Should the usa now be changed to the dsa

Sadly the USA is no longer united but extremely divided. Should the name change to The Divided States of America? How do you feel about the division and everything else going on? From the outside looking in the USA seems like a scary place to live these days. Where I live there are hundreds of thousands of ex patriots who have fled because of the unrest and drama caused by Trump.

Voting Results
58% Normal
Based on 19 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • SwickDinging

    Meh. The pandemic is probably having more influence over your country than your president is. Sure, they go on and on about how they will handle things better, but really none of them know what the fuck they're doing because we've never been in a situation like this before. Previous pandemics were long enough ago that the world has totally changed. We're all just making it up as we go along right now.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    its exaggerated and not like its 1860

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    • LloydAsher

      Mainly because theres no hot button issue that's down the party lines like slavery was. Also the demographics per state are similar. Theres no 100% republican or democrat state. Heck you got trump parades going on in LA

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  • LloydAsher

    Pfff it's still the usa. It's just a hot election year.

    2024 will be more tame. California isnt declaring war on Texas and vice versa. We got a few governors calling for secession, so what? They would need a 2/3s majority would be needed for any kind of secession. Even then theres no provision saying that the union then cant immediately declare war which the union would do. Besides there's no state that is 100% republican or 100% democrat even if it's a stronghold state.

    Conclusion eat a popsicle and take a nap. The sun will still rise the next day.

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    • olderdude-xx

      You are correct that "in general" there is no method for the vast majority of states to seceded from the USA. The state property is in fact owned by the USA; and most states were formed on land that the US Government previously acquired. Not only would it take a major legislative act - but the USA would expect almost all states to pay them for the value of the state. No state could afford that.

      The exception is Texas. Texas was an independent country that decided to join the USA; and retained the right to secede if they felt that things were not working for the best of Texas in the future. Texas actually could hold a referendum and secede from the USA. I don't see that happening at this point.

      A key item is the large number of US Government installations (Military, NASA, etc) in Texas that makes a noticeable part of the Texas economy - which would leave if Texas secedes. Add to the cost of building a modern Texas Military to defend their reformed independent country; which is substantially more than the cost to establish a new independent Government. There are actually people who have studied those 2 key factors and let people know just how costly it would be for Texas to secede (and turning Texas into closer to a poverty country than a wealthy one). Yet, you always get people in Texas talking about how they could secede; and in this case they are legally and technically correct.

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      • LloydAsher

        I understand the legality of the situation. Realistically the usa would never let a state go. Even if they do secede through the legal system theres also no legal protection that says the usa cant then declare war on them as a sovereign state. This is a federation where you dont leave. Think of what a state is. Sure theres stereotypes but at the end of the day it boils down where the average person considers themselves to be state first or country that they are in first. Most people would be on the american as a whole side. That's the key idea, we are more powerful together, with our diversity and shared belief in the whole system.

        No state should be aquired from another place that could very easily secede due to political beliefs or just simple belief in the american system. Sure we got territories but you dont have to be a state to enjoy the american economic system. Just let us tax you and you are enrolled in freedom lite.

        Puerto Rico's doesnt seem to have the want to be a state. Nor does america gain anything for them being a state on an economic, military strategic nor cultural level. Since they are just a commonwealth goverment. Which is kinda funny of a federation having commonwealths. It's only arises when the commonwealth is too diverse from the usa to have a culturally shared basis like all other us states.

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  • SmokeEverything

    I like how people are making this out to be the biggest election ever or whatever. Is everybody so dumb they keep forgetting they do this same exact thing every few years? It's always the biggest deal ever and the person your preferred news station doesnt like is always the biggest danger to our future, etc. At least in China they know the news is bullshit propaganda.

    If they didn't divide people against each other everyone would turn and look at the real enemy, which is the people controlling all the money and by extension the governments of basically all the countries in the world. That's why we'll never see real police reform, pigs protect the property and assets of the rich from everybody else and that's their only function.

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  • litelander8

    Rich people get richer by dividing people. It’s been happening since the dawn of time. I’m American and I think if you let political opinions rule your life, you’re just fucking crazy.

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  • Clunk42

    If you think about it, the United States are supposed to be divided. They are effectively supposed to be a group of small countries with some common laws and a common military.

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    • LloydAsher

      We are the longest running federation currently. The united states of america is a federation of states.

      Even being a federation we are apart of the federation first and the state second mostly.

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      • Clunk42

        Yes; the federal government's laws do override state laws. That doesn't mean that the states aren't supposed to act as individual governments with individual citizenry of their own.

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        • LloydAsher

          They are supposed to act like independed states. But big boy decisions are solely in americas court.

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          • Clunk42

            Yeah; they all follow a set of common laws that override the local laws.

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  • nopurpose

    Hasn't it been like that fpr a centure and a half, since the Civil war?

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  • kelili

    It's true that from the outside it seems like a scary place to live especially if you're black.

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  • bigbudchonga

    I don't like Democracy so personally I'm glad to see it's decline. It's sad but necessary.

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    • Clunk42

      I kind of agree with you. I'm led to believe that democracy, upon being chosen as a governmental form, generally causes a spike in the contentness of the citizenry, but, over time, the citizenry becomes more and more discontent, as giving people a say in the government makes them notice and attempt to change small things that they dislike about the government that they wouldn't have noticed if they didn't have a say in the government. In short, democracies and republics are doomed to fail by internal turmoil if something else doesn't make them fail first. Meanwhile, almost every time monarchies are overthrown, they get reinstated in the end.

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