Romanticize native americans?

I oftentimes feel as though Native Americans (and Indigenous Peoples in general) are the TRUE pure hearts. They embrace nature (unlike White People), don't destroy (unlike White People), and aren't raging homo/transphobes (unlike Black People; also, look up "two-spirit"). They simply live and let live. But Cracks and Niggs are just too damn dim to see that.

Whom Else is with me on this shit?

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Comments ( 102 )
  • LloydAsher

    Obviously a troll post with the language you were using.

    For everyone's information native americans brutalized eachother on a scale that not even the Europeans had the stomach for. Theres a reason why they were called savages and barbarians.

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    • ImDown4Anal

      Pretty much EVERYONE brutalized one another throughout history.

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      • ospry

        But it's only bad when whitey do it

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        • ImDown4Anal

          It's pretty much bad when anyone does. I'f I'm remembering history correctly, Asians colonized other Asians, Europeans colonized other Europeans,and Indigenous Peoples colonized other Indigenous Peoples.

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          • ospry

            Bad when everyone does it, but as far as I know only white people colonized other continents

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            • LloydAsher

              Only because the other continents were brutalizing their inhabitants. China and japan was dealing with their own isolationism. Africa was being africa even before colonization. And america the wheel wasnt even implemented on mass (aztec toys where found with wheels).

              The oxford academy was started BEFORE the Aztecs. The tech gap was huge, even then the Europeans had a unique advantage of surving so many god damn plagues that they were walking biohazards.

              Why conquer your neighbor with similar level of wealth and weaponry when you can go to another place lose only a 3rd of your crew and then proceed to wipe out the technologically inferior natives to reap the rewards to use against your neighbors.

              Pretty much europe was the perfect place to be a bastion of colonization. All territory was owned by someone else that could fight back sufficiently enough where it wasnt worth it.

              Dont got resource X? Trade for it with the shit you do have. Unfortunately for africa that plentiful resource was enemy tribes that you could trade for guns and booze. It would of been cheaper to enslave the native americans but smallpox wiped the grand majority out.

              Either you were a player or you got played. Tale as old as time. Hyper violent societies just got the tech to go to places with easier combatants and a heavy monitary incentive to do so. You had to be hyper violent or you would be wiped out.

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            • ImDown4Anal

              From what little I know, everyone in history was a cunt. But they're all dead so fucking them up the ass without any forethought is out of the question I suppose.

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    • KholatKhult

      I dunno man those medieval torture methods were pretty nuts
      Tar and feather, that metal bull thing, pulling people apart with horses, making rats dig through a dudes body

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      • ImDown4Anal

        Personally, those are all things that should be done to liberals and conservatives (centrists/moderates get to watch and enjoy) and drug addicts as well.

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        • KholatKhult

          Nah centrists and moderates ain’t safe. Can’t stand a fence-sitter

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          • ImDown4Anal

            Better to be luke-skywalker-warm than to be a hippy extremist or kill-all-the-jews conservaturd. Also, ying-yang, balance, two sides of the same condom, yadda, yadda, yadda.

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        • LloydAsher

          A fan of Thailand I see

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          • ImDown4Anal

            I've never been but I've heard good things.

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    • ImDown4Anal

      Europeans used torture devices that mutilated your balls as well as heated iron chairs that gave your back and buttocks 4th degree boo-boos. Don't uh, don't ask me how I know this.

      Hint: a medieval portal opened up and I may or may not have fallen in.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    Look-up the Comanche tribe and the cruelty they committed. They make the conquistadors look like angels in comparison.

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    • ImDown4Anal

      But if someone came to my home and tried to harm my family, 97% of my morals are going out the window (like 97% of my sperm).

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      • Meatballsandwich

        Not really. I mean, they did fight the europeans, but they invaded and occupied the land of plenty of other tribes and treated them like shit too.

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        • ImDown4Anal

          Well in that case, fuck em all up the ass without a single drop of lube or consent.

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          • 1WeirdGuy


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            • ImDown4Anal


              I win...I do win don't I?

