On artificial fertilisations bad sides, abortion and orphans

I’ve just come across a thought. With artificial fertilization being allowed and abortion being forbidden in many countries, there will be more orphans. But still the first one is somehow seen as good, even thought in comparison it brings as much pain as the other one. When abortions is apparently bad for some, artificial fertilisation should be too
You See, there is already a Child that wants a Family and a home and with the other child the mother wants there is also possible pain, what if the child will be unhappy about being born later in life?
The same with the other one, many the mothers will just give them away after they’ve had them or the children will grow up hated and poor. We are basically putting a few small cells rights over those of existing children, which basically means we are growing the amount of pain for many possibly.
I don’t know if you’ll understand my logic I have weird thought chains, but yeah. I wanna grow that thought, so what do you guys think about that
Also I think a foetus looks exactly like what we think an alien looks like, seriously it’s so weird. Has anyone else noticed this?

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Comments ( 31 )
  • bigbudchonga

    In Western countries, the population is below replacement level. New babies are desperately needed.

    Your logic is sound, and orphaned children are a good issue to want to combat, but having a nation that's actually capable of fulfilling the most basic evolutionary function of reproduction is more important.

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    • We need to reduce population, even in those countries. The governments still can’t deal with each individual beings and there are problems over problems. Sure we have some economical issues but those need to be dealt with sooner or later. I’d rather have a planet than money

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      • bigbudchonga

        Reducing population below the replacement birth rate is just eventual extinction of the species. It wouldn't work out well for people, either. You'd just end up with an aging population where anyone without the wealth to support themselves wastes away in their own filth because they have no family to care for them, and not enough young working people to support them.

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        • If we’d have a working system we’d have none of those problems. We don’t even have enough places for children, flats and the population that doesn’t have a job is still pretty high in many countries. They can’t deal with shit, the schools are just messing up the kids and there are many people still left out and those who r supposed to care for them just don’t do it. Before we start putting more people into this world we need to sort stuff out
          I’d rather have no humans anymore than destroy the plant
          If the government and big companies would just stop putting that much money into their pockets we could even take care of the elders....
          I have to add, the generations before us kinda messed up after the war social wise

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          • bigbudchonga

            You'll never fix those problems. You're taking incredibly complex social and economic issues, which have never been and quite possibly never will be satisfactorily, morally solved. I live in the UK, we're a G7 country, and over half the treasuries' spending goes on issues like wellfare, the state pension, and Healthcare; even with that, there are still lots of problems. We have a big homeless issue. I lived in a hostel for a year and most people in there were seriously abusing drugs. Pumping money into crackheads doesn't solve the issue. Some people would rather shoot up heroin than work. I remember loads of the people in there just didn't want to work so they would claim disability.

            For the adoption issue, you'll probably never see it satisfactorily sorted. One of the most fundamental principles of evolution is to reproduce; very few people want to adopt instead of having their own biological. It's anathema to our very genes. Those who choose to adopt instead of reproducing don't pass on their genes, thus they fail, evolutionary.

            Also, making sure everyone, no matter how defective, is carried by the state, barring a eugenics program, won't work. The coddling of the weak has lead to dysgenics for between thirty and fifty years in the West. The IQ rate is constantly falling year on year. If you coddle the weak and stupid enough then your next generation is weak and stupid. Evolution is dark, but it works.

            I'm going to be blunt, and it's not going to be nice to hear, but this world is cruel and harsh. We can put our heads in the sand and pretend it can all be fixed in a way that everyone's happy, or we can face the reality of the world and realize that in any species some won't make it. Some never were. They rolled the evolutionary dice and they failed, to drag them along with us, without a successful eugenics program, is to damn the species as a whole.

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            • Smart people aren’t having as many kids, they often choose not to have any because it’s just too much in our stressed out world nowadays. If you compare the good to the bad, there is more bad.
              We should evolve morally, not evolutionary, which of course, humanity isn’t ready to do yet....
              But we have to try at least. Part of the problem is our capitalistic system, we just work a lot and aren’t as happy anymore. We start consuming and don’t have a lot of time for other things, which means more things on the marked, which then means more work to do. There are a lot of things wrong with the way we are raining our children, it’s just not gonna get well. The pressure on the children or even the lack of attention is doomed to make them unstable and then it just goes on. What I’m meaning to say is, you can raise a child very well and get the best out of it, you can also have your own and ruin it. We’d rather teach people to save what is already there then to make the next generations do it
              I live in a big German city, many homeless and refugees. Often homeless people for some reason choose to stay on the streets or have not had a job for too many years, therefore loosing the support of the social services. I also know a few addicts, that went to get help, but those that were supposed to help had either a lack of understanding, weren’t competent enough or held their heads up too high
              We are already so many people, we already have so many politicians, they’re just not doing anything to make it better because those that get em positions mostly don’t fit the job
              Yeah it’s just all very fucked up. But you can’t solve it with bringing more people into the world. It’s not guaranteed they will succeed in life and in the end you have more that failed because of our incompetence
              Also in this current situation high IQ people are more prone to depression
              A high EQ would be better

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  • LloydAsher

    If you are going that far for fertilization you need to have a backing before getting fertilized therefore those who are artifcially fertilized tend to have better living standards and parents then parents who just accidently had a child.

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    • Then why not just adopt one
      That’s the thing like
      You don’t need a biological connection to be connected

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      • LloydAsher

        I'm adopting only because I'm 100% sterile.

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  • DIO

    I get your point. I do think that abortion should be allowed.
    There's way too many orphans and people on this planet.

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  • xxLucifer

    The difference is that artificial insemination is for families who want to have a kid, but have trouble doing it normally. Sure there will be more orphans, but that's not really the point. A better solution would be to advocating preventative measures such as condoms and birth control or providing pregnant women the resources to be able to take care of the baby.

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    • Of course they are, but we should be morally evolved enough to adopt a child and love it, even without being blood related..

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      • xxLucifer

        Morals are subjective. People don't have to share your ethics.

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        • I know that they don’t have to, but it’s all just very counterproductive

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  • Clunk42


    This is pretty much my opinion on abortions.

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    • My technical device doesn’t really link the link as a link
      Can you tell me the name and channel of the vid?

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      • Clunk42

        Is there even a way to link stuff on here? I don't see one. Do what xxLucifer said and copy paste the link into your browser.

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      • xxLucifer

        copy paste

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    I'm rather confused. Your saying abortions should be legal if artificial fertilization is?

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    • Jup, basically that too
      To balance it out, a.f. means plus pain for children and abortion minus pain for children again
      Sorry, like I said weird thought chains and such

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        Oh I see! So I actually agree with this somewhat. I am a believer in safe legal rare abortions. In other words, aborting a child is evil, but sometimes the lesser of two evils because raising a kid you didn't want is sometimes even worse than aborting it.

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        • DIO

          There's no "evil". Only do or don't.

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          • Doesnormalmatter

            Yes there is evil, it includes things like rape, murder, sexual assault, cheating in relationships, poking holes in people's condoms ect

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            • DIO

              Evil do not exist. Try to understand what I'm saying before stupidly denying it.

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