Should low functioning people die automatically?

This makes a hypocrite because I am autistic myself but I would be willing to take my own life just so there won't be autism genetics passing to next generations.

Should low functioning people die just because they serve no purpose to society?

Think about it. I had to deal with them in special short buses. They are really brainless zombies that should be killed. I only ended up in the short buses because of my brother.

My brother is low functioning like them. He suffers a lot and there is no hope for him.

All the low functioning ends up somewhere like mental hospitals, group homes, psychiatric hospital, etc.

No 23
Yes 4
Don't care/Neutral 5
Depends 6
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Comments ( 32 )
  • JellyBeanBandit

    No that's disgusting. I would adovocate for aborting them before they're born, but that's to prevent their suffering not society's.

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  • ellnell

    I am a "high functioning autist" and no I don't think that the lowfunctioning ones should die. What a terrible thing to say, you have no empathy. They deserve a good life like everyone else. The world would be better off without coldhearted people like yourself rather than those who need more help than others.

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    what do you mean? one of my sisters is autistic I will admit that I feel bad for her. she is 17 but is at the level of a five year old 10 depending on her mood. she is able to talk be it a bit scrabbled and its hard to understand what she wants when she melts down. the main thing me and my other siblings worry about is her dependence on our father who is getting older if he dies I know im not dealing with that it was stressful having to grow up with that as much as I care about her people would have to live my childhood to get it and from what I see when i visit my father. I have to many issues in my life to deal with that. I will be honest I wish there was a cure but that's not how it works sadly. I don't think they should be killed though maybe there should be something that should be done to detect if the fetus is defective or more likely to produce offspring with that problem that way it can be a early termination.

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  • mikko109

    you have problems. yikes.

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  • iEatZombies_

    Well jeez, you could have at least started off with sterilizing people with bad genes or something. You just jumped right to 100.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Haha I don’t think so as many “low functioning” people work in important and necessary jobs.

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  • Vvaas

    i think it depends. if a person is so mentally damaged they have no self-awareness of themselves nor can understand the concept of how to communicate, cannot feed, toilet or clothe themselves i think humane euthanasia would be the kindest thing to do. personally if i i ever got into an accident and was so severely damaged to the point of the above i would not want to live like that and i hope someone would kill me rather than allow me to live a life where i don't even have any self-awareness. if someone is willing/volunteers to take care of someone like that then i think they should live, however if no family/friends step up it'd be kinder to euthanize than let them rot in some special care house.

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  • bbrown95

    No, I don't believe they should be killed. I do think that euthanasia should be an option for anyone, regardless of what their issue is, who is suffering and has little to no hope of ever getting better, though. The fact that so many people seem to think that people should be forced to stay alive against their will and suffer until they finally die a slow, horrible, albeit "natural" death, is extremely selfish in my opinion.

    But, that's a bit off topic. I don't think there's much of a chance of most low functioning people reproducing, to be honest, and killing someone isn't necessary to stop them from reproducing anyway.

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  • Aww man, this reminds me of a book someone suggested but I never read; societies all around the world started paying people with certain genes to procreate more or less, depending, and eventually it was just human to have 200+ IQ, live longer lives, and they all had red hair because that was one of the traits. He never revealed the climax, but I think he said eventually someone was born who far surpassed everyone else, and then everyone wanted his DNA, his babies, and I think some people wanted him to die

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    • TheBlindInquisitor

      whats the book called? it reminds me of a comic called miracleman towards the end of the comic it sounds similar the world your talking about but it treated it like a happy ending considering the alternative wasn't all that good.

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  • bigbudchonga

    You can be autistic and have enough positive points to balance it out, dude. I would much prefer the gene pool to be flooded with genius autistics than normal <70 IQ normal people.

    I don't think killing people is the moral way to sort out this problem, but there is certainly an issue with dysgenics over the last 30-50 years.

    Normally the mentally retarded are kept to low numbers in the gene pool due to their own inability to survive, but in the modern world we provide them with their needs, and many people with conditions like down's syndrome even go on to procreate.

    I think it would be far too cruel to just exterminate them, and too cruel to even let them die, but for the extremely retarded I would offer them benefits and the like if they got sterilized. What we have at them moment is patently unsustainable.

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  • Clunk42

    That's terrible. Murdering people because they are delayed or disabled is terrible.

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    • blinkeredharlot

      Yeh pro life all unite to push for the death of the elderly and vulnerable when it comes to covid though amirite?

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      • Inkmaster

        1. Irellevant 2. Untrue

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        • blinkeredharlot

          The guy says it all over the site so whatchootalkinbout?

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          • Clunk42

            Where have I said I want them to die? I simply believe that if someone's going to get the disease anyway, there's no purpose in stalling it.

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      • Clunk42

        They'd get the disease, anyway. The hospitals should be fine now. You can't just put society in a standstill until a vaccine is made.

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        • blinkeredharlot

          Lol didnt you say youre like 300lb and your uncle has psoriasis so bad he cant leave the house? Sounds like youre both extra vulnerable to covid. Make sure you refuse medical support if ya get it.

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          • Clunk42

            He can leave the house; he just needs a wheelchair if there's nothing he can hold onto for stability. I actually have lost a small amount of weight, at least according to the doctor's scale. I imagined I was around 300, when I'm actually 274. Do weight or psoriasis actually have anything to do with vulnerability?

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  • RoseIsabella

    No, I do not support eugenics!

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  • It would make an end to those riots, which would make me reconsider my initial response of "no".

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  • raisinbran

    They can pull horse ploughs.

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  • howaminotmyself


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  • freelarking

    That's called eugenics and playing God always backfires.

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  • RoseIsabella


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  • my_life_my_way

    Yes. High functioning autistic people/people with physical disabilities can have amazing brains that contribute a lot to society but people who are so mentally disabled that they will never work or lead independent lives just consume society’s resources without giving anything back and are a burden on all those around them. There is no reason for those people to live when all they do is drag the whole of society down.

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  • LloydAsher

    God already sorted that my genetics cant move on past me, so it's a self solving problem really. I mean how many severely disabled people get laid enough to produce children?

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  • Mammal-lover

    I think they should be allowed to live until it can be properly deemed that they will never be a positive contribution to society at wich point they can be put down. Give en. Chance you know.

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    • raisinbran

      Yes, someone should be given the authority to decide who lives and who dies.

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      • Mammal-lover

        I mean people kinda do have that authority already. Besides I'm not against worthless resources users being eliminated. If you dont contribute you leave. That's a philosophy I can always agree with. If repairably injured keep on trucking. But couch potatoes who shit themselves? Fuck that

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    No dude. If anything sterilize them but even thats unethical.

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    • LloydAsher

      I mean how many severely disabled people get laid? Some are content with doing thier buisness and routine for the rest of their lives. Sterilization should only be done as a punishment rather than force people who have done no wrong other than existing. People forget that most mental disabled people are born to completely normal parents. Thier numbers dont mean shit if they only exsist due to a mutation rather than constant breeding.

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