looks better than she does in pictures. Im ugly regardless.

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94% Normal
Based on 17 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • bbrown95

    Normal. I've been told I'm photogenic, but don't believe I am. Then again, I have no idea how to pose or what angles look best, so maybe that is why, lol. Someone else mentioned that and it makes sense, as those things do make a difference (along with lighting).

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  • Flare94

    This is very normal. A woman I have a crush on. Looks beautiful in person. When I seen her profile on social media. It's like she uploaded her worst pictures. She's not photogenic at all. I guess it's a bonus though. When you show your friends and family, they'll be in for a pleasant surprised when they actually meet her in person.

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    • Yeah same for me. She uploads pictures to facebook and they're usually very bad pictures of her.

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  • LloydAsher

    It's a wonder how I got a girlfriend with how terrible I pose in pictures.

    I'm not good at smiling as it turns out.

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    • Rumpelforeskin

      Same my fake smiles look totally ungenuine emotion is very hard to fake.

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      • bbrown95

        I saw something somewhere awhile back that says if you relax your lips and blow through them to make them do that "horse snorting" thing (sorry, I don't know how else to explain it, lol), your smile will look much more genuine afterwards, and it actually works with me! I think it has to do with just relaxing the muscles in your face/lips.

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      • LloydAsher

        I dont use fake smiles but when I have to smile for photos i overthink how much effort to put in.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    Personal photography is all about knowing how to pose or the angle of the image. Some people never learn about either.

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