Question for women, do most women not like men?

I'm asking on behalf of this user Hookerfall. Do most women either hate men or at least are completely uninterested in a romantic relationship with them?

A relationship just wouldnt fit my life/too much trouble, but no hate 2
Im asexual, but still want a romantic relationsip with one that I like 1
I hate men as a whole 0
Im both aromantic and asexual 3
Im aromantic but still want sex with one that Im attracted to 0
Im in a happy relationship with a man 9
Im in relationship with a man, but its not happy 0
I dont wanna date men because Im lesbian, but dont hate men 1
Im single and only care for dating if and when I fall in love 7
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Comments ( 29 )
  • SwickDinging

    I know loads of great men. My husband is one. I also have male friends who are pretty great. I also know some terrible men.

    Being a dickhead is unrelated to gender/sex.

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  • That is definietely not the case. That user is projecting heavily and has some problems, obviously.

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    • Hookerfall

      Dude its facts!
      Women who have low self esteem or have ulterior motives look to date dick thinker men all for validation and cause men are dick thinkers so its EASY AF to date a guy hence why lots women do it

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      • Millie_the_evil_saint

        Yes. I am frequently disgusted by how dick-thinker-men treat my female friends. Several have recently broken up with incredibly disrespectful men. These men hurt my friends. I do not understand what my female friends saw in these men (because the signs were obvious).

        Dick-thinker-men do not respect women. I cannot even have a normal conversation with them. They use curse words and vulgar language and generally consider women "beneath them".

        Thank God not all men are like this. I just do not understand why some of my female friends subject themselves to this mistreatment.

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        • Hookerfall

          Most men are and sorry about your friends experiences x

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD

        So your dad's a dick thinker?

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        • Hookerfall

          So your dad's a dick thinker?

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  • bbrown95

    A relationship just wouldn't fit my life/too much trouble, but no hate, along with asexual (and most likely aromantic, as I have no desire for a romantic relationship).

    I definitely do not hate or dislike men, as there are a lot of men I get along with great and enjoy talking to, but I'm just not interested in sex or romance with anyone.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Almost all men and woman hate Jerks.

    It's not about their anatomy. Its all about your actions and attitude towards them.

    You can fix that if you want to... I believe that you will do much better in life if you do that.

    I wish you well and a much happier future.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Id say 95%+ women like men in western countries. I briefly looked at some studies and it says 97%+ in Australia idk about USA study too long.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Women hating women is FAR more common 🤣

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    • Hookerfall

      Only with the bitches

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint


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    • bbrown95

      Sadly true. There's even a lot of cases in which there's not even a good reason for it!

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      • Millie_the_evil_saint

        Misunderstandings occur. The other girl thinks I'm after her man just because I'm friendly to everyone. I am currently in a relationship and NOT a cheater. Yet the girl does not know, and simply assumes shit about me instead of talking to me directly.

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        • bbrown95

          I've had that happen too, some people are extremely jealous and assume that friendliness = flirtation, even if you treat that person the same as you do everyone else. I'm not sure there's much you can do to change their minds, unfortunately, and it's more of an issue with them having a lack of trust for their partner.

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    I am currently dating a very sexy man. And very much in love with him. He makes me happy. No other man, just he. This is someone I hope to settle down with and have kids with. He is also smart and pleasant, and we have similar personalities and life goals. I respect him for who he is. He helped me realize a lot of things about myself, other people, and life in general.

    I have loved other men before, but the connection was never this deep and meaningful. Before him, I was more focused on the male body, and less on the man's soul and inner being. While I am still attracted to male bodies, the feelings I have for this man go deeper than that. He makes me feel safe and loved.

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  • Holzman_67

    You have more options than a Swedish bank account

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    I'm in a wonderful relationship with a man, but men in general make me paranoid.

    I grew up with three brothers, one of them molested me repeatedly from age 6 to 7 then again when I was 16, then I had another brother who started beating and strangling me at 12 to 17 years old for me, he was 19-24. My Mom went through a lot to protect both of them and blamed me for my abuse. That only changed when I exposed my rapist to the rest of my family and told them what family members knew about it. My sister knew but wanted my niece to meet her "uncle", meanwhile my niece was 6 at the time, the age I was when he started molesting me. I refuse to let my niece be at risk.

    It may be irrational, and I know women do this as well, but I see every man as a potential predator. From six years old, I've been taught my body is for men to use, either sexually or as a punching bag.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I wouldn't be surprised if you had C-PTSD.

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      • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

        I do, I'm diagnosed. I also have adult onset epilepsy from the head trauma.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Damn, I'm sorry to hear that.

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  • You're right about this user, she sounds obviously crazy and obviously have some mental health issues.

    But is the world seriously divided into "most men have no romantic feelings or desires, but want sex, while most women have no sexual feelings and desires but want romance and relationships"? I thought it was normal for both genders to feel and desire both, maybe not all the time but at least on some point in their lives

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    • Hookerfall

      Ofc you have mental health issues darling ! You think you're God's gift come to save women by demanding them that they allow an incel inbreeding like you to stick their fugly dick in.
      And you made this post because you know ots true and are freaked out that I am RIGHT or else u wouldn't made a post u moron hahahah
      This place is full of loenly desperate degenerate dick thinkers.
      You will NEVER get an accurate analysis 😘

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Im single but no hate

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  • RoseIsabella


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  • Hookerfall

    Ofc they will cause you're all animalistic 🐖 🐷
    Also, I just joined IIN moron, check out my account history hahaha.
    This proves there are more people like me out there that are smart educated people unlike you degenerate incels

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  • Hookerfall

    Lmao the only troll are u cunty dick thinkers who live in yo mumms basement fapping away to your delusional fantasies

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  • Somenormie

    Not a female but it depends on the woman.

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