Really annoyed people disrespecting my gender pronouns?

My pronouns are ze/zir yet people continue to use he/him. It's already really upsetting that I'm unable to tell strangers but I know it's not their fault but some of my friends and family keep using he/him when referring to me and my professor did too at my uni. He asked all of us to write down our pronouns at the start and I did. I'm not the only ze/zir either another student uses those pronouns but instead of respect us he simply refers to us as they/them and it but that's not our pronouns and it's making me really anxious. I reminded him twice and he says okay but continues to disrespect me by calling me they. Please please help I need advice what do I do because my friends most are okay with it but some keep saying they're forgetting but I don't agree I know one of them is against neo pronouns so I don't know what to say to them in this situation.

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Comments ( 57 )
  • bigbudchonger

    Just stop with the retarded pronouns. Pick something like he/him or she/her. Simple as.

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  • Tinybird

    #first world problems

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  • GaelicPotato

    Ze/zir is not a thing. Get a grip.

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    • hauntedbysandwiches

      Unfortunately it is it's like they/them

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  • KholatKhult

    Kim, there’s people that are dying

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    • Okay and what? I'm allowed to voice my struggles too.

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      • MonteMetcalfe

        Try ordering a bagel in Kabul.

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        • hauntedbysandwiches

          Lol well said

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          • Correction

            Ikr? I’m gonna have to remember that line the next time somebody’s complaining about “oppression” when they’re asked to wear a mask.

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      • LloydAsher

        Yeah but be prepped to be on the front page for the next few days because of the volume of people who disagree with that "struggle"

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        • Why because they discriminate? They're probably racists too so not really my problem is it if they want to discriminate

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          • LloydAsher

            Discriminate? Sure! I discriminate against ideas that are both impractical and highly narcissistic. Like this one.

            Racism? Eh some... but I have a decent guess that you are white.

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            • If any idea is narcissistic it's that people are all assumed she/her and he/hims. It's not that simple

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    • Tinybird

      how do you know his name is Kim?

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I actually strongly dislike these people who think theyre so important with their little labels. As if Im supposed to learn about what all the genders are. Your pronoun means less to me than my wife babling about her dream last night

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  • Clunk42

    Yeah, I don't know why they're doing that, when they should be avoiding you like the plague.

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  • raisinbran

    The world revolves around you, so you have every right to demand everyone use your preferred pronouns. Your professor committed a hate crime and needs to go to jail.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Genuine question, why don’t you like they/them?

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    • GaelicPotato

      They have to be extra special, I'm betting.

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  • Sanara

    I never really understood why people put so much weight on pronouns, and for that sake why they need pronouns that falls outside of common language (that's even less understandable). If a friend of me wanted to use a certain pronoun I probably would try because I just dont see the need to make unnecessary conflict. I feel the whole gender obsession is completely out of proportion (on both sides more or less), compared to how important it actually is and how many bigger issues there are in the world (its probably not even in the top 20)

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    • Skype101

      Agree with you Miss or Mr

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  • thepuppet

    you have to remember that neo-pronouns are still a new phenomenon, i know that i don't use them so i can't speak for your experiences but i'd recommend not letting it affect your mental

    kindly reminding people and not letting it bother you when people forget about your pronouns is all you can really do

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    aint nobody got time or patience for that horseshit

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    • RoseIsabella

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  • Mini69

    It’s he/him or she/her and you don’t get to choose. Nature decides for you which of the 2 genders you are. You are allowed not to like your assigned gender but it is what it is and hacking bits off your body doesn’t change your gender it just makes you a fucking freak.

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    This "Political correctness" has to stop. If you were born with a vagina, it is "She/her". If you were born with a penis, it is "He/him". Thousands of years studying anatomy doesn't just disappear to save your feelings. If that's the case, I'm 1,204,284,054,194,763,104 years old.

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    • LloydAsher

      Its mental delusion to belive you are something you are very strictly are not such as biology.

      Its just plain stupidity to expect a majority society just up and change for a non-ruling rare group of people with an already high suicide rate.

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    • Biology and gender are two different things

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      • ZREBELX

        You're gender prounoun's don't make you anything other than a male, if you were born with a penis, or female, if you were born with a vagina. So again, it s "He/him", or "She/her". Just because you chop it off, or sew it closed and hack off some of your skin to roll it up, and sew above your sewn shut vagina, and hack off your breasts, won't change that. I propose a solution to you, to stop all these people making up genders, and then getting butthurt/having a mental breakdown because other people won't kiss your ass. Let's just call everyone male, or female. Fuck your gender.

