Should i get second job or accept promotion?

So my jobs pay is terrible. I applied for a second job today at a hotel night shift, my boss offered me a promotion yesterday, one that has been talked about for awhile but was never a real offer. He wants me to take over apparel. It pays 11 an hour 1.75 more than i make now. The hotel job pays 10 an hour.

If i work appears I'll be making 1760 before taxes every month. The hotel plus the store st current spot will be 2800 before taxes every month.

If i take the promotion I loose control of my scheduling due to it basically being a manager position. 8f i work at the hotel as well I'll be working 16 hour days 5 days a week.
My boyfriend is super agaisnt me taking the hotel job as it will limit our time together. But in the end i have no college fund, im 20, my parents can't help me go to school and I have a bunch if surgical stuff i want done that will also be better for both my physical and mental health due to being trans. School alone will set me back 30grand. The cheapest surgery I want is 4000$

I have a huge amount of future expenses that can't be made in a timely manner working suvh sjit pay. With 2800 monthly I'll be much better off though my relastionship eill suffer. He's worked just as hard when he was my age I wish he'd understsnd. I can't decide what to do guys i really need help. My future, my health, my sanity. Or the man i love. My source of happiness the man i love falling asleep next to waking up to and seeing everyday.

Stupid thing us I would be miserable working apparel though it would get me away from people. But i would get good sleep. I I need help guys. I'm sorry for typos and junk. I was typing this on my lunch break

take the promotion 7
get the job its better in the end 2
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Comments ( 18 )
  • Rictictavie

    Either way you are gonna be working a shit ton of hours but one option will give you two decent pay checks instead of one slightly above decent paycheck. Go for two!

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    • curious-bunny

      Your right i will. If they contact me back I'll take the position

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      • Rictictavie

        Yeah I can tell you from personal experience that overtime hours never pan out the way you think they will. You would think working 16 hour days at your promotion would net you double the pay. After taxes it will not. And those OT hours don't count towards your refund at the end of the year.

        This will put stress on your relationship but it may be the only way to gain financial stability. You may want to put some of the surgeries on hold until you gain said stability but that is just my opinion.

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        • curious-bunny

          That's not what i said at all. I said working both jobs each are 8 hours will be 16 hours and that is based at making exactly 1000 a month wich I'll be making at least 350 more than that after tax. It's all in consideration mate.

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          • Rictictavie

            Ah gotcha. Misunderstood.

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  • Annie25

    Source of Finance should be your priority right now

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    • curious-bunny

      It definitly is just hard to not have personal feelings get in the way

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  • raisinbran

    Getting promoted is better for your career than burning yourself out on two jobs. Is the surgery really necessary right now? Take a little longer to finish school. Find a part time job to supplement your income.

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    • curious-bunny

      I haven't started school! I dont hot a vollege fund. Not is retail a varrerer for me its a fucking suicidal awareness waiting yo happen. I could never maje a varrerer out of this bullshit

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      • raisinbran

        Still looks better on your resume if you say you got promoted even if you change careers.

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        • curious-bunny

          For what i want for a career they only care about 2 things, professionalism and how many dives you've done. Not a promotion at a pieve of shit jobs

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  • SmokeEverything

    1)quit job
    2)worry about your actual self

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    • curious-bunny

      That sounds like a terrible idea man

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      • SmokeEverything

        Don't listen to it then. Have fun living for a job for the rest of your life.

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        • curious-bunny

          I'm working towards a job that I will enjoy and pays well enough that I can retire before in shitting myself in old age. Much better than working factories or retail my whole life and being miserable. Your logic makes no sense man

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          • SmokeEverything

            Who says you'll live to be old enough to retire? Society is garbage. nobody said you had to work anything at all.

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            • curious-bunny

              Yea see I have interest in not being a lazy pieve of shit nor could I entertain myself enough for that. Half the reason in work is to pass the time. Plus some people have a sense of honor and work ethic

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