Normal for a show for 6 and under had a transgender sing a long

I was at my sister's house and babysitting my 4 year old nephew. On tv there was a show for kids my sister had on and ten minutes after she left a sing a long comes on and in the sing a long it said something like "be who you are, if you're a boy inside, be a boy, if you're a girl inside, be a girl. Then some red muppet looking character says "if you're neither thats okay too!" Let your colors show! L-G-B-T-Q!"

I can't find the name of the show unfortunately but if one of you knows what this was please let me know. I turned off the tv immediately because I was disgusted that they're pushing their mental health issues on our children and trying to normalize not believing in science.

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Comments ( 40 )
  • Grunewald

    What I find most disturbing is making them sing 'LGBTQ'. I don't like encouraging kids to advocate for a particular group. It'd be like making kids sing a school hymn that said 'Thank you God for the Roman Catholic Church'.

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  • Tinybird

    they shouldn't be singing about sexuality at all in a kids' show.

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  • Vvaas

    honestly i don't see it as "pushing" anything on kids. if the show was actually telling kids to change and become a boy if they're a girl or vice versa then yeah that obviously would be wrong, but the show saying it's ok if you feel like that isn't pushing anything on anyone, you can't force someone to become transgender if they aren't; it's literally got to do with the brain.

    though putting it in shows for kids under 6 i do see it as kind of too young because they probably don't even fully understand what it means even if you explained it to them, so honestly it's kinda useless anyway. 10 - 13 would be a better age since they'd be more likely to understand the concept and usually around that age is when they start exploring their feelings and identity.

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    • Lusty-Argonian

      The fact that I'm trans first started showing when I was 5. Obviously these early signs can be taken for other things considering the nature of children but the fact that I am trans just connects it all together. Point being perfect time to see it. Had I more information i could of had a much happier childhood. One that didn't almost end in an early grave.

      Seeing something something like that at that age would of been very nice tbh. Figuring it out was hard and confusing. I had no help or support.

      Besides the whole point of these shows isn't to teach about the intimate details of life just to give them a basis of attitude if acceptance and knowledge. It's a subconscious form of education something that is done all over. At those tender years say you have hateful messages towards a certain group the child will likley learn its ok to hate said group. But if you throw in positivity towards a group they'll likleh never meet they are more liklry to have a positive feeling towards said group when encountered.

      It's all pretty standard and frankly I'm glad more acceptance is being put in them

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    • Adhd

      Kids are so impressionable that anything is pressing on them.

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  • Mini69

    It’s disgusting that TV shows are even allowed to show this stuff before the watershed. But to actually include it in a children’s TV show is outrageous. The makers of this show should not be allowed to continue in the business of providing TV entertainment.

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  • KholatKhult

    9 times out of 10 the people who are always clutching their pearls and asking WhAt AbOuT ThE ChIlDrEn?! don’t even have any kids. Kids do not care

    My sister is a lesbian. My nephew asked “Why doesn’t she have a husband?” I said “cause she wants a wife” to which he responded with “okay” and then did a cartwheel and asked why we don’t have a pet elephant. THE TRAUMA!!!

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    • olderdude-xx

      I hope you told your child that if he earns enough to feed the elephant and takes care of it (cleans up after it)... that you would consider getting him an elephant.

      Then suggest that perhaps he should start with a dog, accepting responsibility for feeding and caring for it.

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    • Chap

      RIGHT?! Kids for real dont care!

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  • Somenormie

    But those kids who are that age are not ready to learn those things yet, shouldn't they learn what those are later in life?

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    • Lusty-Argonian

      Oh please. I found out what swingers were when I was 7. Children are exposed to more elements than people want to admit

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      • LloydAsher

        That says more about your upbringing than it does about everyone else's.

        I learned about sex through porn at 12 so I was pretty sheltered about adult themes.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Sounds like you are uncomfortable with the truth that some people are bisexual.

    Telling kids a fundamental truth is not going to harm them... It just tells them that they are OK however they are.

    God didn't make no junk.

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    • I'm bisexual, this isn't about that it's about transgender/non binary. The truth is biology is real.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        You're right in florida they took elementary kids on a field trip to a gaybar. Cali has mandatory gender studies before you can graduate. "Desmond is amazing" is a trans kid that is on video stripping in a gay bar when he was like 10. And they celebrate this lunacy. Only crazy libtards defend this.

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        • GaelicPotato

          That's insanity.

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          • 1WeirdGuy



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            • GaelicPotato


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      • olderdude-xx

        So is different versions of sexuality. They are real as well.

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        • Having no gender doesn't exist. You're male or female.

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          • olderdude-xx

            Or your a hermaphrodite (or have hermaphrodite features). That's in the biology textbooks too (and has been since at least the 1950's, and I would guess decades earlier).

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  • darefu

    Lusty, you maybe truely trans, but to look back and say my life was hell because of the way my parents treated me or refused to accept I was trans is ignorant.

    They were doing the normal thing, you were the abnormal the quicker both sides learn to accept the others point of view the quicker we could all get along.

    We are the ones that are different. They had a boy/girl by all common standards and their job as parents is to feed, nurture, and teach you to grow up and become an acceptable productive member of society. If you start doing things that are considered different or unacceptable in that society then they should take corrective action.

    If a child starts killing animals, screwing the dog, dressing in drag they should and normally will take action to try and bring that person back into the "norm". Some times it works sometimes it doesn't. But it can be hard on parents to accept when their child doesn't grow up to fit that mold. And yes I agree not everybody fits a particular mold and parents sometimes put their own biases in the process.