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        • Correction

          The irony of claiming somebody else is “getting butthurt/having a mental breakdown” in the middle of getting butthurt and having a mental breakdown aside, I have a better idea. Let’s get rid of genders completely and call everyone bigot or non-bigot. BigotBill has a nice ring to it.

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          • ZREBELX

            That is one hundred percent fine with me. Still won't change the fact there is either male, or female/he, or she. Facts don't change to save feelings.

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  • Somenormie

    You're so petty aren't you?

    Just use actual pronouns and maybe people will respect you.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Dumpster 🔥 of epic proportions.

    Tommy approves.

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  • Skype101

    I mean what that means , it's not easy to know for everyone, maybe people just assume .

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  • LloydAsher

    If I was your friend I probably would bestow the pronoun asshat. Why? Because that asshat is the only one of my friends that I have to use a unique language rules for.

    Just be ok with people getting it wrong, better than being called an it or a them. You are identified as a person at least. Not an object or thing. Trying to change 99.8% of the populations vocabulary wont work.

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  • ThatGayBitch

    Everyone in here was so mean with their responses. I'm sorry u are disrespected like this by everyone around you.
    About your teacher, i don't know what i would do, maybe if u keep correcting them and they keep getting your pronouns wrong talk to the principal??? Or something? I don't know.
    And with your friends, if they keep disrespecting you like that, make an ultimatum. They either respect you, or you cut them off. As simple as that.
    I know it can be really hard to do that, specially if u love them a lot, but if it's taking a big tool on your mental health then it might be better to let them go. If they appreciate u enough, they will change their minds and respect you.
    Good luck!

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    • foxgirl83

      Yeah definitely agree with you on everything here. People who disrespect other's pronouns are really crappy. And so are most of the people in this flipping comment section, as you said

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  • theDuckCat

    i am going to be honest (although considering this is the internet it doesn't matter if you believe me or not)

    I am transgender (FtM so please refer to me as he/him) and I generally respect peoples' wishes when it comes to pronouns (like if you are a trans female I will call you she/her, or if you're nonbinary and prefer to not go by hes or hers, i'll call you they/them), but this zhe/zir shit or whatever is really annoying, even to the people who support stuff like this. If you're having a hard time accepting that not others will be okay with what pronouns you want to go by, either consider talking to other people or look at yourself and consider that you may be better off or more comfortable going by something else. You're always free to remind people what you prefer, but it seems like it's becoming a very stressful thing for you. Not everyone will be immediately respectful, and many others might not even care enough to respect it. No one is entitled to.

    They/them is not specifically a gender, it's a term that people use when referring to any individual, regardless of gender. Like how "guys" or "dude" could also be seen as a general term rather than it specifically being for men only. if you're offended by that then you might need to just reconsider stuff idk

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  • Skype101

    Sterilisation of our species.No more Karens or overly sensitive teens

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  • thisisnotveryrecognizable

    I think it's better to not be that upset about wrong pronouns and stuff, unless someone calls you it or something, haha. I say that because it's only human error, many people accidentally mistake my pronouns but it's pretty much fine, I don't care about what they call me.
    Dont get angry at stubborn people who don't want to call you what you want to be called too, ze/zir isn't that popular so it's okay on their part as long as they aren't mean.
    My opinion is that I don't think you need more pronouns than he, she and they for a person since they is gender neutral too, but it's fine to use others if you aren't an ass about it and don't use it just for attention or to be offended by it, but I'm not sure what other reason you would have to use them aside from those.

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    The whole choosing pronouns thing is strange, it seems that some, if not most, pick an obscure pronoun because they want or need something to be offended about, suck or lick whatever you want, hide your dick, bind your tits, wear a strap on, the majority of us dont care what you do and we certainly don't care what you call yourself whether it be zee, zoo, he, she, they them, horse or penguin.

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  • dinz

    Are these actual pronouns or did you make them up yourself?

    Must be a sign I'm getting old.

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  • hehebtsgay

    idk how to use this stuff so I just call by name /gen

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  • Skype101

    I mean I'm sorry but I can't let go your comment , I think my inability to find a partner at 29yo is that I'm falling behind new trends and I'm conservative type, everything in nowadays seems to me like waste of space and oxygen to pronounce somebodies spaceless information. Sorry I'm just pissed off today...

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    • Tinybird

      yeah. Like I said - first world problems

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