Since objective reality's in your mind you can believe in any sham you want

Existentialism in any form written by Søren Kierkegaard is a deception, it puts you in a fantasy world and since a lie can be made into any truth you want if you carefully construct the lie even the lies stop being lies.

There are ways and there are ways, there's many ways to invent the truth, actually existentialism isn't a lie but the philosopher conned me into thinking a fictional character wrote "Either/Or", I know it's Kierkegaard.

And this isn't just with this odd story, any story of a series of events written by a philosopher, ideologist or religious leader is fiction and we're expected to believe fiction, they're not just books, they're literally make believe.

Trust me when I say these fictional stories are true and contain some lies, religion does it too.

Do you think reality is true, literally? It's not, reality's a deception, we're living in cons and fantasies.

A long time ago you can charge this man with fraud but Kierkegaard got away with it!!!

I don't know what to believe anymore, I'm being swindled into my beliefs when I just want the truth.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Might I suggest a nice hot steaming bowl of Jordan Peterson from our lunch menu this afternoon?

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    • normal-rebellious

      Yeah, sounds like a great and average idea.

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  • Iforgotmyuser

    What's reality to you?

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    • normal-rebellious

      Reality to me might be a simulation of my brain, it's definitely extremely the worst, evil and doesn't work out for the best, it's humiliating the hell out of me, getting unwanted attention from mental health doctors and life gets worse as I get older, and people rub salt in the wound, out of the frying pan into the fire, that's reality.

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      • Iforgotmyuser

        It is scientifically possible to be living in a simulation... either a big one we all share or just one that's in your brain and everyone else is just an extension of that. I read somewhere in a book that the latter is falsifiable because you thought that and I thought that and I'm of certainty that I exist and you're of certainty that you do. Of course, there's no way for me to know you're real and not a figment of MY imagination, but I feel it would take a sense of deep denial to reject the idea that everyone else is, in fact, real.

        Hence, we only have two lenses of reality left: either a collective simulation or a 'real' physical reality. Either way, both cases have to be governed by rules in order to exist. Having set rules to reality means that there is truth. There is truth in numbers, for example. There is also truth in Physics. And there is probably truth in the infrastructure of the universe that we simply cannot prove.

        If you still feel existentially overwhelmed, try some Albert Camus and absurdist theory. It might make it worse or better for you depending on how you take it.

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        • normal-rebellious

          Sounds great but I found the truth, I'm a good honest Christian, I no longer believe we're in a simulation, or one of my brain, it's not a simulation, I believe reality's subjective but it's also objective, I believe you're the way you consistently view yourself, not the way you don't, I believe in no contradictions, not even being a not and an is at the same time, you're not, you either are something or you're not, you can't be both.

          I believe in absolute good, that I'm morally perfect (it's a Christian thing), and TULIP ( which stands for total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and the perseverance of the saints, it's a Puritan thing). 🙂

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          • Iforgotmyuser

            That's great! I would've brought up the religious viewpoint into this (as it is the viewpoint I believe in) but I thought you might be an atheist so I tried to discuss ideas outside of religion and God. I'm glad you found your way!

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            • normal-rebellious

              Yes, God bless you.

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