Religion celebrates the misery of life.

So okay. If you go to church, you are confronted with a message which is, Jesus died a horrific death. Your life is not that miserable. Suck it up and accept the less miserable situation you live in. Give thanks for your crown of thorns, and be grateful for your misery you miserable bastard. It could be worse.

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Comments ( 21 )
  • WeirdUncleLouie

    I disagree. Churches are social organizations. Hot couples go to church because it is well known that the best swingers are highly selective churchgoers. For example, I hooked up with a couple that wanted me to help them with a threesome. After they started fucking, I lubed up my cock and popped it into her winking anus. To add humorous debauchery to the event, I wore my google glasses with springs that make the lenses wobble. We all chuckled about our naughtiness.

    Miserable? Hardly.

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  • Wretched

    I am so miserable that I puke my guts when I see myself in a mirror. Yes churches are houses of misery, but the hypnotic chants, and strange organ music are comforting. Churches help miserable souls like me by comforting us. Our depression becomes tolerable. We realize that happy people are out of touch with reality. Heaven is peaceful detachment.

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  • suckonthis9

    Jesus wasn't the only one who suffered a horrific death.

    In fact, there have been billions of others who have suffered in horror. There are billions of people alive today who are suffering from horror, many needlessly.

    Before you finish reading this, some will have died a miserable and horrific death (they were still alive when you started reading this).

    Why don't you give it up, and stop worrying about the problems of millenia ago, and start worrying about fixing the many problems that exist in the world today, that is causing misery, suffering and horror?

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    • Rich_Guy

      People will pay big bucks to avoid misery, suffering, and horror. This is a highly profitable business area. Remember that it is important to let a few lower income people die. These people serve as examples to prevent the others from whining about high prices.

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  • Dustyair

    Anything that teaches you that you're a bad person by default and another person had to be tortured to death to absolve you, is a bunch of man made cultism.

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  • Hateful1

    And what if you don't belong to a religion that believes in Christ?

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    • If you are a follower of Islam, you are commanded by your faith to live an even more miserable life. Other religions still depend on misery to create a need that can be used as a sales gimmick. Religions with more reasonable claims cause less damaging mental health problems in the long run.

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      • Hateful1

        Nope, try again. There are some religions that have only good intentions. "As it shall harm none, do as thou will"

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        • Yes, Wiccan teachings are indeed well intended. Treating science as a religion, even thou it is not is also good. But, there is always danger believing things for which there will never be evidence.

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          • Hateful1

            Your right. Like the belief that only your opinion is the correct one. There is danger in that.

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            • Danger in the short run. When the evidence comes in, the reality check straightens you out.

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  • lonewolf1253

    Religions are all the same. Founded on fables and mythology with no basis in reality. All religion is based on fear. Fear of coming to an end. Fear of our loved ones coming to an end. People want to believe in an idyllic afterlife where we retain our personalities and live in paradise for eternity with our loved ones. Now I'd like that. But that shit's not the truth. But if it gives people comfort to believe that, I have no problem with it. To each his own. As long as they don't push it down my throat, they can give their whole paycheck to the church for all I care.

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  • fakeaccount2

    Life itself does that too though

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  • Owl_Girl

    Misery is not all it is about. The Gospels are called "Good News" for a reason, and there are many positive messages in most of the Bible.

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    • The reason it is called "Good News" is because it puts you in denial of your misery. You are happy about the message at first. Eventually, you become aware of your misery once again. By this time, you believe religion will show you the way to a happier life. So, you up your commitment and participation. Unexpectedly, you sink deeper into a miserable life; fearing the fires of damnation all the while. And, giving your donation money to the charlatans of Christ.

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