Shoulder riding during a concert

I am male. I was 21 years old when this happened. I am not an English native speaker, so please excuse any mistakes.

I was alone at a concert with an audience composed mainly of young females, because I hoped to pick up someone.
Next to me there were two pretty girls. The shorter one could not see any of the performance and kept asking the taller one to lift her on her shoulders, but was being refused. So, I offered to take her on my shoulders instead.
She accepted and I lifted her. She was less than 50 kg so it was quite easy for me to carry her at first. I was happy and thrilled, but as time passed it started to look just wrong.
So, is it normal that both girls payed absolutely no attention to me whatsoever, barely responded to me when I talked and never started talking?
Is it normal that the girl on my shoulders did not care about her weight? She never asked me if she should dismount me, never asked if she was too heavy or if I had any trouble carrying her. She just sat on my shoulders for the rest of the concert, that is about two hours and 20 minutes.
As I said, it was really no problem at first, but her weight pressing on me became almost unbearable in the end. Is it really even possible that she did not notice that i was breathing heavily, perspirated a lot and my knees started trembling a little?
Even more, probably to make it an even greater chalange, from time to time she used to dance or even hop on my shoulders, completely oblivious to my (now) suffering.
She obviously had a great time, but all I got in the end (besides the back pain) was an anaemic "thank you" and not even a phone number. Is this normal?

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70% Normal
Based on 57 votes (40 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • kingofcarrotflowers

    You're going to concerts for numbers? People go to see some of their favorite bands not talk and flirt, the only thing that pisses me off more than someone talking at a concert is when someone ahead of me is sitting on someone's shoulders and blocking my view, I don't have to option of asking to do the same, but with concerts and especially festivals the idea of personal space goes out of the window so something like that, which in any other context would be seen as at least even slightly sexual is just a better view,

    The length of time she stayed there though is just insane, I don't understand why you didn't put her down and just enjoy the show, in other words, yes it's normal, but then so is getting a bottle of piss thrown around, in a crowd at a gig people don't tend to give a fuck about anything other than their own gig experience, I've seen people flirt to get a shoulder before maybe she was doing that.

    You should learn a lesson from this, the time to talk to people at a gig is in the line, in between acts and once it finishes and that people will do anything to improve their experience regardless of those around them, gigs can be like a battlefield, you have to fight to keep your place, you kept yours, someone just claimed your shoulders instead

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    • It was outdoors. The sound from the band was so loud that my feeble voice could not have bothered anyone. I am not that inconsiderate.
      I did not ask her to get down for two reasons: I still had hope that I will eventually befriend her and I did not want to look weak.

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  • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

    First, she was a cunt for not offering to get down.

    Second, you're weak for not have the testicular fortitude to tell her to get the fuck off. Also, you could have asked her for her number too!

    Lastly, don't ever do anything with the hope of getting something undiscussed out of it. You're a cunt because you use kind gestures as currency.

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    • I did not ask her to get down for two reasons: I still had hope that I will eventually befriend her and I did not want to look weak.
      And of course I asked for her phone number, I just did not get it!
      And I did not mean it as a kind gesture, I only tried to pick her up (but I just managed to "pick her up" literally)

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  • Thexoutcast

    I'm sorry but it sounds like you got used. Some people are like that. When you noticed that they weren't interacting with you much you should have put her down right then. Just try not to let something like that happen to you again.

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    • You are probably right.

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  • oliwia

    You have been used and heavily humiliated. Two and a half hours is a very long time. There's no way this spoiled arrogant selfish cunt doesn't know you're in pain. Looks like she sacrificed you for her own amusement.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Something smells fishy. Sounds like an awfully codependent episode. I hope you learned a lesson.

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    • Why do you think it was "codependent"?
      1. I liked the girl.
      2. It was fine to keep her on my shoulders for the first few minutes.
      3. I hoped to befriend her.
      4. I did not want to be inpolite or to seem weak.
      5. I really do not know what was she was thinking.

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      • RoseIsabella

        The codependent part was keeping her on your shoulders for the entire concert despite the fact that your legs were shaking and you were tired, because you were afraid of looking weak and wanted to like you so you could get her phone number, instead of just putting her selfish ass down. You don't have to go through all that bullshit just to ask for someone's number who was gonna tell you no anyway. It's codependent to try to influence the outcome of things one has no control over.

        We are all powerless over other people, places and things.

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  • thegypsysailor

    If you'd thought about having her face the other way, I doubt that she'd have ignored you for long.

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    • The reverse position is very unconfortable for both. Besides that, I would have had my view completely blocked.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Not of the important thing. duh.

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        • Oh...
          Her vulva would be somewhere below my chin, so almost impossible to see or fondle in any way, so no advantage at all.

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          • thegypsysailor

            No wonder you went home alone, with nary a word from the two lovelies.

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