Pretending to go to work?

I occasionally book a days holiday from work and dont tell anyone. I leave the house, normal time, dressed normally then go and spend the day by myself.
Is it just me?

Sneaky 2
Weird 2
Understandable 10
Lots of people do this 6
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Tealights

    Understandable; especially if you're introverted and have children.

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  • barrysbigbeanbag

    I also do this,i spend my time with hookers and do one's the wiser!

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  • lordofopinions

    Sometimes you just need a mental health day once in a while.

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  • RoseIsabella

    As long as you schedule a day off from work instead of just calling in sick I would say it's okay.

    I think it's kind of a good idea to schedule a day off then leave, and go have a spa day! I've kinda always wanted to take a personal day off and make it a spa day of course!

    I don't think it's okay to take a day off for a personal day on the sly if one is hoping to use it for something immoral and inheritly wrong like seeing a prostitute or participating in an illicit affair!

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  • dirtybirdy

    I knew a dude who got fired and didn't tell his wife. Eventually she found out, but he would leave the house every day as if he were going to work. He drive around drinking, take naps in parking lots and stuff like that. Not awesome. And another dude from the same company didn't tell his wife about his month furlough and acted as though he went to work every day. Not awesome.

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