    We tend to hate more when we look backwards, looking forward is more positive.

    The things you think your parents and family may have done that you look back and hate is just like an ex after a divorce, you can look back and see all the signs they were cheating and plug them in your hate bank or you can move on and accept the fact that at one time it was pretty good and the person may have a bad side but they most likely had some good as well.

    Maybe we should get rid of the terms male and female because this woke society has twisted or can't understand them. For some reason you seem to equate the terms to sexual acts or feelings. Maybe "born with dick" or "born with vagina" would be more acceptable. They are facts! What you act or feel like is mostly taught, learned, or environmental factors, some does come from our DNA but the few that truely have mixed or if you accept the term wrong DNA are just that "few".

    You kind of touched on a sore subject. I've lost a child to politics. Because I won't change my view point. I do care and will continue to disagree with their views but truely I don't have to accept their views to love them. unfortunately that view point is not shared.

    I ask you which side are you? Do your parents today, not as you were growing up, but today expect you to change or do you expect them to change to your beliefs. Are either of you willing to accept their views are right for them!

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    It could be a little confusing for kids who basically just don't know what the song is talking about, since they have no idea about transgenders, but then kids are often confused by things on tv because they obviously don't know very much at all. And none of that other confusing stuff harms them, they just ask their parents what it means and that's how they learn. It's not a big deal to them, it's a big deal for adults and they project their fears onto the children.

    For transgender kids though who do get the song, it could really help them feel ok with themselves, rather than feel like there's something wrong with them.

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    • Kids aren't transgender, they're not even mentally aware yet of any of that.

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      • pizzabrowniesushi

        All I cared about was popsicles and playing Nintendo

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      • Lusty-Argonian

        Trust me we are. Aa someone who is trans and deals with trans related issues throughout my entire freaking life kids do experince it at those tended years just usually don't have the knowledge needed to understand it and get the help they very much need.

        You have no idea what it's like growing up where life is a hell. Everyday is a living hell. Not just puberty or certain days no I mean every single day of your life throughout your entire life. Adolescents and everything. A life where your own name hurts.

        Why anyone would want their child to go through that unnecessarily is beyond me. It's cruel and definitely child abuse.

        My parents are down a child because they refused to help me when I asked for it among other things. I haven't loved my parents for the Greater half of my life. They don't see me or hear from me nothing.

        How can you love someone that intentionally made your life as miserable as humanly possible.
        Don't support your children and you risk loosing them. Something no parents want.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          I believe you are a legitimate trans person. But I do think many of these cases these kids arent legitimately trans like you. "Non binary" proves this is also something taught. Because if kids werent taught that non binary was a thing they would never become non binary. Its just so crazy and no kid comes up with this on their own. But all these kids supposedly came up with this at the same time?

          It shows to me that this kind of stuff can be taught. And this is only the beginning. You'll see people identifying as animals next. Just wait and see.

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    • LloydAsher

      Well in all intensive purposes there IS something wrong with them.

      I'm fine with adults doing it to themselves but children are off limits with this kind of bullshit.

      Call me old fashioned (23) but this is not ok. I'm not being a bigot for keeping children from being reinforced by adults into a delusion that will hurt and effect their lives for the entire lives.

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  • jethro

    What kiddy show was that on? There isn't anything about it on Google. Which seems odd to me. Give us a link to this show you were watching.

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    • It was one with puppet characters. It's not made up. I'm actually dying to find it again.

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      • jethro

        Yea sure you are. Maybe it was actually in a drug induced dream that you saw this kiddy show.

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    • LloydAsher

      I would assume cartoon network. They had garnet from steven universe say in an ad"dont be racist" and from that day onward racism died... jk

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      • jethro

        Well you can find that one on Google but not the one from the OP. I think it was made up.

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  • Gameofthrones288

    I'm trans and non binary (they/them/it)so I approve think its good. If you think this is bad or brainwashing it's not. Brainwashing is teaching our kids they are male or female based on the doctor assigning them at birth. Truth is you aren't male or female at birth, you only know around 3+ what you are whether that's non binary or trans. Male/female is outdated.

    You do know soon it'll be illegal to assign a gender at birth right? That's child abuse to force them to be male or female. They choose later on. So this is helping them realize they aren't what they are assigned at birth, they can be the opposite gender, no gender or both. In the future I think most people will be trans and non binary in the future.

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    • GaelicPotato

      I'm fine with transgenderism but non binary will never be a thing.

      It's a mental illness.

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      • Gameofthrones288

        Google is free. Non binary is not a mental illness or wokeness according to all official health websites.

        Take a look at the NHS

        Here I'll simplify it for your brain. If you like both masculine and feminine things you're non binary so you're probably non binary and you didn't even know it so get over it.

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        • GaelicPotato

          You can like both masculine and feminine things without being female or male.

          I like cute shit but it doesn't mean I'm a woman and I know I'm a man.

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      • Chap

        What if youre intersex and don't know what you are mentally?

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Outlawed where? California? The vast majority of the USA arent in your degenerate cult of woke retards.

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      • Gameofthrones288

        Google is free. Non binary is not a mental illness or wokeness according to all official health websites.

        Take a look at the NHS

        Says not a mental illness! Also says if you have preference for masculine things you're probably not female and vice versa.

        I'm into both masculine and feminine things. I like to paint my nails, enjoy wearing feminine clothes and feminine colors like pink, also have a keen liking for handbags and at the same time I also enjoy barbequing for family, playing call of duty, wearing masculine clothes hence why I'm not one gender. Most people aren't in fact I bet you're non binary and you don't even realize it.

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