
Do you see the "perfection" in normalcy? I wouldn't say it's perfect, luxury's a perfection. All my life people treated me as if I was stupid. They even sent me to a mental institution just for being different and perfect. The flaws in a perfectionist are your flaws, not a perfectionist's flaws. As it turns out people are irrational, they give the appeal to hypocrisy, and I was never stupid, but the doctor never actually thought I was stupid, he thought I was idiosyncratic. This can be the problem of the majority because in a society where everyone acts the same we don't want oddballs running around, do we?! Normal is only perfect in its standards of mimicking people, it's an absolute copy.
People don't want any additions to change them, they wanna stay the same. In being different, how is it going to work? Differentness isn't itself a perfection, perfection is gourmandism, luxury and classical music, not normal or different or individual or unique, freaky, non-conformist, unconventional or eccentric, these differences aren't a perfection, to be perfect is to just be the best. Perfect means excellent, perfectionists have standards. I'm not a perfectionist, I do the best I can with mistakes, clothes pegs on my eyes, staying awake, coffee and stress. This is extremely imperfect, I'm happy with it, even if it doesn't work. I keep on working and I still haven't perfected anything, always flawed, average and mistakes, every normal person should do the same and should live with themselves, that's what you should do to sleep at night.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    Perfevtion is a fit white girl with nice ass and pink butthole

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    • Hansberger

      I get the joke, imperfect and not perfect spelling of perfection. I think perfection is a beautiful blond man with long hair attempting to act so normal he has no uniqueness whatsoever who's so calm that if he was any calmer he would be dead, wearing a vertical yellow ochre and navy blue striped long-sleeved shirt, extremely sane, with a clean body with not a single speck of dirt on his body or clothes, hair brushed neatly, with a smile and lots of hair, with his photo taken, and his skin is pale white (it's actually a clean light pink), that's me. That's an example of being excessively perfect.

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  • ospry

    i think it depends on the definition of perfection here. some people define perfection as "without flaw" while other people define it as "something being exactly what it should be, flaws and all". which definition applies here, if either?

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    • Hansberger

      Neither those definitions, perfect is: (adj.) 1. excellent, 2. Fulfilling all the desired qualities, 3. Corresponding to an ideal standard, 4. Faultless, and 5. utter, absolute. I say anti-perfectionism is about the best and dropping perfection, it's average. Although my normalness is fun to me it's not fun to anybody else, and dropping perfection isn't any fun, and perfectionism isn't any fun, not everything that's OK is fun, punishments are OK and they're not fun, it makes me have the time of my life, I'm saying this due to this addiction to fun. The point is I'm the flawed bastard who fights to make mistakes, trying to gain medical beliefs of mental behaviour.

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