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    • ImDown4Anal

      I will. And I will get back to you once I've done so.

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    • ImDown4Anal

      So I did a brief lookup on them.

      While chopping up infants and burning people alive is a tad much to say the VERY fucking least, they were fighting for their land at the end of the day. Now how I personally would've done it.

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      • ospry

        Eeey, so I can go slaughter babies if I tell myself I'm doing it for a good reason? Hot damn!

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        • ImDown4Anal

          I retract my earlier statement, killing uninvolved infants, much like my mental state, is fucked.

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  • splashgame3

    Every group of people has some shit that they did that is fucked up

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    • ImDown4Anal

      Exactly this.

      Look up "Melmacian Dystopia" when you get the chance. It pretty much features Melmacians heading over to planets where felines are the dominant species and then colonizing said felidae planets.

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  • AsterBean

    I love their spirituality.

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    • ImDown4Anal

      Me too. Their spirituality is rivaled only by the Chinese and Thai.

      But more than that, I love their "anything goes" attitude towards sex. I once had a Native American GF roleplay as an evil sorceress that gained tremendous power through urinating in men's mouths. By far it was the BEST (and nastiest;) sex I've ever had, even if the piss tasted absolutely foul.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    We view natives as all united when it wasnt like that they were all in seperate nations. Some of them were dicks.

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    • ImDown4Anal

      I've never known Natives to be in seperate nations. My great-great uncle is half Navajo and he told me that ALL Natives treated each other's as their very own. Why would he lie?

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  • Vvaas

    oof yeah a lot of "christians" use the religion as a weapon to hide behind and excuse being homophobic/transphobic. a true christian wouldn't do that it sucks

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    • Chudders

      I'm not using it as a weapon to hide behind. Even if I were not religious, I'd still hate it and the moral degradation to society that comes with it. Don't, as a faithless, demonic, degenerate, tell me what a "true Christian" would do. Sodomite filth.

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      • Vvaas

        you still haven't answered the question about gay animals

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        • Chudders

          Homosexuality is a genetic and/or mental flaw. Why would it only be inherent in humans? Silly question. Are you gay or something? Why so offended?

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          • ImDown4Anal

            I love you, homo though.

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          • Vvaas

            that doesn't relate to what i asked, you claimed homosexuality is against nature yet homosexuality is commonly seen in nature which proves your claim as false

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            • Chudders

              Genetic flaws are against nature, they iron themselves out eventually. Until homosexuality was legalized, and especially normalized, gays were all but forced into heterosexual relationships which meant they passed on their genes. Now that it's normalized, perhaps the one good thing about that is that fewer gays procreate and as such, the flaw should eventually die off.

              That's quite a logical leap. Seems to me you've come to your own, contrived conclusion on the matter and you're... What, wasting my time?

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            • ImDown4Anal

              Chudders actually has a point though, friendo. I mean, if homosexuality exists within nature, than wouldn't that mean God himself is a tad, ya know, flamboyant?

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      • ImDown4Anal

        After doing my fair share of research, I've come to realize, you're ABSOLUTELY right, Chudders. Transgenderism AND Homosexuality ARE sins. They came from a genetic mutation known as "The X Gene", a gene of which is responsible for faggot behavior in men and butch behavior in women. I'm just sorry it took me so long to realize this.

        As a cocksucking beast, I am ashamed.

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        • Chudders

          Sarcasm noted. Modern academia (such that it is), is pozzed beyond belief. Finding true scientific facts is becoming harder and harder as scientists are all but forced to provide findings that match current naratives.

          I truly hope you find peace in the world and with yourself.

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  • KholatKhult

    Ya went and made yurrself a silly joke and now ya gotta square up with right-wingers
    What have we learned ? No laughing !

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    • ImDown4Anal

      "What have we learned?"

      1. That liberals would get laid more often if they had jobs to afford prostitutes with? Instead of just spending their welfare money on heroin?

      2. That conservatives don't understand Basic Human Anatomy? Or Basic Human Rights?

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  • Chudders

    Also if you're not a transphobe or anti faggot then there is something seriously wrong with you. Were injuns pro tranny/fag? Idk. I fucking hope not or they are deserving of zero respect.

