Puppies to death

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there are 4 puppies on one side of my house howling because of cold temprature & rain i feel so sad about them, they look so cute , and i love to have a pet with me , but my mom hate or scared of having a pet i asked neibours that do they need pet? ,Them?
Nobody need them, I'm confused do i need to take them/atleast one of them?
I'm scared that they may die because of cold and rain
But my mom never let me have a dog
Do i need to leave them to death?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    Build them shelter. Id buy a dog house

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  • megadriver

    Call an animal shelter, or something... Make a post in a fecebook animal support group, ask if anyone nearby wants to take the puppies, since you are unable to take care of them.

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    • Somenormie


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    Someone needs to report this asap.

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  • bigbudchonger

    Are you saying the neighbours are happy to give them away or aren't happy to do so?

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  • Vvaas

    couldn't you call an animal rescue/shelter to help them? if you can't you could try moving them to a more sheltered area and providing then something like a box or plastic container to hide in.

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  • Pilum

    Make some small shelter they can stay in and give them food if you want. It's not hard to make one

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  • raisinbran

    Are they being rained on? Give them a box, tarp, something for shelter.

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