Pop a wheelie off homeless people

Is it normal to ride your bike at Venice Beach because the homeless make great jumps and obstacles for bicycle tricks?

Voting Results
21% Normal
Based on 39 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • dimwitted

    One day it will be you and the entire planet will laugh with glee.

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  • Crap. I was wondering why there were so many speed humps at Venice Beach the other day.

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  • Boojum

    Dude, you live in America, so at any given point in your life you'll never be more than a few poor decisions and a brief run of bad luck away from being one of those homeless people.

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    • That's a myth.

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      • Boojum

        No, it's the truth, but I don't blame you for not seeing it.

        The majority of Americans truly believe - and desperately need to believe - the myth of America being a glorious country where, if you fail, it's all down to personal weakness or sinfulness. That's not surprising, since those in power feed you this line of BS from the time you're small.

        The powerful lie to you because it keeps the lower strata of society hopeful and compliant. They need you to work hard for little reward and keep on hoping that someday all your efforts will be recognised and you'll get your reward. It's sort of like how ancient monarchs and aristocrats were very strong on making people believe in Christianity; life in the present was totally crap, but it was useful for the ordinary people to believe that they'd get a reward in heaven if they complied with what their rulers told them to do,

        Also, wealthy, powerful people need to believe that they've done well because of their hard work, not because the luck of the draw resulted in them being born in to a particular family, in a particular place at a particular time, and the roll of the dice throughout their lives has allowed them to take advantage of their circumstances.

        The God delusion of Americans comes into this as well. Ever since the Puritans (a bunch of joyless, totally obnoxious, self-righteous religious fanatics), there's been a persistent belief in American culture that those who do well are righteous and blessed by God. Conversely, those who fail must be sinful and unworthy of any respect.

        Congrats on being a good little sheep.

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        • Jimbo24

          How is it the truth? Give me a plausible scenario where someone who, say, makes $30K a year can suddenly find himself homeless in the US? Knowing we have some thirty welfare safety-net programs for low-earners just at the federal level, most relevant in this case: unemployment benefits, job retraining programs, Section 8, Medicaid, food stamps, and disability payments.

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        • Jimbo24

          And I've never heard anyone in power tell their constituents they should blame themselves, as that's political suicide. The Left says they should blame the rich, racism, and the Patriarchy, and the Right just tells people they need to believe in themselves and they can do it.

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        • Jimbo24

          By the way, the vast majority of America's millionaires are first generation, not silver-spooned blue-blooded brats. I know you'll conclude that they still only got there because they just got lucky along the way rather than working and trying their shot over and over again to bring their product to life, grinding year in year out to climb the corporate echelons, build their networks, or training tirelessly to make it as an athlete. And that's the reason I'll always looked down people like you. Bunch of thieves just looking for an excuse to take other people's stuff.



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          • McBean


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        • McBean

          Your best bet here, Booj, is to move down to Venezuela. It is a country of people who think exactly what you think. I hear that the rich and powerful are giving this socialist paradise bad press in the media. If so, it would only confirm all your theories. Take a quick one week vacation down to Caracas. Your dole check should cover the expenses.

          PS. As a self-made millionaire from a lower middle class background, I would have no interest in going.

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          • Boojum

            Excellent deployment of a strawman there, McB, and bonus points for the ad hominem glitter highlights.

            Put a gold star on your MAGA cap.

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            • McBean

              Well thanks, Booj. Artful deployment usually distinguishes astute thinkers from the masses, and I enjoy your astute sense of deployment as well.

              I just might add that it's a global world these days for almost everybody. No need to hang around Mother England and listen to all that Brexit bickering. Grass huts, and cheap Chinese-made tents are available to enjoy the pristine jungles of Central America and elsewhere. (My camp gear passes as light weight checked baggage on any airline). Just have your bank forward funds to your Visa credit card once each month.

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        • Jimbo24

          - The 2020 Democratic Platform

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      • Nikclaire

        Not a myth. The majority live paycheck to paycheck. One major f up and you're a speed bump yourself.

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    • McBean

      Indeed, homelessness is extremely difficult but need not be a death sentence. Being homeless is an art, as is getting off the street.


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      • Nikclaire

        Getting off the streets is a matter of swallowing pride, accepting help, being willing to go without and busting your butt at every step.

        As a former homeless person I can attest to the fact that many homeless in my area remain homeless because they think they deserve lifes little pleasantries, like a meal at McDonalds or a Starbucks coffee in the morning to warm up, instead of serving food at the Church in exchange for a meal and a warm cocoa.

        I got out and anyone else can too. I didn't take any handouts from the government, not even foodstamps (tho as a child I did utilize that service).

        Willingness and hard work still go a long way.

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        • McBean

          I like you Nikki. Social mobility favors the brave.

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          • Nikclaire

            Thanks Bean. You are most likely in the minority.

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  • PoppyseedHamburgerBun

    Obvious troll lmao

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  • leggs91200

    Thinking of Venice Beach, I would assume most people have the image in this photo. Not homeless people.

    one thing that makes it harder for those truly homeless are the dozens of panhandlers out there who don't really need it. The other day I went to work and some guy as asking for bus money cause he just started a job at a local college, or so he said. He asked someone for money and gave his "just started a new job" story, the stranger gave the panhandler money, and then the panhandler gets in his car and drives away.
    NOW, what did he need bus money for if he owns a car? Granted it wasn't a BMW but it ran.

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