Should we lower military standards for women?

Should we lower military standards to be more inclusive to women?

Voting Results
19% Normal
Based on 16 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • Lusty-Argonian

    Depends. Combat roles no. Roles that don't require you fit for combat yes so long as they are able to do the job as it needs to be done it shouldn't matter if they can carry 140lbs on there back in the sun for days on end

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    • I agree, and I think in combat zones there should be 0 women unless they're in the sky or in a tank. Imagine a woman having to throw a 230 pound man over her shoulders and run. Its not happening.

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      • LloydAsher

        To be in a tank you are also a soldier outside of said tank. Being a tank crew member involves a lot more than being in a loud tank all day.

        A pilot of a jet though is completely rational and it is open for females.

        Joining the navy or airforce is also a very valid thing you can do with half the physical requirements to do so.

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      • Lusty-Argonian

        Haha I'm a trans woman and I can't even imagine doing that. Simply put I can't do that. But yea so long as such situations are as likley as happening as winning the lottery then lowering standards would be a positive thing in my opinion but im a civilian so u could be dead wrong

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  • olderdude-xx

    The Military address fitness standards for both men and woman at least a decade ago; with an update to them I believe 2 years ago based on the best scientific research about the best way to measure fitness and capabilities.

    Over 90% of the positions in the military do not require any unusual strength or muscle mass; but do often require at least modest endurance. Those jobs that do have additional fitness requirements for their specific job - which some woman do pass. Likewise, some jobs have specific base intelligence requirements. Dumb, physically fit, and strong is not a good candidate for many military jobs.

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    • They actually lowered the standards for women decades ago. If you're a woman you can do pushups on your knees and run much slower. They changed the standards back to having a single standard for both genders 2 years ago, as you stated, but too many women kept failing so they had to change it back to where women can do pushups on their knees again and have to be less fit. I believe there's jobs for them but they're a liability in combat.

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  • Orphan

    The more people to fight the better

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  • jodi1955

    NO! equal rights, means the same standard for all, when you start making exceptions for one sex, or class of people then its really not equal now is it???

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  • Bass

    Y don't we just toss out all physical requirements, so people;e will stop bitchin'?

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  • anonY123

    Women should be in combat. Men are supposed to protect women

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  • Clunk42

    That would make women more likely to want to join the military, which is counterintuitive to the good of society.

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    • my_life_my_way

      So is jacking off to farts. Aren’t you the guy who likes to do that?

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      • Clunk42

        I have three responses:

        1. I have realized that fetishes are choices made by one's will, and have gotten rid of mine accordingly.

        2. Masturbating is not enjoyable (unfortunately I have done that in the past).

        3. Neither is killing birds for fun. Aren't you the one who likes to do that?

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        • my_life_my_way

          I’m not the one spouting all that traditionalist nonsense about womens rights being bad for society. It’s worse for society to sit there jacking it to farts all day like you do

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          • Clunk42

            Your reply implies you didn't even read my response.

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  • jethro

    If you are truly all inclusive than you are all in. No reason to change anything. All should be held equal in performance.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    Should we make combat and wars in general less physically demanding as to be more inclusive to children, the elderly, and disabled?

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      tremble before the awesome power of my intercontinental ballistic nerf missile

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      • MonteMetcalfe

        "No, no. Not...that!?!?!"
        "Run away, Run away."

        Is throwing a dirty Depends diaper at an enemy considered biological warfare?

        And what of overweight people? We need to make war less strenuous so morbidly obese people can participate.

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