Since it is legal to only possess and use marijuana in republic of georgia

Can I still get away with growing my own stuff here and it does so in under one month, and would autoflower seeds work? and can i still get away lawfully growing my own even if it's illegal to cultivate? I for some reason think that there's not going to be much of a problem if it is legal to possess and use. Since i've been warned street dealers being problematic.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    It depends how rural the area is. We use to grow them out in the woods its really hard for them to prove you own them. Just wear a mask or something when you go cut the buds off.

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  • litelander8

    Look into your own laws. It’s on the internet.

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    • Giorgi

      Illegal but I want to know for sure if there's any loophole in law that cultivation of a small amount constitutes to personal use.

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      • litelander8

        My bf said the loophole is don’t tell anyone. Lol. But it really stinks once you get buds.

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        • Giorgi

          You mean literally the skunky and spicy stink from flower or stink of the law is that offense becomes aggravated when it starts flowering?

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          • litelander8

            Yes. It’s stinky.

            And also growing marijuana is not as easy as one would think. So best of luck if you do try.

            Really the government is trying to get a hand in taxes and medical.

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            • Giorgi

              The stink of buds is great though.

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  • kelili

    Grow it in the woods if you can. This is what most people do here.

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