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    • litelander8

      That made no sense. 😂

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      • Chudders

        It takes an IQ well above yours to understand, don't fret about it.

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        • litelander8

          It’s ok. I get on here drunk all the time and can’t make understandable sentences. You don’t have to be rude!

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          • Chudders

            That's funny, I was drunk last night too. But my sentences were very clear. Read them again.

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    • All this rage is no good for the heart, man. Just fuck a shemale already and be happy.

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      • Chudders

        It's not rage, it's conviction. I would never do such a depraved thing.

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        • Well, most...uh, 'ALL' Whites, are evil and hate filled. So I'm not surprised they'd be against anally servicing trannies. In any event, can I piss on your tombstone when you die, Shudders? I gotta piss CRAAAAAAZY BAD!

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    • ImDown4Anal

      What's wrong with being gay and/or transgender?

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      • Chudders

        I don't care if you want to pretend to be another gender but keep it to yourself. As for homosexuality, it's against nature and against God's commands. I'll elaborate further. Now the media and even academia and the government has taken up the transgender banner. Literally and figuratively. The disgusting LGBT flag is everywhere and they've almost adopted it as an ideology that 'meh can be women and women can be meh'... Why? Because it's inclusive.
        >inb4 you're a retard you believe in God, or God is fake

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        • Vvaas

          how is homosexuality against nature if there are gay animals

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  • KholatKhult

    Brother went 3rd party

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    • ImDown4Anal

      3rd party?

      Speak English, damn you!

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      • KholatKhult

        I’m trying !

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        • ImDown4Anal

          Try harder! And pull your dang pants up, boy! This taint a whorehouse I'll tell ya hwat!

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  • ImDown4Anal

    Thanks to everyone whom answered.

    While I still think NA are vastly superior to the dogshit niggs,cracks, chinks, spics, etc, there may be a slight possibility that they're flawed in a handful of areas. In any event, #navajonation.

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  • ImDown4Anal


    Mine is bigger. Ha, ha.

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  • ImDown4Anal

    Well 99.99999999% of supposed Christians have been known to have some level of brain trauma that may have accumulated at some point in the womb sooooooooo...maybe that could have something to do with their sociopathic behavior.

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  • litelander8

    I think that native Americans are hot as fuck. Like the past year I’ve been really attracted to brown folk. Not white or black. But brownnnnnn. Lol.

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    • ImDown4Anal

      Kudos to you. Go bang yourself a Native...with protection of course.

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      • litelander8

        Lol. Probably not. Thanks for the top tier advice.

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        • ImDown4Anal

          Okay, okay! You don't have to use protection! Just go fuck a Native in their mouth already!

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  • Chudders

    Yet you choose to talk to me. Nice copout response, I expected nothing less. I am a good person, or at least, better than you and yours, and I hope the same for you. Take care.

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  • ImDown4Anal

    Oh. You were talking to the other guy. NVM.

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  • Chudders

    It is mine and society's. Do a flip.

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  • ImDown4Anal

    I try. But racists, sexists, antisemitics, homo/transphobes push my suicide button. Lmao.

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  • Chudders

    Stop accepting evil and maybe the moral and social decay of Western society can be halted or even reversed. Why would I feel compassion for evil? I feel compassion for good, and innocence... Like animals.

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    • ImDown4Anal

      How is transgenderism and homosexuality evil?

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  • Chudders

    They were no different than anyone else, they murdered and killed and genocided others (depending on the tribe). This "down to Earth, pure hearted, super duper heckin' spiritual peace loving people" shit is utter nonsense. When Euro chads arrived, they even prevented some genocides. I mean don't get me wrong, even injuns brought value to the world and had unique customs and cultures. Modern injuns are like modern blacks though, which is nothing to be proud of. I'm assuming 'crack' means Whites. I think most Whites realize that old time injuns weren't completely worthless sacks of shit like their contemporaries. White people are the people of nature you absolute mong. White druids (before Christianity) were the ultimate nature lovers. Even now, Whites thrive in nature where injuns and other lesser humans struggle. In order to create something new, sometimes something old and inferior has to be destroyed. Cry about it.

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    • ImDown4Anal

      Oh I see now.

      You're a right-winged anti-LGBTQ White Supremacist. When Whites kill and commit crime, it's cool. But when Non-Whites do it, it's savage. If you say so, dude/dudette.

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      • Chudders

        It's never cool to kill or genocide or commit crimes. I'm not saying that and never said that, no idea where you got that idea from. As for the initial accusation, yes through and through but none of that means I hate other races. Also 'right wing' is definitely not accurate.

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        • ImDown4Anal

          Okay. Well, good night I guess.

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          • Chudders

            You too.

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    • ImDown4Anal

      "Euro Chads"

      "Modern Blacks are nothing to be proud of"
      *Sips sugar free tea* Anyway, I feel you're romanticizing Euros in much the same way I romanticize Natives. each their own.

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      • Chudders

        >Cried about it
        Knew this was coming. Modern history and the modern world is a product of European ideas and innovations. You may be romanticizing but I'm being realistic. Go cry about how you hate White people on the computer invented by Whites, and whose components were invented by Whites, on the internet invented by Whites, in your house/apartment using architectural innovations made by Whites.

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        • ImDown4Anal

          Dude, I said I hated both Whites AND Blacks. Also, plenty of non-Whites invented things as well. But honestly, if you hate non-Whites and gays and trans so much, why not just work toward killing us all? WP are the majority after all; just kill us and be done with it.

          Actually, scratch that. Kill us AFTER the Anal Orgy.

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  • As a full-blooded Native American, I strongly concur. We were basically peaceloving hippies before being a peaceloving hippy was cool.

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    • imnotnormal555

      I see you speak English as well... very native of you.

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      • I realize I never responded to your ignorant comment.

        "I see you speak English as well"


        Does the English language have ANY relevancy to my Sioux heritage? Does it discredit my Sioux heritage by any means?

        We're down here.

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      • ImDown4Anal

        I'm half Black, half Navajo but what does that matter?

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        • imnotnormal555

          You're Romanizing native americans and putting down white people. If you don't speak the native language then you're nothing more than a washed out, watered down version of the real natives. And why is it always the half breeds that are the most racist people?? fucking ignorant. You're a racist half breed that doesn't know SHIT about natives! You speak English because it has been indoctrinated into the school systems and the united states as a whole. Read a fucking book.

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          • ImDown4Anal

            First off, I hate White People AND Non-Whites. Just cause I'm half Black, doesn't mean my family is anywhere near the level of NA (I love em, but c'mon, they're Non-Native). Second, language is an abstract shit concept concocted by the inhabitants of various countries. Just because I speak English, doesn't mean I'm any less Native American than the Native Americans that speak their native tongue.

            But by all means, keep bitchin'.

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    • imnotnormal555

      so every single native american was a "peaceloving hippy"? riiiight... well I guess you can thank them for your computer you're typing on. And the internet connection that makes it so easy for you to communicate with evil non natives. Oh and lets not forget the electricity that it takes to charge your computer. And the magical running water that gets regulated to stay safe enough to drink and shower in. And the magical throne that you shit in and takes your shit to a magical place, separated from your drinking water so you don't have to get sick (which some countries just still can't fucking understand in 2023) thank you for the land that you claim is only yours because you asked God to specifically be born in america and be a certain sex and certain skin tone.

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    • ImDown4Anal

      I wish the other users could see just how awesome you people are.

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  • ImDown4Anal

    Same here.

    From anti-LGBTQ White Supremacists whom think it's cool when their kind commits atrocious crimes but uncool when Non-Whites commit them, to delusional-as-a-sack-of-rotting-baby-shit Ethnics whom seem to think that only White People are capable of dividing and conquering as well as atrocity as a whole. I still think Native Americans are the supreme gentlemen though. I've never known a Native to so much as kill a fly.

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